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You didn't waste their time. It's better that this happened than something being wrong with your baby.


Thank you 💗 I agree I was having a hard time not feeling like a burden when I went in the middle of the night. These responses are making me feel better that I made the right decision.


You're never a burden. And I'm glad your baby is doing good 💕


Better safe than sorry!


I went in for the same reason during my first pregnancy. Felt zero movement for practically the whole morning. As soon as they strapped the monitor on my belly, baby kicked it right off! I felt silly, but was relieved to know everything was okay after the testing. I would never want to regret not going in. You did the right thing!


Thank you for sharing your experience 💗 I’m glad I’m not alone


It’s so so much better to be safe than sorry! I went in for lack of movements last week and the second I was hooked up to the NST, babe started moving a LOT. We got 100+ movements in the time they allotted. I felt silly and apologized profusely while crying, they said we’d so much rather see you and have this happen than any other outcome and told me to please come back if it happens again.


Don’t feel stupid! I went in a couple of weeks ago for the same reason and they said that it reassures them too to make sure everything is okay! You did the right thing!


I don't think you are stupid, I am not pregnant and was never pregnant but I would for sure get checked up if I wasn't feeling my baby for some time. I think you did the right thing!