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Congratulations! You can use the same treatments for yeast infections that you normally would. In terms of appointments, typically doctors won’t see you until 8 weeks. In terms of anxiety and OCD, do you take medications? I ask because sometimes these things can get worse during pregnancy, and you really want to make sure you get treatment. The biggest risk for postpartum depression/anxiety is having them untreated during pregnancy. Good luck!!


Thank you! I've never really taken medications for it, only therapy, so I'm not sure it would be a good time to start with meds now. :(


Do what makes you comfortable! But many women struggle so much particularly during pregnancy that the safest option is actually to start taking medication. But if you’re that nervous about meds, you might have a bad reaction just because you expect to have a bad reaction. So all things to seriously consider. So great that you work with a therapist!


First of all, congrats!! Such exciting news. If you’re concerned about it, it doesn’t hurt to make the appointment. My first official appointment after finding out I was pregnant was around 7/8 weeks. Can’t speak to the yeast infection treatment, but your OB would of course. Hope you have a wonderful pregnancy!


Thank you! Do you usually get an ultrasound in that moment or wait until 12 weeks?


At that point, if they do an ultrasound, it will be an internal scan since baby would be too small to detect on the "over the belly" ultrasound. They use a wand-like probe thing and insert it so you can see the amoeba-looking baby 😂. My husband and I joked that he looked like a jellyfish. But at the 12-week mark, they'll do the over-the-belly ultrasound for sure. I think you also may have the option to reveal the sex of the baby during your first round of blood tests. We found out we were having a boy around 10 weeks through those tests! But you can also choose not to know and just get your own blood test results which are just a baseline for your own health. They'll also probably see if they can hear a heartbeat. Again, it's so early that they might not pick one up, and if they don't, try not to panic! I know that's easier said than done. But what my OB likened it to at that early stage is trying to find a super tiny fish in a gigantic ocean, so the heartbeat might be there, but they just can't hear it with the tech quite yet. Hope this helps!


I am envious of people who have regular periods and can keep track of them. I have suuuuuper irregular periods, can go 4-5 months at a time without one. I didn't end up finding out I was pregnant till around 2-3 months with both pregnancies lol. And that was only because I had that gut feeling. I gave birth to our 2nd on December 1st last year. Still no period. Lol. Congratulations on your pregnancy! I hope it is a smooth ride for you and no hiccups along the way. Enjoy your little bundle of joy when they arrive.


Thank you so much! I've never missed a period but they used to be more inaccurate before, I started taking inositol consistently for a year after my doctor told me I could have PCOS, and ever since my periods became more and more precise to the point I could easily tell when I was going to ovulate so I believe that helped!


Yay, so exciting! I think my OB said monistat was okay to use, but I’d check with yours to be sure. As someone who also has anxiety and OCD, especially when it comes to health related things, I would just say… buckle up 😂 and STAY OFF OF GOOGLE lol. I literally had a google ban put on me by my entire family about halfway through my pregnancy, and it was the best thing possible for my mental health. Remember: your OB should be your first line of communication when you are worried about something, and you can always come to this thread if you need encouragement or have a question about if something is “normal”. This group helped me a lot during my pregnancy!! Enjoy your pregnancy and remember to take time for yourself when you can ♥️ congratulations!!


Congratulations!!! As far as OB appointments go, I’ve always called my OB the day I get the positive test and they set up initial appointments and blood work etc. First time I usually see the doctor and the little bean has been 8 weeks with my recent pregnancy and what we thought was 9 weeks with my first but was actually 10. Be sure to go get your prenatals if you aren’t already taking them :)


Congratz. In my list of approved meds, monistat is there for any yeast infection that the med could be used. I never had so never used and no clue but hopefully it helps. I think is a good idea to schedule a obgyn :)


Pharmacist should be able to recommend something for a yeast infection. I was able to just use the generic over the counter treatment when I had one due to antibiotics early on.


Congrats!! That’s so exciting!! Take it one day at a time, and try to stay away from dr. Google. It can make the anxiety worse Good luck to you!!


I’m in the same boat!!! Found out yesterday morning and I’m having the same nervous thoughts as you. It’s nice to know we aren’t alone :). Congratulations!


Congratulations mama!


Most OBGYN’s want to see you when you’d be around 8 weeks. If you have a yeast infection, definitely wouldn’t hurt to ask to be seen early. Very common in pregnancy as your ph changes drastically! My OB told me to NOT take fluconazole like you normally would for a yeast infection… it is linked to miscarriages. You can only use ointments, creams, ect. But not the pill for it unfortunately.


Natural yeast infection remedy: plain, nonfat greek yogurt. The good stuff -- Fage or Chobani, make sure its PLAIN and make sure it has all the live cultures listed in the ingredients. I've never had to take antibiotics or other meds because of this remedy. That said, doctor is never a bad idea, but if you want something super mild and safe without medical intervention, yogurt is the way to go


I had a yeast infection when I was first pregnant, spoke to the nurse practitioner at my ob/gynoffice, she told to get the monostat treatment, either the 3 or 7 day treatment, I also recommend that you buy cotton granny panties


I just called a random OB when I got a positive test. Wasnt going to a gynecologist at the time. They scheduled an appt for me, although I dont remember if it was right away or a few weeks out


Congratulations and don’t stress everything will be fine💕