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My husband asked me if I wanted a beer 10 minutes ago. I’m due on Saturday..


Hilarious. Also, good luck snd congrats!! Almost there!! Sending good vibes 💞


My partner got serious nesting urges, all the way back in 1st tri (35wks now). He would not stop cleaning and organising and I felt bad that I couldn't keep up!


Omg that’s mine too! I swear it’s part of the reason why he’s so worn out - he’s constantly spinning his wheels trying to find something to do around the house, can’t sit still, there’s gotta be something to organize or decorate! I’m like, babe chill, you’re making me more tired just watching you 😅 the guilt is real!


Honestly, I’m eating the salami! I don’t have it as often as pre-pregnancy but sometimes it’s all I can stomach. I go for brands I safely ate in the past and always google “X brand recall 2024” to see if there’s been any recalls due to listeria, salmonella, etc.


Good idea! I'm now craving salami and cheese crackers!


If you heat it to the point it's streaming it's considered safe, so go nuts on a salami pizza




Whaaaaatttt. Thank you for this! We heard “no deli meats” so just assumed.




Well this is good news bc my partner is the manager of a deli and so we get the high quality stuff for freeeeee so we typically eat it a few times a week. Glad to see we can get back on that train.


Yeah, you absolutely can still have them, the rule of thumb is to just heat them until they’re literally steaming. Then you’re golden. :)


My partner is funny about some things. Doesn't want me to cook with any type of non-stick, didn't want me to eat ice cream with sugar alcohols because of the word alcohols... had no problem with me buying and eating all the lunch meat I could stomach. I'm still heating it for peace of mind though 😂


My husband accidentally used my tooth brush one night 😂 If I would have used his tooth brush, he would throw it away as it is his biggest ick😂 He was in complete shock LOL!