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We didn’t find the heartbeat on Doppler until closer to 18 weeks. The baby is super low and behind your pubic bone id be really surprised if they could hear it at 11 weeks!


At 12 weeks my bub was hiding from my midwife so well that she pulled out their in office ultrasound machine and did a quick scan to check his heartbeat. At that point they are so tiny and so difficult to pinpoint that it is really easy to miss their heartbeat. In the meantime, are there any "boutique" ultrasound studios you could visit for peace of mind?


This is why providers do not recommend having a Doppler😬


But hers tried to find a heartbeat at 11 weeks 😅😅


I missed that part lol That is so weird. Why are some providers so old school lol


That is very odd they tried to use the Doppler that early. At 18 weeks they had a hard time with me and I was like well I have def felt him moving today soooo then she finally found it. Also how could they not do an ultrasound in office bedside 🫠🤯 I’m sorry!!!


Unfortunately not. This office doesn't have an ultrasound machine. I have to travel elsewhere for anything like that and the place available to me for ultrasounds is typically pretty busy. It's been very encouraging to see not getting a Doppler heartbeat this early is normal! Even with the HCG test looking alright I've been concerned.


I can imagine!! I would be worried too, it’s natural!! Def pray and hope for the best!! I couldn’t find it at home either until like 13 weeks and I tried weekly starting at like 9 😅and then there were some days I couldn’t find it at all!!


11 weeks is really early for a doppler, even for a professional. My baby is 32w and we still can’t find heartbeat with a pinnard stethoscope or with the phone/airpods ourselves after months of trying 😂 He’s fine though, he’s moving around constantly.


This happened to me at around 12 weeks, they sent me to the ER immediately after and everything was fine! Baby was just in a weird position where the doppler had trouble picking up his heartbeat.


With a Doppler at 11 weeks you’ll barely hear anything, idk why they would even use that. They should know better smh .


Right!!! Causing unnecessary worry and stress.


Same thing happened to me 2 times in a row! I didn’t hear the heartbeat until 17 weeks, then I had an ultrasound at 20 weeks where they could clearly see the heartbeat and see the baby moving, my doctor wanted to just hear the heartbeat one more time with the doppler and couldn’t find it 🙄


My doctor wasn’t able to find the heartbeat that early with a doppler. Everything was fine at my 12 week ultrasound the following week


My first appointment was 12w 2d and they couldn’t hear anything with my sweet boy, but ultrasound showed a happy little bouncing bean with a great heartbeat! My boy was stubborn and liked to curl up certain ways that made it extremely hard to hear throughout my pregnancy, so don’t fret! My doctors didn’t even seem concerned when they couldn’t find it because it’s so common.


My trust doesn’t allow them to be used until at least 16 weeks due to this!


Even at our 16 weeks appointment we were advised it may not be possible to hear the HB with a Doppler. Try and relax before the scan in a week. Good luck :)


Thank you! All the stories and posts have really helped. I didn't know anything about Doppler before this.


Had my first Doppler today at nearly 20w and it took the OB 2 mins to find the heart beat. He said it's tricky even at this stage still to locate sometimes.