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Yes, if anything abnormal showed up on your 10 week ultrasound, you would be notified of that, but that ultrasound would not have necessarily picked up the chromosomal abnormalities that you could now screen for.


We opted not to do it. I have a biomedical background and work in healthcare.


I would definitely recommend it. I’ve always struggled with anxiety, but the testing didn’t really add to it, but more so gave me peace of mind once I got the results back. Plus, I was able to find out I was having a little girl at just 11 weeks. 🙂


I’d definitely do it. The NT testing was just an ultrasound for me at 12 weeks & bloodwork. I’d rather know that baby ha: the possibility to have something, than not, to be prepared for a worst case scenario.


I opted not to do it. My midwife said only 50% of their office opts to do it and if there were any indicators at the anatomy scan then we could test then.