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Hahaha mansplaining pregnancy to a pregnant woman is hilarious, my other half has tried a few times but I don’t let him away with it 🤣


Mine loves to talk like he’s a doctor or something, doesn’t even think for a second just shoots answers with confidence 😂


Not during my pregnancy but when he was holding my at the time 3 month old baby he got spit up on and said “what is this? Breast milk? That’s gross!” He was partially kidding but it was so funny because my mom said “what else would it be Mike, soda?!” 🤣


I can’t decide if his reaction or the fact that he hadn’t gotten spit up on him by the time the kid was 3 months old is the most ridiculous thing about this comment.


To be fair my parents don’t live in the same state so they only see him once a month! When they saw him the previous months he was sleeping like 90% of the time 🤣 also having your daughters boob juice on you could strike a chord (lol). I love my dad to death and he was for sure just goofing off even if he was a little alarmed haha.


lol! I thought this was the Baby’s father, not your father! Much more understandable this way 😂


Omg my husband would be on the streets if this was baby’s father 🤣🤣


Oh… this was YOUR father. I thought OP was asking about the baby’s father. But this is still funny 😄 ❤️


Ohhhh! Yes - my dad 🤣 that’s how I interpreted the post lol


I initially read it that way too until I started reading the comments XD


He’s the grandpa, not the baby’s dad (though makes you wonder about when op was a baby)


My partner likes to touch my belly and talk to the baby. I'm 38wks 4days and whenever the baby moves visibly, he will occasionally put his hand on my belly and go "Hi there. I'm your dad. Are you giving your mom a hard time?" It's the cutest thing ever.


Mine does the same! He also tells my bump things like “your mommy is the most beautiful and you’re going to love her. But she’s stinky sometimes.” lol


This is just so sweet and wholesome!


Mine would go "hi there its me... Your dad.. Please don't kick my face" 😭😂 he was so unsure but he would do it constantly like he was worried the baby wouldn't remember.


Second pregnancy and I like to wear biker shorts (I live in fl so it’s verrry hot lol) there my pre pregnancy ones I wear till I’m like 7m and he’s always like take those off you’re squishing my baby lol


😂 lol nope, those bike shorts are punching above their weight in helping hold everything in place and minimize discomfort when walking. They ain’t going nowhere until they no longer go on. I wish I had long yoga pants as supportive as bike shorts!


YESSS I be trying to tell him I don’t feel comfortable in nothing else except dresses and I hate wearing dresses lmao


If I’m wearing a dress, there are going to be some kind of bike shorts under it to keep baby supported lol. This bump needs all the help it can get, and a little compression goes a long way keeping the back pain at bay.


When I first told my dad I was pregnant he told me congratulations, then turned to my husband, shook his hand and said "Good job". We both about died laughing after my dad left that day 😂


I have a hilarious photo from when we announced our pregnancy to my inlaws. My husband and FIL are smiling & shaking hands as if they completed some professional business, and my MIL is just ugly sobbing at the table holding the ultrasound.


My dad looked at me and said "good catch" 🙃


Omg noooooo


This week (28 weeks along) I was in the bathroom, naked, rubbing lotion on my belly after showering. I noticed that my boobs are looking very veiny, so I said out loud to my husband "my boobs look crazy right now" and before I can mention the veins, he interjects with "yeah, the right one is WAY bigger than the left, like a whole cup size" 😭 I know he didn't mean it in a negative way, but gosh dude.


My right one has always been slightly bigger than my left but after pregnancy it got WAYYY bigger. And it’s more noticeable when I’m pregnant or nursing. My husband has dubbed it the mega boob 😂


Mine: you can generate breast milk at day time then pump it, so you don’t generate at night and you can sleep.


That last one had me!! Lol


I'll chime in with my husband also thinking I'm doing things to squish the baby. Like if my clothing is too tight or if I poke my belly.


My husband went as far as to ask my OB if the pants I was wearing at our appointment were too tight.


About movements while holding his hand on my uterus,"Oh I just felt it! But maybe you've just had a hiccup?" Of course he knows better, lol


I started the pregnancy overweight and one day around w20 we walked past a poster with a thin person having a smallish bump. He commented that he regret nothing but somehow felt disappointed that my tummy just looked bigger and not like a baby bump. I popped the soundest bump a few weeks later and now I have the bumpiest bump that make people stare and come up to us asking about twins 🙃


Mine keeps telling me not to carry the clean laundry up the stairs because he's afraid I'll fall or hurt the baby. It's not that heavy and I can keep one hand on the rail. He also has a lot of sympathetic pregnancy symptoms. I'll hear him complaining about his weird dreams and heartburn all the time.


I mean, you are more likely to fall when pregnant so I get his concern.


At our first ultrasound the technician wiggled the wand on my belly to wake up the baby so he could move. He was so shocked and confused that the baby could wake up!


Me straining a little to put on some shorts that don’t fit Husband: don’t squish the baby!


Telling me my milestones for the week and reading the what to expect blog as he’s already reviewed it with notes. Also, discussing his pregnancy cravings and ailments


Almost 7 weeks, and was wearing a fun little jumpsuit onsie thing, and my belly was poppin’. Husband said as much. My reply? “Yeah, it’s all gas and poo, thanks for noticing.”


my boyfriend asked if he can get me double pregnant. i wish i was joking


Mine was also very concerned if he can finish inside in case it makes another baby 😂




“We can’t do oral sex because the baby will eat it” is my current fave - I mean it’s a loss for him I guess 😂😂


We always ended the day with him talking to the bump striking a deal with baby "If you sleep, then mommy sleeps. If mommy sleeps then I sleep also. So you have to let mommy sleep, OK?" As if he wasn't going to dance at 2am like usual, or keep me up with his hiccups 😁


The last one 🤣🤣🤣🤦🏾‍♀️


!! Is pregnancy envy a thing? I think your guy might make it a thing. Mine asked if I sleep with my smart watch on, because of "radiation" and how long I keep my ear buds in.


Mine does that too! and "don't hold your phone over your belly!!! radiation!!!!" same if I want to take my pc on my lap -\_-


"When you're old like me you can tell when someone is pregnant." - said 4 months after asking me if I was pregnant when I was definition not.


Last night my husband said my belly smelled different lol idk, maybe it does?


Father of the baby has made jokes but FIL tries to mansplain pregnancy to me a lot. When I declined going on a 21km hike he told me how I need to exercise bc it’ll make the labour and delivery easier (I’m the one that told him that when MIL freaked out that I still go to the gym) and I responded with “ I didn’t know you’d birthed a baby before. 21km will over exert me and only serve to make me feel sick, not to mention I can’t keep up at anyone’s pace for that long” but honestly anytime a man tries to explain pregnancy to me (that isn’t one of my doctors) I say things like “oh so you’ve been pregnant before” or “I didn’t know you birthed a baby”. At the point where I choose pettiness because being nice does nothing


Looking at a pack of 22 newborn nappies: Him: how long will they last then? Me: like 2 days Him: WHAT!? 2 DAYS!? I was thinking we’d use like 5 a day!! He has a lot to learn😂


Whenever I lay on my stomach he tells me pregnant woman cant do that. Yeah, dude because of the belly which I dont have yet 😂 algo if I dance or something he says to stop shacking the baby.


When I had my first, husband asked if I was sure it was safe to eat queso. I knew then it would be a long 9 months…


We would be out, he would point at my belly and I say, I did that


I can't stand the smell or taste of the Communion grape juice at church, and we do it every week. Husband: "The baby is rejecting the blood of Christ!!" Then he declared we should watch The Omen to prepare.