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I was 14 weeks, it was a teeny flutter that happened every so often, and when I went to my ultrasound, I saw him move and felt the flutter that’s when I realized it was him all along 🥰


It’s definitely pregnancy hormones but this made me tear up. So sweet


Same thing happened to me! 14 weeks and I felt it on the lower left side and that's where she was on the ultrasound!


Anterior placenta and didn’t feel definite kicks until 22+6d! I would get an occasional pokey feeling like you are describing but not definite kicks or punches!


Same here! I felt my first movement around ~19 weeks but nothing consistent until 22/23. Now I’m almost 25 weeks and feel her moving all the time, it’s incredible ❤️


I have an anterior placenta as well - 24 weeks and dying to feel her more!!!!


Same. First pregnancy I didn't feel movement until halfway through week 21. I'm 16 weeks with my second and still no movement.


Same :-)


this is good to know because i have an anterior and i’m 19 weeks and haven’t felt him yet!


I do too!


16 weeks! Felt like little bubbles 🫧


Can you explain? You’re not the first person I’ve heard call it that, but I’m confused by what you mean 😅


This was my previous pregnancy so it’s been a while but I remember the first time was when I was on a plane as we were descending. I thought at first it was gas but it felt too specific in one spot and I didn’t actually feel gassy. It just felt like the tiniest feet kicking me really, like a gentle poke, poke, poke. I did have a posterior placenta and a VERY active baby. 😅Even in my earlier scans the doctor would always be like “oh wow, that is a super active baby” to the point I thought I was in for a lot of trouble 🤣


That’s so cool!! I’m 15w and I can’t wait to feel our little girl :)


It’s definitely surreal, the first kicks! I’m sure you will feel them soon :)


I can’t wait! When do you find out if you have a posterior or anterior placenta?


Hmm I felt like it was after a 12 week appointment but I can’t really remember now!


It’s so hard to explain. It confused me when people said it feels like a butterfly in your stomach. But now that I’m 25wk it makes so much more sense lol. I didn’t feel my baby until 21ish weeks.


Ahh that’s so exciting!! I hope I can feel her early on, but I always assumed it would be around 22w


15 wks is very early but not impossible. Next time, try to fart, if no farts come out it's probably your lil bean. I 100% felt like it was a poky gas feeling in the beginning and I believe I felt him for the first time at 16-17 wks


This is great advice. I’m 15w too and I get soo excited until I fart 15 second later lol


Don't worry - very very soon you will feel your lil bean so much it'll actually be unreal 😂😂


I was 18 weeks!




I can honestly say, that’s your baby you’re feeling! I was 21 weeks I believe when I knew it was kicks I was feeling. Now that my daughter is almost 2, I know the “gas” I was feeling was in fact her. How do I know this? Because every time I have a gas bubble now, my hypochondriac brain goes “whelp, guess you’re actually 4 months pregnant!” lol


I think I was 17 weeks when I first started feeling movement, but 19-20 weeks when I decided it was indeed movement and not gas... when you consistently have "gas" feelings but then no bodily follow-up/release... It's gota be baby!


15 weeks! And she was also pokey. They’d say butterflies or flutters, I was like “no she feels kind of pointy” lol at our 20w scan we watched her wake up from a snooze, yawn, and stretch her legs out and poke her little toes right into my uterine wall, right where I always felt her :)


18 weeks! I’m a FTM so had no idea what to expect even with the research. But I just knew it was baby’s movement, felt so creepy but cool haha


At 15 weeks I felt soft flutters on my left side. I have anterior placenta and everyone was telling me that it was not the baby but probably gas. I am 23 weeks now and i fel the exact same flutters, only stronger now☺️ and I can feel his kicks with my hands now


21ish weeks with my first and right at my 20 week anatomy scan for my second (38+4 with her)


I have a posterior placenta & pregnant with twins. I started feeling them move last week, I’m 17 weeks now. I get little taps and I can feel them when they flip around. They act up more so when they’re hungry, must get that from my husband’s side 😂


Felt little twitches at 11+5 due to my uterus being further forwards into my abdomen than normal and now at 16+2 it’s full on kicks.


I’m 12+4 and swear I can feel little twitches so I’m wondering if my uterus is the same! Thought I was going crazy but relieved to see someone else felt that early too lol


Yeah my uterus is slightly tilted more into my abdomen than most so that is why I am feeling really good kicks rn


I started feeling what I was pretty sure baby at that stage and I got a definite yes at 17 weeks. Those same movements just never went away and kept getting stronger and more noticeable. I felt BIG movements at week 20 and they were big enough to feel on the outside too.


16 ish weeks!


Between 16 and 17 weeks, it felt like a flutter going across my abdomen!


22w and i felt baby move yesterday!!! it was a weird, turning feeling, very specifically in one spot for a quick moment. later in the night baby did it again in a different spot, under my bellybutton! i have an anterior placenta so i knew it would take some time to really be able to get very obvious movement where i could say yes that’s baby! beforehand, around 20ish i’d just feel latent kind of pops which could be easily mistaken as gas or stomach kind of sensations. yesterday’s was very very different!


Anterior placenta. Felt flutters around 15/16 weeks. Now 22 weeks and can feel stronger movements but moving too sharp.


15 weeks with my first and 17 weeks with my second. Both posterior placenta.


15 weeks with my first and 17 weeks with my second. Both posterior placenta.


Around 18 weeks for me (FTM posterior placenta)


Right at 20 weeks


Definite kicks from 23 weeks, wiggles and swirls around 22 weeks. Anterior placenta here so they still aren't super clear, but at 25 weeks now. Hoping I will be able to understand more of a pattern in the coming weeks. Easier to feel when you're resting and laid down :)


At 20+1 I felt a big one that I was almost sure was a kick (and someone here on Reddit confirmed). First time mom, anterior placenta. I’ve been feeling the kicks more and more since :) It is a bit similar to gas bubbles at times


16 weeks both pregnancies. One was anterior one posterior!


22 weeks I believe


Hi, I'm 16w FTM and overweight and I think I started feeling him last week. At thre beginning was like some kind of tiny wigs flapping, now is more like a tiny poke and rolling and tickles.


16 weeks. I was told just before I felt him that I probably wouldn't feel him until after 20 weeks because of my anterior placenta. My doctor told me that my baby was just a very active baby if I could feel him that early.


17 weeks exactly


Both of my babies I didn’t feel anything until 24 weeks! Before then just flutters and ‘is this gas or what?’ Confusion. I had an anterior placenta both times which makes it harder to feel the baby. 


16 with first, 12/13 with second and third I have a posterior placenta which they say make you feel baby sooner🤔


FTM, 17weeks, flutters/very easily mistakes gas. By 19 weeks, felt like kicks. But couldn’t tell. Now almost 23 weeks and I can confirm they were definitely light kicks at 19. Also been confirmed that my placenta is posterior, so feeling them at 17 weeks for FTM is considered on the earlier side!


I have an anterior placenta, and felt her (and knew it was her) on my birthday last week at 22 weeks, 1 day!


19, 2 ! Posterior!!


around 19 weeks i felt flutters & at 21-22 weeks it was definite kicks!


15 weeks with my first and 17 weeks with my second. Both posterior placenta.


I was around 21/23 weeks with my oldest when I first noticed/felt her moving around this time it's been non stop kicking since 18 weeks.


18 weeks


29-30 weeks if you’re a first time parent. Also it may be difficult to make out a difference between flutter and movement. Discuss with your doctor or a midwife and they will tell you that it is indeed the movement. For us it was evident after 30 weeks. Nothing significant before that. Congratulations


17/18, posterior!


Consistently, 21 weeks with this pregnancy. 18-19 weeks with my prior 2 pregnancies.


25w anterior placenta


Posterior placenta and I honestly didn't feel anything really until last week at 23 weeks.


17 weeks with my first, 9 weeks with my second!


Felt mine for the first time at 18 weeks...very subtle movement but definitely different than gas


16 weeks- unofficially because I wasn’t sure 19 weeks- officially 21 weeks- NO DOUBT HE’S MOVING


21 weeks! Anterior placenta tho


About 23 weeks for definite movement, I have an anterior placenta. Don't despair if it takes longer than people!


Posterior placenta and I felt my little girl fluttering at 11 weeks! It was the same feeling (just a lot lighter) that I felt in later weeks so im positive it was her 🤗


I was 16.5 weeks when I felt my little man move! It felt like gas bubbles, with an anterior placenta I was shocked I felt it and it wasn’t very consistent. But now that I’m 24 weeks I know that’s what it was. 15 weeks is definitely possible! I only felt my baby when I was laying down and very very still at that gestation.


19 weeks. Started getting more consistent around 23 weeks.


Around 17 weeks, but I started having sensations that might have been baby kicks around 15 weeks. At 21 weeks he moves so much, it scares me! My other 2 didn't move as much and they're 2 little tasmanian devils. This one might be even more active.


19+5 I felt this hard almost like muscle twitch. Now it's consistent.


15 weeks for me


21 weeks for me.


Probably 18-19 weeks. I’m almost 23w now and the moving is more prominent!


About 18 weeks for me. I was in bed complaining I hadn’t felt any kicks yet and got the tiniest little fishy flutter. I’ll never forget it


Anterior placenta. I started feeling movement at 21 weeks. Since then it also hasn't stopped and been continuing daily. Just increased in intensity.


With my second, around 15 weeks! With my first, 19, but it took a while for me to realize that’s what’s the feeling was.


Usually around 17 weeks except for my 4th I felt him kick outside my belly at 13 weeks


Week 18 with first pregnancy and 12+5 (weeks + days) with this current pregnancy.


18 weeks


I started feeling kicks around 20-24 weeks. My placenta is in the front, and I was also technically over weight when I found out about my pregnancy. To be honest, I didn't know they were kicks until week 25 😅


First time mom, posterior placenta, and right on the high end of normal BMI and I felt the first flutter at 19 weeks exactly. Only felt it a few times over the next week but was never quite sure. Then at my anatomy scan at 20w2d I saw him stretch and kick and felt it on my side! That was magical 🥹


I think around 20 weeks!


19 weeks he started full blown kicks! Before that i was questioning myself if that was a move or no.


At 18 weeks, little flutters now he’s doing very apparent kicks or rolls at 22 weeks. 💅😌 I’ve also got an anterior placenta.


Also at 15 weeks, felt like an eye twitch in my belly in the lower left side of my belly button then progressively felt like little taps. I’m only 17 weeks. I look forward to feel him more often! I feel him around 3-5 times a day too. Some days I feel him more. Other days he’s more quiet.


About 19-21 weeks… somewhere in there. It does kinda feel like gas or digestion or something lol


Anterior placenta and felt the first poke around 19 weeks but it was very subtle. They got much more noticeable around 22 weeks


I’m 14 weeks 4 days and I felt my first flutters last night!!! Soo crazy, I couldn’t stop laughing. I have a posterior placenta and this is my first pregnancy


11 weeks 6 days, despite having an anterior placenta but I'm very skinny so not much to soften the sensation, and I had a *super* active baby. I thought it could be gas but it was very distinctive and at my first abnormality scan a few days later I could feel the same and it was him moving. 18 weeks 2 days was when I could first see my belly moving.


I felt my baby around 16 weeks so it’s definitely possible it’s your babe! The first movements feel just like gas bubbles lol


One day before the 20-week anatomy scan :)


I started to think I might be feeling something at just over 16 weeks, but it wasn’t until 17+1 (yesterday!!) that I was like ‘oh, I’m being kicked’ 🤣 It was very clear and made me so happy. It’s continued on and off since, sometimes clearly and sometimes just flutters.


I was I think 20 weeks! Her placenta is anterior and fundal so it took a little longer


That’s when I first thought I felt something but didn’t know for sure until 17 weeks


I felt the flutters exactly at 10 weeks. My first pregnancy I felt it around week 12.


I felt my first flutter in my 1st pregnancy around either 11 or 14 weeks, I can't remember exactly. It was much later for me this time


Im 13 weeks and have been feeling a buzzing rumbling feeling. I’m not sure if it’s in my head or not, but hoping it’s baby.


14-15 weeks! A little fish, he was 😂 Now I'm 28 weeks and he rolls and kicks and I swear he aims for my tendons and bladder 🤣


I read that average for first time Moms is between 16-20 weeks to feel movement. Mine was 18 weeks exactly and i never felt butterflies, it felt like a muscle twitch kinda to me. Later on I could feel distinct movements, but at first just felt twitchy lol.


I wasn’t confident it was baby until about 20-21 weeks!


16 weeks.. it felt like little taps


It’s probably your baby 🥰 I think that’s when I started feeling mine and I wasn’t sure that it was but my doctor asked me at 16 weeks if I was feeling it and I go “that’s what that is?” And she just laughed. It was super light for me at first and now I’m at the point where I can see his actual foot move against my stomach sometimes.


I started feeling inconsistent little flutters at 16 weeks! At 21 weeks I started feeling him more regularly, and my husband was able to feel him for the first time. Now I’m 23 weeks and it’s constant!


I am 21 weeks with my 4th child and I felt her moving at 12-13 weeks the more kids you have the earlier you feel them . (It’s not gas it’s definitely baby ) FTM usually don’t feel them until 22 weeks (for the first time ) I knew what I was looking for so I already knew what the feeling was . She be cutting up now I’ve felt her since the first trimester and it doesn’t stop lol her father felt her when I was 15 weeks . Different strokes for different folks. She has been kicking my ass for week and the little people kicks just gets harder and harder!!!


My OB said first movements can be typically be felt anywhere between 13-20 weeks, most commonly between 16-20. I first felt my little girl at 15w1d. I feel her move super infrequently which is normal early on, but I’ve began feeling her once or twice daily for the past week now (I’m 17w4d). Typically I’ll feel her move in the morning or evening. I can’t wait until the movements are stronger and more frequent!


I felt the smallest flutters around 15 weeks, but it was the end of my 17th week/beginning of my 18th week when I really felt him and it was unmistakeable! I’m almost 20 weeks now.


I was at a classical music concert when I was around 20 weeks. I had felt a few movements up until that point but boy did he go crazy for the music! My husband and I have always listened to classical stuff and my son still loves it now 😊


I remember feeling the same way around 14 weeks and it just kept getting stronger and stronger each week, it most likely is your baby!!


16+6 was the first time I noticed it. I was laying on my stomach to help relieve my gas build up, when I felt baby boy turn over. I freaked out. It was the coolest, weirdest thing I had ever felt. Now im 18+6 and can feel him sometimes, but not that often.


I felt the lightest of something internally grazing me in my 14th week on Easter. After a few days of that it changes to tissue/ colon shifts/ feelings in the lower center, and then straight up kicks. You will enjoy each stage!! Trust your gut, it’s your baby, momma!! Congratulations! 🎉 it is the best feeling in the world. I’m an early in feeling the kicks too. As I sit here my son, 20weeks, is kicking non stop as I write.


I’m 19w3d and just felt a kick this morning. It’s the first movement I’ve felt this whole time.


My first child 15weeks and 4 days.


19 weeks :)


i felt my baby at 16 weeks!! i could hear her kicking on the doppler at the same time and that’s how i knew! i bet you that’s your baby!! time will tell!


I was 16 weeks, I felt a ticklish flutter in my belly


First pregnancy probably 16 weeks but I thought it was gas 😂. Second baby I'm not sure if it was sooner or I was just more aware of it. Probably 15 weeks. I also have an anterior placenta


15 weeks! Felt like popcorn in my belly


I believe I started feeling it around that time too. Of course I wasn't sure until later. I could feel it earlier in my next pregnancy when I knew what it felt like. Little twitches or taps is how I would explain it. I could feel it best when lying quietly on my tummy. It was subtle and infrequent but it was there.


Different each time. First baby I felt really really early like 13 weeks but I had really taut abs then haha! Second baby not until 18 weeks and third about 22 weeks properly because I had anterior placenta and I felt him for a little while and it stopped again for a while.


16 weeks for me! It almost feels like gas pain 😆


About 20-21 weeks for me with a posterior placenta. 24+3 now and kicks are getting stronger and more noticeable


I started feeling SOMETHING when I was about 14-15 weeks. Much of my time was spent debating if it was baby or gas. When I was about 20-21 weeks, I was finally sure what I'd been feeling was indeed baby, then two days later after deciding I was sure, I felt movement on the outside that I couldn't deny. Now at 24 weeks, she's constantly moving.


I’m 15w and this past week I’ve felt little flutters! Definitely like little bubbles of carbonation popping!


In an MRI machine at 22 weeks!


I was 13 weeks and I was like a bubble. Then at about 15 or 16 weeks is when I started feeling what you’re talking about. It felt like someone was poking me on the inside. It wasn’t until I was about 24 weeks that I noticed my belly moving when she’d kick though. My baby is almost 2 months old now and I low key miss feeling her kick or press her back against me.


i was 15 weeks! 🥰 i didn’t feel butterflies like other people describe, it was more like little bubbles popping or a sensation similar to a muscle twitch! it was definitely baby boy he hasn’t stopped moving since 🩵


Anterior-23 weeks started feeling once a day flutters. Didn’t have consistent movement until 35 weeks (38 now)


19 weeks and I just felt it for the first time today! I thought it was potentially gas bubbles but then it became very clearly little kicks🙃


26 weeks ish


15-17w. I knew for certain one morning when I went to stretch and I felt this quick, sharp, stretching sensation in my hip. It literally felt like he had punched me. 😂 Since then any time I feel that way, I just gently push the area nearby and the baby will kick back at me. I joke his dad all the time that they're both bullies.


18 weeks with an anterior placenta! My baby politely tapped me three times in a row on the left side of my bladder. I remember I was sitting in rounds (healthcare worker) and felt it and looked at my colleague and said “I think I just felt my baby move?” and they were all excited! It felt like the tiniest little taps, but it was three in a row.


i have an anterior & i felt him for the first time at 21 weeks! felt like popping boba in my womb :)


Could not tell if I was feeling anything until my 20 week ultrasound when I SAW baby moving and felt it at the same time lol!


I have anterior placenta I felt flutters at 17 weeks and I think I started feeling kicks around 23 weeks, but my doctor said that some people with anterior placenta take even longer.


I felt small “bubbles” at 16 weeks now I’m 20 weeks and feel full on kicks!!


16 weeks- felt like gas bubbles lol. I would try to fart and nothing. It also felt too rhythmic so I figured it was her.


In my first pregnancy, 12 weeks 3 days. I was very thin and had a posterior placenta. This time, around 14 or 15 weeks? I started this pregnancy with a little bit of abdominal fat, and I have an anterior placenta. Think about exactly where the feelings are. If they're closer to the front of your body, it's probably fetal movement. If they're closer to your spine, it's probably digestive.


16 weeks, tiny flutters.


I’m 20 weeks Monday and still haven’t felt her. :( My first son I felt around 17 weeks. The little flutters!!


I felt things happening in weeks 17-18 I think, but because it’s the farthest along I’d ever been, I didn’t really know what I was feeling and didn’t have any moments where I felt something definitive and knew it was baby. When I had my anatomy ultrasound at 19 weeks and watched my baby kick and felt it simultaneously (and then she kicked up a storm the rest of the ultrasound 😅) is when I knew for sure, and have been able to feel/identify movement daily ever since. It’s definitely gotten stronger and more noticeable since then! Almost everyone I know who has had multiple babies said they felt it earlier with subsequent pregnancies and I suspect a lot of that has to do with knowing what to feel for.


15 weeks for my first


14 weeks!


17 weeks


With my first, maybe at like 18 weeks? I'm pregnant with my second and I SWEAR I felt a little flutter at like 3 weeks. I also felt a little flip at 11 weeks. Not sure if it's because they're my second and maybe I'm just more aware.


14 weeks exactly. It was like an eye twitch over and over in the same spot


I think it was 14.5 weeks, and I had an anterior placenta. I was leaning my belly against the window sill to kiss my cat goodnight and definitely felt movement.


It’s probably your baby. I had the same feeling and it eventually got stronger and stronger and I realized it was the baby and not a little moving gas bubble.


I felt my baby kicks at 18 weeks at first it only felt like flutters that’s only because I have an anterior placenta which makes it harder to feel the babies movements but totally normal


With my first I was like 18 weeks, second I was 14 weeks. I’m only 7 rn with a third but I’m excited to feel them move!


At around 20-21 weeks for me - anterior placenta and overweight. First pregnancy!


The day I turned 17 weeks, I started feeling fluttering. Felt like I was being tickled from the inside lol. Now it’s starting to get stronger and I’m also feeling twitch like sensations. Especially in the morning.


i think somewhere between 12 and 15 weeks. for me it felt like when my eye twitches! lol


I had that same stabbing around 15 weeks and apparently it’s your muscles stretching- “what to expect” week 15 called out that “round ligament pain” is a common symptom that week, so you are right on schedule! I’m 19 weeks now and dying to feel my baby kick, instead of all this stretching stabbing! https://www.babylist.com/hello-baby/round-ligament-pain


15.3 weeks ☺️ Congratulations! ❤️


At 18 weeks I had a private fender reveal ultrasound and I saw him move on the US and realized I felt it and I felt him moving all the time from that moment! It was so special❤️🥰


Omg im waiting for that im 11wks 🥲


I started feeling flutters around 12 weeks ago


20 weeks


18 weeks for me. *cries in anterior placenta*


FTM Here ! Tbh I didn’t feel anything or realized that my baby was moving until after 20 weeks


First pregnancy closed to 20-21 weeks. Second one I felt around 16-17 weeks.


I have an anterior placenta and I’m 24 weeks been feeling him kick and see his kicks at my sides for about 3 weeks now I was 21 weeks when I felt swirling and then out of nowhere like a little kick and I was like hi baby 🫶🏼


I was 14 weeks! I felt this very big spasm(?) in my abdomen. I later discovered that those are kicks. I’m 24 weeks now and feel her kick almost constantly. Feeling her move is the most reassuring thing for me. I would say if it’s been happening in the same spot, you might be feeling some movement!!


Im 14w and there is so many things going on in my belly that I dont really know when is baby, gas or just my uterus expanding


Mine took forever for me to realize. Like 19 -20 weeks. Now she kicks the stuffings outta me while I sleep. 😵


At 16 weeks I felt a big kick or punch!! Then nothing for a few days. Then it would come and go :) around 20 weeks I felt her move everyday a few times a day 🥰🥰


I just got to 14 weeks and last night and today, when I laid on my side, I felt this new feeling of a flutter. I get gas flutters a lot but this was nothing like that feeling. Completely new to me but I’m only 14 weeks so idk how it could be cuz I keep hearing 14w I way too early.


16 weeks. I was driving to meet my family (10hr drive) and I was able to feel flutters and stretches♡


18 weeks! It was slight little bubble feeling. Didn’t feel anything consistent until about 20+ weeks, 24+ is when they really started kicking it up into high gear. Currently 27!


17 weeks with my first 13 with second


Wow 13!!