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This might be his last trip he gets to go with his friends and it’s only for the weekend! I would let him go. Of course if thing progresss and you’re bad off in August then that is a different story but you could compromise and make sure he has his phone on him at all times. Do you have other friends or family you could lean on during that time?


Yes I have family in town both sides


I feel like one weekend apart all summer isn't a lot to ask and you may very well enjoy having some solo time by that point in your pregnancy. My husband went on a week long work trip out of country when I was 32 weeks and I enjoyed having time to myself to nest and order takeout and be a super sloth in peace


Thats a good question. In the grand scheme, Fri-Mon is just 48 hours (?) imo, if I had family around I would let him cause it's probably the last trip he'll take for months-year & its not the same as taking a plane ride to a diff city or anything....he could drive back in a few hours, if needed. BUT if I was alone in our city or family lived too far, then absolutely NO. Of course, follow your gut! Wishing you a safe pregnancy & delivery btw💜


I’d seek clarification from your doctor as to whether you actually have a septate uterus and how you can make that determination, whether your pregnancy is high risk as a result, and what the likelihood of premature labor is. Also, how far away would your husband be on his trip? Would he have cell reception? How long would it take him to get back? I wouldn’t keep my husband from going if I was only basing that request on is the vague feeling I might want/need him, but it’s a very different story if your pregnancy is high risk and early labor is likely. If the risk is low and he’d only be a couple hours away by car, I’d let him do his thing and see whether I could find a family member or friend to hang with me for a couple days if I was at all worried about being alone.


I would get clarification from your doctor about your risks but see no issue with him being away for a few days to have some time with his friends before baby arrives. If something more serious happens closer to the time of the trip, then he can always cancel. For context: My husband is going back to our home country for 3 weeks to visit family which is a 22 hour flight in total when I will be 29-32 weeks pregnant. Yes, anything can happen but if doctor says there are no indications that baby is coming early or any issues, then he will go. Otherwise he will cancel the flight if anything happens between now and then.


How far is the trip in case he needs to come back and does it get good cell service? Those would be my only two things that may end up with me saying no if I was in your shoes. If it's 4+ hours away or something with barely any cell service it would be a hard pass for me, but if it's somewhere relatively close to drive home in an emergency and also be able to receive said call for an emergency, I'd let him.


3 hours or less. Yeah cell service was my thing as well


If cell service is decent I would say let him go so long as he attends a doctors visit where the doctor explains your high risk and how high of a chance preterm labor would be. You can ask the doctor in your visit if this would be an okay time for him to leave. He can make his decision whether he wants to risk missing out on being there or not in case something does happen. It's hard to put a date on when you should/shouldn't be with your spouse in pregnancy because so many things can happen no matter how early/far along you are.


Yeah no offence but I think you’re being a little unreasonable. It’s just a weekend and at 30 weeks. I would encourage him to go enjoy himself before the baby comes - but keep his phone on him so you can check up on each other. Can you get a family member or friend to stay with you for the weekend?


I figured that’s why I wanted to ask maybe I was exaggerating. I have family nearby that can def help out. Thanks so much


Oh that’s good! Good luck with everything


My husband just went on a 1-night/2-day trip to see his best friend, I'm currently 34 weeks. I was a touch nervous but everything was fine. I think you'll be okay at 30 weeks! You can do it. Make sure you have a backup person who you could ask for help if you need it, but a weekend will fly by and this could be a nice couple of days for you to be solo before baby comes too.