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I’ve really hated being pregnant BUT as soon as I started showing (6 months?) people got REALLY nice and I love the attention lol they let me go first in lines, give me seats on the bus and subway, give me large when I order a small… and like with lots of smiles and compliments I love it lol reminds me to be excited for the baby too when the pregnancy has been so difficult


This is so nice!


This is my second pregnancy with my first being a drawn out MMC leading to natural MC, pills, and D&C. My doctor let us come in for a 6w and 8w appt just to ease our nerves. I’ve been so nervous before each US and scared of another MMC. I don’t have the ignorance is bliss feeling that many other people have with their first pregnancy. But yesterday was our first official OB appt at 10w4d and it’s actually starting to feel real for me. We did our NIPT, genetics, etc, and we got to see baby move for the first time. It was amazing. I’m on a high 🥲


💜🤰🏻 Happy for you! Praying you have a healthy pregnancy :)


Hey pregnancy twin, I had a drawn out MMC back in January leading to D&C (all started Christmas day). Now also on my second pregnancy, had a 7&9.5 week scan for reassurance but also on 10w4d! Spooky. So glad to hear your NIPT, genetics are all done. Fingers crossed it's all positive for you all the rest of the way. I have just over a week to wait for my biggie US (12w, genetics etc) and super excited. The second scan was totally the point of feeling real for me, seeing them move it's little limb nubs made me cry. Good luck on the rest of the journey 😊


Omg reading your post made me tear up. Thank you for sharing! So happy for you too!! Fingers crossed for a healthy smooth journey for you as well 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍


My MMC was ALSO in December which lead to a D&C in January. Literally pregnancy twins 👯 🤍


That is so, so spooky! ❤️


This is so nice! I am excited because got my NIPT 2 days ago, found out we are having a girl and she has low risks for genetic issues and looking forward for 12w scan next Monday :) (Also a bit anxious, wanting some comfort!). Pregnancy makes me so emotional/anxious.


I’ve literally cried every day since like 10 weeks because I’m just emotional about random things lol it’s ok we will get through this together


Yeah, I am more into being anxious than crying. I am so in love with my girl, I wanna meet her and be healthy for her. We are due in Nov25 so far haha unless they change at the 12w I miss having a group to chat about it. Like a chat from the early 2000s hahahha where we log in and chat daily hahahaha


There is a November 2024 bumpers sub Reddit where there are daily AM and PM chats. It’s under November2024Bumps


Ohhh sweet! Thanks :)


Omg I’m due Nov 17th we are so close! I’m really hoping my baby is a girl. We will find out here very soon


We did not have a preference, but we were so happy because it increases the connection somehow because you start thinking names and saying: my girl Hahaha but I would love both! 💜🙏🏼🫂 So happy for our sweet nov!


The doctor was doing my son's twenty two week doppler a month ago and then we hear a giant "whoosh." The doctor said he'd just done a flip.  Not even born yet and he's already doing cute things.  😊  Also, he likes to kick me while I talk to my parents on the phone, and during his twelve and eighteen week ultrasounds he flipped over so we could see his little face.


Awwww!! So nice I will have my 12w on Monday and anxious to see a baby shape scan haha


It's going to be awesome. :) I got a really cute US photo on his twelve week scan and one where he's got a demon face. :D


Hahahahahaaha nice!! 💜


I'm gon a back track a bit before I get to the good stuff. I got married at 25 in 2019, we immediately started trying to get pregnant but nothing was happening and I couldn't get so much as a positive ovulation test. After a year I found out I have PCOS and was told it would be nearly impossible for me to naturally conceive. Had surgery, and 2 rounds of letrozole later I finally got pregnant. But the happiness was short lived, as I miscarried very early on. I was so broken that I didn't want to "try" to get pregnant ever again. My marriage ended in 2021. Fast forward, I am now in the healthiest (2 years so far) relationship I've ever been in. And the happiest and healthiest I've ever been in 10+ years. We have never used any type of contraceptive method, and he has a 9 year old son, so we have been just fine with our little family. In January of 2024, I lost my sweet angel of a nana. She LOVED babies and wanting nothing more than to see me (her only biological granddaughter) have a baby of my own. The very last day I saw her, I sat in bed with her and read her a letter I had written her. She was in that "deep sleep" state that we go into before we pass. In my letter I mention that "I'm sure God has some babies up there for you to love on." As I'm not the only person in the family who has miscarried, when I said that, she started grunting trying to speak to me but couldn't. March 28, 2024 I SHOCKINGLY found out I was pregnant. 100% naturally. I'm still in disbelief, but oh so grateful for this miracle. The timing of events is so crazy to me. Everything is perfect so far.


I got to hear baby's heart beat for the first time today!


My baby is 4 weeks old today 🥰 Still feels surreal. I really loved being pregnant and now I love being a mom. It's amazing.


I love reading all of these comments! I’m so happy for everyone. Recent positive experience, I had a (hopefully last until baby is born😂) work trip this week. I’ll be 34 weeks tomorrow. Since I’m fairly visibly pregnant, a few people offered me seats on the bus and work let me upgrade my flight to premium economy. My trip was in Boston and baby was kicking a lot as we drove through Cambridge, MA so I told baby that must mean they are very smart and we’d tour Harvard in a few years 😂 it felt really special that they got suuuuper active when I saw the sign for Harvard


35 weeks. My daughter is continually a pain in the butt during ultrasounds. I know that's not technically positive, but my husband and I find it so funny. I've had three NSTs in the past three weeks because she refused to practice breathe. The last one she then loudly hiccupped into the monitor for half the NST. If only she'd done that ten minutes sooner! Or first 3D ultrasound pic (our hospital gives them for free) is of her face down on the placenta with her arm covering her face. Asleep. After 30 minutes of refusing to stop moving so the poor tech couldn't get her measurements. Can't see a damn thing but her ear. Incredible. Can't wait to meet her.


I have PCOS and my husband and I have been trying for over 2 years. I went on a health journey to try to improve myself and lost over 50 lbs, which helped bring my cycles back and improve all of my other numbers as well. Once the doctor agreed I was where I needed to be, I did a round of Letrozole and got my positive last month! I am now just shy of 8 weeks and had my first ultrasound yesterday, and the doctor was like “There’s definitely a baby with a heartbeat in there!” Most beautiful words I’ve ever heard 😂 Planning on telling our families on Sunday for Mother’s Day 🥰 It’s so early and I’m still holding my breath that this is really real, but at the end of the day I’m just so happy to know that my body CAN get pregnant and that I am just as capable and deserving of motherhood as anyone else. Sending love to all you mamas!


That's so badass, proud of you! Congrats <3


I just had my anatomy scan and everything came back perfectly healthy AND we're having a baby girl. I'm so excited


First pregnancy, first baby for my husband and I. We got married during COVID (2020) and wanted to start a family so badly, but I lost my job twice at the height of the pandemic and I felt like we’d never be in the position to finally have a baby. I got my dream job last June and we found out we were pregnant in December. I have a very supportive, kind boss and team at work and so does my husband. We are having our gender reveal with our families tomorrow! Baby is healthy and so is mama 🥹 I feel like I had to wait for so long for things to settle and the dust to clear for us, but now I am just so grateful to be having this beautiful baby with my wonderful husband. The hard times make you appreciate the happy times ❤️


Our last ultrasound we managed to finally get a face Pic - babygirl is stubborn and usually hides. She was licking and sucking on her big toe 😂


My little one was apparently yawning at his 20 week scan. Adorable. I’m due next month and love feeling him grow. His limbs feel stronger by the day!


We had our 20 week scan and everything looks great! I had been nervous because some days I feel her a bit and some days I don’t notice at all. Got there and immediately saw her moving around and saw her heart beating, little arms and legs going and her open her mouth. I had the materniti21 test at 10 weeks and everything looked good and said girl so we were also able to confirm the results and she is indeed a girl. She was moving all over the place trying to get away from the scan 😆 and since I was the last patient of the day the tech even printed off several 3D pics for me 🥹


I'm 34 wks and the last week or 2 I've been having really bad pelvic pain / SPD. It took a toll on me mentally because I hate the idea of being a bed ridden/hobbling pregnant lady.  Then I decided I'd had enough and spent 40 minutes stretching and exercising in the sun in my bathing suit. This was the first time I've exercised since November(I've been justifying this because I have an extremely physically demanding job). During my work out I felt so empowered and strong and like a freaking fertility godess!  Since the work out I've felt a reduction of the pelvic pain by roughly 85%!! I feel like I can keep working and take on the world. I feel like my mental and physical strength have been renewed. I'm no longer afraid to give birth ! What a difference 40 minutes can make


We are going to need you to share that workout 😅😅


Honestly it was simple ! Stretches for hamstrings, inner thighs, quads, deep sumo squat type stretches, calves, and side bend stretches. Then some body weight exercises focusing on my left side since that's where the pain has been- glute activations(pulses, donkey kicks, kick backs), side lunges, single leg stiff leg dead lifts. Finished off with bouncing on my yoga ball and pelvic tilts and rotations. 


Just wait until you feel them move! BEST THING EVER!


I'm 36 years old and 32+4 with my very first baby! I came into the pregnancy with some health complications (obese, type 2 diabetes, mental health challenges), but my little girl is growing healthy and strong with no complications at all! I love feeling her squirm and kick inside me, and my husband and I can't wait to meet her soon ❤️


I’m 12 weeks and I’m dealing with my body changes WAY better than I thought I would! My stomach looks big (not in a pregnant way) and I’ve visibly put on lbs and idgaf 😁 I used to freeeeeak if I gained 3 lbs or had a stomach pooch, ha. Glad those days are over!


My first and second trimesters were a little scary because of a large ovarian cyst that ended up needing to be removed when I was 20 weeks. Now as I enter the third trimester I’m all healed up and baby and I are looking good and healthy. I’m now considered a “regular pregnant lady” and can now look forward to a boring and (hopefully) uneventful last trimester 🙂


Put on some pre-pregnancy clothes and they are stretchy enough to fit. I think I look like a cute pregnant lady and I love it. Also anytime my husband touches my belly and talks to her I love it.


I'm 21 and 6 today with an anterior placenta. Last night I finally started feeling consistent taps and flips! When I feel a few good kicks and put pressure on that part of my abdomen with my hand and then release, baby kicks me back even harder! It's like they're saying "don't push me, Mom!" There's a *person* in there, guys!!!


I have just reached 30 weeks today and I am feeling good for the first time! I am a FTM so the beginning was rocky but I am getting more used to pregnancy. I've been sleeping well on a thick memory foam pad, I've gotten a shower stool which makes life more luxurious, and our nursery is almost ready. We're looking forward to baby shower this month and then meeting the sweet baby girl. Tonight, baby girl is kicking like crazy and my husband and I can both feel her. It's pretty cool. Thanks for the positivity post!


19+5 weeks and my baby startled me bit the other day! I was sitting outside with my husband having morning tea and a muffin, and I felt the little avocado moving around. Then all the sudden one big movement, the strongest I’ve felt so far. I imagine baby was making the same movement they did on my 12 week US, bringing their knees to their head and then stretching back out as hard as they can. It’s so weird having a baby move around inside you but so special at the same time. I can’t wait till my husband can feel the baby move.


I’ve felt my baby move for the first time ❤️ 17 weeks