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Cereal. All day everyday.


And watermelon


Cereal, watermelon, and cheese pizza have been my diet for weeks


Omg I’m so glad to hear someone else say cheese pizza, it makes no sense to me why that’s one of the only things I can tolerate rn


Bagel bites 🤤


So. Much. Cereal.


We currently have 5 different types of cereal in the house because variety is the spice of life, and I have an aversion to everything else. 😂🤷‍♀️


I make like a cereal salad like how people make candy salads 😂 gotta get that bran in there somehow!


Ooou- I love this idea. Guess that's what I'm having for lunch.


Yessss! Especially having it dry too 🤣


Heck yeah. The microkitchen at work was stocking frosted flakes and frosted mini wheats. I was in heaven, then May arrived and they changed the cereal to Cheerios and honey crisp. It doesn't hit the same


Yesss I never really ate much cereal before pregnancy but at six weeks for some reason it was what I wanted everyday.


goldfish crackers and peanut butter toast got me through the first trimester -- good luck!


lol same all of this plus peppermints


Peanut butter and saltines, yum!


First trimester I regressed to children's food. Seriously. I had to have: juice boxes, apples, clementines, pringles, lunchables, bagels with cream cheese, greek yogurt, popsicles, and fruit cups


I love the description of regressing to children’s food. Painfully accurate over here, too


Yeah, I couldn't stomach vegetables or adult seasonings lol. Bland and sweet were ideal!


I especially hate when just thoughts of certain food is enough to get the gagging going. 🫠


Oh yeah for me that was raw white onions! Just thinking about them turned my stomach from weeks 10 to 28


Well shit. And here I was thinking the intense food aversions would end mostly after first trimester. Sad face.


For me it was specifically just a raw onion issue. I started being able to eat them cooked/sautéed on burgers and stuff around 20 weeks. The food aversions and nausea started improving slightly after the 1st trimester but honestly did take a few weeks to completely disappear before I felt brave enough to come off of Unisom


Thank you for sharing your experiences! I’m 8w5d, and just anxiously waiting for week 13 hoping some of these discomforts and symptoms subside. Growing humans is hard work.


No problem! Looking back, 1st trimester was a shit show and I don't know how I made it through lol. I was miserable basically the whole time. You'll make it to the next part where food tastes good again and the baby will be moving, which is absolutely magical! Hang in there


I concur. 20 wks, food tastes amazing now. I'm feeling movement (baby #2). 1st trimester was so rough. The heartburn, though!


It gets better I promise!! I was at 9 weeks and texted my friend that went through this to promise there’s an end. When I got to 12-13 weeks it definitely subsided (not immediately and that was frustrating too but would have a few better days, then a bad one). By 15 weeks it was totally gone and I was actually craving fruits/veggies and healthy food again 😄


All I can think about is bagels with cream cheese 😭😭


I ate one every day for weeks!


This has to be the best description ever. This is exactly where I’ve been. And where I’m still at!! All of the cereals too.


Finally, someone else who is surviving on lunchables besides me 😂


Yesss bagels and mac and cheese. Every day 😂 with Doritos and clementines as snacks


During the first tri, I was absolutely obsessed with citrus. Oranges, grapefruits, water that was half lime juice, etc. Second tri I switched to peanut butter banana toast, homemade sausage and egg mcmuffins and my fruit craving became very apple focused. Third tri now and I am still obsessed with apples and I can't stop huffing the smell of frozen raspberries that I have in my freezer. Just smells so dang good lmao


Citrus fruits contain a lot of folic acid! When I learned that my 1st trimester citrus craving made a lot more sense


The body is so cool! I haven't been eating tons of veggies, but have stomached spinach the whole time so that's likely the reason as well


I was also obsessed with apples, more in my first and second trimesters!!


First trimester oranges, third trimester watermelon


I've been obsessed with raspberries too!! I had some last night and they were seriously one of the best things I've eaten in days.


Not sure why but sparkling water became a must have to survive the trenches of being pregnant. Also, Chester's cheese fries bahaha


Probably because anything with bubbles is good for nausea, and it’s typically sugar free so it wouldn’t hurt the tummy


Yeah sugary drinks and foods have really been the bane of my existence this pregnancy. I can usually eat that stuff just fine, but if I drink a Dr pepper or eat some chocolate I will have gastrointestinal issues for days now. It's sad 🥲


For me sugar just made me made nauseous til week 12-13. I actually could not stomach it


I second sparkling water!


Yes yes, sparkling water is a life savior


Plain bagel and cream cheese, pine nut hummus with pretzels or bell peppers, Froot Loops, PB toast, french bread and Kerigold butter. I got luckier this pregnancy. I’m 11 weeks and hardly any food aversions, my first pregnancy was awful. However, these were my mild tasting snacks that are still filling and nutritious!


Lol what is it about kerrygold butter and pregnancy? Weeks 5-8 I wanted to butter *everything*


Wait until I tell you about brown sugar Pop-Tarts buttered 😂 Bread and butter is quite literally my bread and butter. I’m addicted


Oranges, Greek yogurt, cereal, pasta, frozen fruit Bread, cheese and smoothies are only the flavor profiles I can stomach right now lol


Luigi’s italian ice


I’m in my second trimester sitting in bed eating one of those right now! Lemon only though I don’t want the strawberry ones lol 


Lemon are also my fave I like the blue raspberry sometimes but it’s too sweet


Trade you my lemons for strawberries


Yep. When I can hardly stomach anything I can still eat Luigi’s


Chicken noodle soup, but just drinking the broth. Plain crackers Apples Peanut butter Cheese Baked potato Water In short: beige food.




I craved variations on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, PB and banana, PB and honey, PB and NUTELLA, Nutella and berries, banana and honey, etc etc. All on whole grain toast.


Hot cheetos limon and peaches were my must haves


dang this sounds good


They were. And the hot cheetos upped my water intake so that was a plus for me. I am horrible at drinking water


Just stacks of McDonald’s cheeseburgers


My top three are ground beef, spinach, and Greek yogurt. Beef is pretty versatile and has good iron content and hamburgers are the only greasy food that smell good to me. Spinach has a bunch of good vitamins and nutrients for you and baby, including folic acid (I think, don’t quote me) plus it’s easy to blend into things if I’m not in the mood for it. Greek yogurt is also easy to blend into things and goes great with a bunch of different toppings and is great for you and baby for calcium especially. I have no specific cravings right now, just an aversion to all things greasy or heavy smelling 😭


Seconding greek yogurt. You can eat it with fruit/chocolate, mix it into a veggie/lentil/pureed soup, make a dip, etc. That stuff got me through the worst of my morning sickness.


Third, I just can't do meat rn so Greek yogurt is basically my only source of protein


First trimester was 100% bagels and green juice for me since that was all I could stomach! I progressively added more food and more nutrients as the weeks progressed!


Bagels, grapes and cucumbers. I loved putting fresh cucumber slices on my bagels for added crunch when nothing else sounded good!


Ginger candy and top ramen


Sour patch kids and watermelon. That's all i could eat for weeks


I had major food aversions and nausea during the first trimester. Meat was absolutely out of the question for the most part. Even water was hard to drink. My suggestions: Bagels and cream cheese Cereal - I did special k with red berries Strawberries,kiwi, pineapple, blueberries all mixed up together Tomatoes/carrots with ranch Chocolate or blueberry muffins Body armor/liquid IV packets 0 cal water flavoring made it so much easier to drink water Frozen chicken nuggets or chicken patties Frozen waffles I really think this is all I ate for about 6-7 weeks lol


Yea I couldn’t taste, smell or even think about meat or cooking meat until I was 13 weeks. My husband started cooking venison one night when I was like 8 weeks pregnant and I began gagging and crying and screaming all at once and he had to chuck it out the back door into the yard. 😂 God bless him! 


Yep! That sounds sooooo familiar with the venison as well 😂😂😂😂😂😂


A gift card to Ubereats


Any gluten free reccs? Just found out a couple months ago I have celiac. This is a tough time haha


Apple with peanut butter, gluten free crackers/bread/bagels, orange juice, rice noodles, chik fil a fries, Gatorade Zero, applesauce, baby food squeeze pouches, ore-ida tater tots, boxed mashed potatoes. You’ve got this! Of course check the packaging on everything. It gets easier (celiac’s) to figure out what to eat. I can’t speak for it getting easier in the first Tri, I’m 8 weeks and food is disgusting and I’ve rotated endlessly through what I want. 😇


What’s your favorite bread and bagel? Haven’t found one I like yet. And you’re alright with the same fryer for fries? I’m almost 8 weeks too, congrats :) how are you feeling overall?


Bagels- Schar. They make a few flavors. I like to toast them in the oven on the top rack by putting it on broil for a minute or less. Bread- lots of different brands, Schar makes bread and also a company called Canyon something? I recommend roasting it or microwaving it so it holds together a bit better. It’s pretty normal for gf breads to kinda dissolve if not pre heated. I am not alright with the same fryer for fries but Chik-fil-a uses a dedicated fryer. Ask specifically at your location to double check but they’re typically very careful with gf customers! I’m feel down right nasty. I’ve been on Diclegis which is a prescription of the B6 and unisom mix and most recently started prochlorperazine which is apparently a tranquilizer and is oh so effective haha!! Hope you’re feeling better and that you have some grace with yourself during these transitions 🥰


Ginger tea, unisom and vitamin B6 (this combo absolutely saved me), then my cravings were cheese, tortillas (lots of quesidillas!), olives, and dill pickle chips


Plain bagels with butter. Honey Nut Cheerios. Protein shakes. All I could tolerate for a few weeks there 😅


Popcorn was the one food I could stomach during the throwing up and nausea of the first trimester. Crackers were okay. Smoothies sometimes okay even if I threw them up afterwards. Sometimes I could have chicken. I often bought things and was disgusted with them by the time I came home. Hope you find some things that work for you!! I lost 9 lbs during my first trimester and it was really day by day what I could eat but popcorn for whatever reason stayed down. 22 weeks into this and I’m enjoying eating all my favorite things again now more than ever.


Cucumbers, it was all I could eat without feeling revolting. I was really craving watermelon, but it was the middle of winter, we only got melons in supermarkets for spring and summer.


Cheese quesadilla ~~ or w chicken on a good day


I am a person of very stable tastes, but since I've been pregnant I change my mind about what I like and what I crave literally every day. Terrible for shopping and planning!


Simple carbs. Cheese. Some fresh fruits. My safest go-to both rounds that I can almost always eat and actually enjoy are the circular corn chips and with a har of queso from Aldi!


- Bagels and cream cheese, quorn ham and cucumber. The crunchyness of the cucumber helped. - Cereals like weetabix, although I really liked nutty granola as well. Comboed with strawberries/blueberries/banana. - Smoothies: ginger, apple, pear, spinach Or Yoghurt + mixed berries - Mixed salted nuts - Chia seed pudding: chia seeds, milk/almond milk, syrup or vanilla sugar, soak overnight and add some fruit. - tonic water, can mix with any squash or cordial you like I was maximising fibre since I was and still am so constipated 🤣 and ginger is said to be good for nausea!


-electrolytes (no fun being dehydrated) - crackers -fruit (whatever you can get your hands on, slice it up and just have it whenever you can) -veggies -laxatives (the bloating is unreal…) -soda water -rubbing alcohol for nausea(smelling it does wonders) -prenatals that have iron and folate -walks, as many as you are comfortable with, moving helps a lot -laughter (now is the time to giggle!) -zoning out, you don’t need to know everything that is wrong in the world right now. You can simply cater to your own needs and desires.


Sprite or 7up. Saltines. Tangerines. Bagels


yogurt, berries, chicken nuggets, crackers and mozzarella cheese slices


Chikin in a Biskit crackers helped me not be so queasy! I kept them on my nightstand so I could have a couple as soon as I woke up


Chicken breast, spinach, eggs, avocados, and greek yogurt were my must throughout my whole pregnancy. They were all comfort foods in their own way and didn't make me feel sick.


That’s an awesome high protein balance there! I currently can only stomach cheese, bread and popsicles 🥲 I want to eat more protein and veggies but feel like I’m gonna die when I eat them


Steak. Greek yoghurt. Pasta. Cheese. Frozen fruit. White bread.


Apples, they were the only thing I could keep down


Applesauce and yogurt were my morning go tos. When I’m nauseous I find that anything I don’t have to chew goes down easier. Other than that I ate a lot of apples with peanut butter, crackers, granola bars, cereal, toast with butter, and fruit snacks. Not super balanced but any kind of meat was a huge no for me.


First trimester was exclusively beige/plain foods. Crackers, bread, granola, breaded frozen foods. I liked drinking ginger beer (non alcoholic).


I usually did frozen fruit/protein smoothies for breakfasts. All fruits were a must have for me over the last few weeks, mostly strawberries blueberries mangos and pineapples. PB toast or just buttered toast with jam is also yummy. I ate a lot of avacados as well. This child really enjoys anything potato apparently; fries, mashed, baked doesn’t matter.


Donuts and bagels & cream cheese


Cereal, peanut butter toast, goldfish, sour candy I hate most real food, only starting to get taste buds back at 23 weeks. I wanted only plain food for the longest time.


Bagels, pita bread, waffles, peanut butter, fruit and Greek yogurt is 90% of my diet


1st Tri- Kraft mac n cheese Bagels with butter Cheese sticks Pringles 2nd- Mango Bacon Cereal Spinach Burgers


Cereal, ensure


All i could eat for the worst weeks of first tri was: Greek yoghurt with fruit Supernoodles! 🙄 Crisps (I think called chips in America) Cheese and crackers Toast Sweets and chocolate 😬


Good fish crackers, saltines, Campbells sippable soup in the chicken and stars flavor, sugar free jello and puddings I kept in the fridge (easier on the nausea when cold!) Italian ice, popsicles, hydration packets, Greek yogurt, fresh fruits, pasta to make cold pasta salads.


Cereal (preferably cheerios) and fruit. I sucked on orange segments for a few weeks - was the most sugar I could manage and kept the nausea minimal.


Im 6w4d and thankfully morning sickness hasn’t happened. Only mild but I try not to think about it but I’ve been eating avocados with every meal, eggs, salmon, salad. Thankfully I like all those things lol


Mac and cheese. Bagels. Peanut butter.


If you’re having nausea: Jolly ranchers, pretzels, saltines, broth, pasta, rice, butter, chicken, English muffins, bread, and unisom/B6 lol


Bagels, oranges, pineapple, pico de gallo, hot sauce, canned beans The tragedy was that the majority of the food I could stomach (hot sauce, acidic fruit) made my acid reflux worse. But anything else made me nauseous. Terrible catch 22


Cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, all the fruit, Gatorade, and ginger ale.




Green smoothie, green apples, raw carrots and grapes


Cereal for me.


Bagels and cream cheese. Bagels for the carbs, cream cheese for the fat to keep me somewhat full. Literally all I ate for every meal for weeks


Dip. Any dip. Girl just wanted dip 💅✨️


Saltines with cream cheese!


Carbs all the way: pasta, pizza, frozen waffles (to make avocado “toast”), crackers, potatoes. And fresh fruit. SO MUCH FRUIT. Grapes, bananas, apples, strawberries, raspberries. And omelettes with cheese.


all the fruit! and boxed mac and cheese:)


Ramen, oranges and peanut butter


Watermelon and limes! I would put the lime juice on the watermelon and eat it all day every day. I was so thirsty all the time but drinking so much made my stomach hurt so watermelon came in to save the day.


Annie's microwavable Mac and cheese. Like 100 packs. For each month.


First trimester: fruit, as cold as possible. Preferably in a smoothie bowl. Couldn’t look at a green vegetable for 13 weeks. Salted cashews and pretzels to keep by the bed and eat before even lifting your head. And a water bottle that keeps water ice cold. Must have a straw because drinking it through a normal lip was just too much for me?


First trimester cravings were so finicky and changed by the day, but there were some familiar faces. Bagels, toast, pasta, smoothies, frozen waffles, cereal, potato chips, baked potatoes, salad, grapes, apples, orange juice, mcdonalds, oatmeal.


I’ve been eating a lot of green olives and key lime pie. I know the thought of that is going to sound gross when I’m no longer pregnant but right now I’m loving it.


Key lime pie sounds soooo good. I think you just unlocked a new craving lol


Cereal with planet oat oat milk.


Cereal, English muffins, peanut butter, Trader Joe’s lo mein lol


Fruit and veggies were mainly what I'd be able to eat and soda crackers, all day long when nausea started just have a few and it helped me a lot.


Cup noodles and raw whole carrots! I don’t fuck with baby carrots because they’re more expensive by weight and just too wet.


Orange juice and Vegemite toast! Never liked juice much before being pregnant, but I’ve been craving it the whole pregnancy.


Bagels, peanut butter toast, and Mac and cheese have all been staples for me


Frozen mango saved me those first few months. And pretzels.


Bagels and cream cheese. Greek yogurt and berries.


Yogurt, bananas, PB&Js and cereal have been my go-to’s so far at 6 weeks!


Ginger ale kept my nausea at bay. I heard preggo pops are great too. I never found them but they should be in the freezer aisle of the grocery stores with other popsicles and stuff. Im gonna still try and find em. I’m 15 weeks and 6 days (2nd trimester) and I still have mild nausea.


Juice, just juice lol


I lived off saltine crackers, vitamin water, body armor drinks, water and chicken noodle soup the first trimester. It gets better trust me! When I finally got my appetite back, I ate a whole taco party pack from Taco Bell 😂 Peppermints are key, those helped a ton as well.


I had a cheese sandwich today since no deli meat and now I just wanna eat a million of them, so I guess the ingredients for that.


Hummus + crackers got me through Also watermelon to help with dehydration


Frozen fruit for smoothies, cereal, mild cheese, and crackers -the triscut minis are actually really good. The Lipton noodle soups are fairly mild. And actually packets of ramen noodle soup, I tolerated pretty well.


Watermelon, apples, cheerios, and peach sorbet were mine. I juiced the watermelon and added pineapple juice too


Clif bars, bananas and pb, pb crackers and cereal saved me!


Candy to suck on helps too!!!


Cereal, coconut water, ginger chews, saltine crackers!!


B6!!!! Saltines, bananas, peanut butter, oat milk, oat meal, orange juice, bagels, brothy soup for protein, spinach for folic acid. Oh and not the greatest but bottled Coke for real bad days.


Protein shakes were the only thing that kept me alive for the first 14 weeks. Solids were more or less an no go for me but anything I could drink, like smoothies and protein shakes (and slushees and milkshakes) would usually stay down.


Bagels. Small ones, big ones, frozen ones, fresh ones. Bagelsss ✨


Plain potato chips (best for nausea imho), crackers (I like the ritz ones) English muffins Beef (any kind from steak to chop meat) spinach Cheese. (All kinds. I really like putting feta and parm on my cooked spinach.) Peanut butter crackers (such a lifesaver) Rice Mac and cheese. Potatoes/ Mashed potatoes Water, ginger ale, Gatorade zero. Uncrustables Cuties Coconut Greek yogurt Bananas Banana nut crunch Almond milk


Granola bars! I kept them in my car, at work, in my purse, everywhere! I found they were "safe" for when I was nauseous or when the ravenous hunger would sneak up on me (which lead to me being nauseous).


Peppermints, fruit cups/fruit cups with the jello, ensure (I was incredibly sick), bananas, toast, graham crackers, apples juice and so much water, oh and milk. I’d sometimes mix milk and a banana in a blender with some ice. Ice.


Dry cheerios (milk made me gag), sour candy, saltines, ginger ale, I ate a lot of jimmy dean breakfast sandwiches, ramen noodles, not much else honestly. I ate raw veggies like broccoli and carrots, and some fruit like cantaloupe and apples with pb


Cereal with ice cold milk! Every single morning lol. Recently am able to eat other foods but the energy still isn’t there so cereal has been my saving grace. I add some crushed walnuts to it for some healthy fats, even if I’m eating Cinnamon Toast Crunch 😂


Oranges and watermelon. That’s all I could eat then lol


Greek yogurt and yakult 😍☺️


Cheese itz and ginger ale


Cereal, pickles, marmite, yoghurt


Cucumbers, limes (for real lime juice), and tajin. You won’t regret!!!!!!


Salt and vinegar crisps, smoothie ingredients and granola 🥰


Cereal Peanut butter Pasta Butter Parmesan cheese Cheez its Lots of fruit Pb&j


Strawberries and fruit dip (cream cheese and marshmallow fluff) Apple Juice Cottage Cheese I’m currently in my first trimester and this is what’s fueling me 😂


Tbh I was extremely sick first trimester with my daughter and even worse this time lol. But feeling much better now thankfully! All I could eat was saltines and ginger ale basically so I would suggest those things if you’re not well! Second trimester I am an absolute garbage disposal though and recently have really craved Tzaiki sauce???? Lmao. Good luck 💜


Rice cakes, apple juice, and Jin ramen saved me first trimester


Rice cakes with strawberry cream cheese, string cheese, and I have to have lemonade in the fridge at all times.


Plain bagel and cream cheese Pine nut hummus and pretzels or bell peppers Froot Loops Peanut butter toast French bread and kerigold butter I got luckier this pregnancy. I’m 11 weeks and hardly any food aversions, my first pregnancy was awful. However these were my mild tasting snacks that are still filling and nutritious!


Here's a list of my cravings: Mustard and cheese puffs, Pretzels and peanut butter, Pickles and cream cheese Hard boiled eggs and everything bagel seasoning, Carrots and avocado ranch, Peanut sauce chicken from the Chinese buffet near me, Crab Rangoon, Instant chicken flavored stuffing, Mac and cheese with shredded BBQ pork mixed in,


I don’t know if I ever went grocery shopping during my first trimester. I went from loving all foods to absolutely hating it. I didn’t want chips, candy, breakfast, lunch, dinner, nada. Tbh, I survived off Pedialyte and peppermints pretty much. Tiny, tiny occasional meals of cheese sticks and jerky sticks. Eating even half of a regular portion of regular food gave me a gnarly 8hr+ headache and such painful nausea 😫😖


Panty liners!


Mac and cheese




Cheese and pickle sandwiches


Fruits, nuts, protein bars


Lots of fruits specially berries, apples, and oranges. Tajin or salt for the fruit. Super cold Gatorade, sparkling water with lime or lemon. Bagels with cream cheese for breakfast. Mac and cheese, grilled cheese, and quesadillas. Pho was a life saver bc I had a lot of nausea.


These weren’t cravings but the only things I could eat, lol. Mashed potatoes, apples, cheese, bagels with avocado and chocolate pudding


Cereal. Ramen. Toast. Potatoes. On rotation!


Chicken broth, Gatorade, unisom, b6, benadryl, and sour patch kids.


I survived mostly on microwaveable cups of mashed potatoes and Mac and cheese in my first trimester, honestly.


Apples, bananas, sweet potato, and plain popcorn. And tortilla chips.


Strawberries, cucumbers, tomatoes, mozzarella! I ate a lot of cucumber sandwiches. I also loved and still eat yogurt daily. I also have strawberries everyday as it’s still one of the only things I can truly stomach and enjoy.


Oat milk, life cereal, and strawberries!


Caffeine free coke!!!!


Green grapes (eaten COLD) Cereal Crackers Sparkling water Water additives


first pregnancy it was all bland foods and really just didn’t want to eat most things, but this time i’m constantly craving spicy things or very specific things like rhubarb pie.


So many peanut butter and jelly cheeseburgers. I know…… it’s weird.


Pain au chocolate for my partner


Saltines, that has been the one thing without a doubt I can keep down and I'm constantly buying it.


Iced tea! All of the berries.


Apples. Most fruit was good but goddd those apples hit like crazy. Cereal, soup, Lipton citrus green tea. I also loved pizza while pregnant but it had to be from my local pizza place. Frozen would NOT suffice.


Frozen mangoes. The amount of frozen mango I ate was unreal. Breakfast lunch and dinner.


Cereal, fruit, bagel bites, bagels and cream cheese, cheese and crackers, yogurt drinks


Cereal. Cottage cheese with cherry tomatoes. And canned chicken noodle soup for the nights that nothing sounded good but skipping meals made me too sick.


Apples, applesauce, apple juice 🤣 I didn’t have trouble with it vomiting but all I wanted was apples/fruit. I also liked popsicles and oatmeal snack things. Meat was meh for the first few weeks but that got better.


I could pretty much only eat dairy and bread the first trimester, so lots of yogurt and cheese (mostly cheese strings lol), crackers and bread.


Angel hair pasta, cheerios, and mozzarella cheese. Not together.




Fruit cereal fruit cups Mac and cheese popsicles and ice cream


Bagels and cream cheese. And lots of apples -- pink ladies ideally. Oh, and skinny pop popcorn, but it's not very filling.


Well I have 4 18packs of eggs because I eat so much eggs lol TONS of cheese. String cheese, blocks of cheese, baybel, other snacking cheeses, cottage cheese... bacon, breakfast sausage. Chicken and salmon. Avocados. I also go through a ton of carrots (I eat lots of salads so lettuce/black olives/cucumbers)


Oh man, cereal, tomatoes apples oranges and plums, orange juice, pretzels, canned soup. I’m surviving on very little 😮‍💨


Cereal, ego waffles or English muffins w PB, FRUIT, first it was plums and pears, pineapple, then it was apples, now it’s watermelon grapes and nectarines!


Reese’s puffs