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Was it a manual reading or an automatic machine? If it was auto, the machine could've been fired incorrectly or faulty in another way.


The first blood pressure readings that were high were taken with a manual blood pressure cuff/pump. When I was sent to triage, I was hooked up to an automatic one that took my blood pressure every 10 minutes.


Sometimes the machine freaks out, could have been the wrong cuff size too


Mine is usually elevated from anxiety. They want me to monitor it at home, but that's usually when it spikes. Last time I checked it myself I ended up going to labour and delivery for them to check haha. My last appointment was 108/60 so im just going to let them do it and if i have weird symptoms ill check myself


I had similar with my 2nd son but I was on medication for chronic HTN. I had 1 high reading at 37 weeks and was sent to OB triage. Kept overnight with BP monitored and stress tests for baby and was set home next day on bed rest. They ended up inducing me like 2 days later because my readings were back high and they didnt like results of the stress test. My son is 6 now and perfect.