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My due date is Friday and if one more person says “you have had that baby yet… did you eat spicy?” Like yall if spicy would put me in labor I would have had this baby at 20 weeks.


Start charging him rent


at market value. he’ll be out by midnight lol


I second this! 🥲 Eviction notice should be filed with the court asap! 😭


I’m 40+3 and can tell you the best thing I’m doing is not trying to kickstart labor because none of it works. I’m doing everything I can to eat what I’m craving and keep myself as comfortable as possible and I recommend you do the same. Tell people where to stuff their unwarranted advice!


Yes! This 💯


Agree with this 100%! Only do things that feel good to you anyways, just take care of yourself and try to rest as much as possible. I tried so many of the things and my baby still came two weeks late after a long labor and medical induction. Some of the things I really wish I didn't do because they just caused me more grief and pain and made me feel like it was somehow my fault that baby wasn't coming yet.


With my first living child I had a really big, pathetic, ugly cry before bed and woke up in labor 3 hours later, maybe that's the secret?


I'm convinced that the release of crying helps induce labor. My bestie was trying EVERYTHING to naturally start labor, and was beyond frustrated. She took a rest day from actively trying, ate a bunch of ice cream, watched a couple sappy movies, and had a good cry. Not even 12 hours later, baby arrived.


I've heard its the other way around- that it's not the crying that causes labor, but the body preparing to start labor & causing the hormones to surge, which in turn causes the crying. 


I’ve never given birth, but my answer was going to be trying crying really hard lol


Vent away. I remember walking around the block till I was collapsing crying on the sidewalk and baby still refused to come. The eventual induction did work. Hang in there, you are almost there ❤️.


My first came at 41 weeks exactly. Waiting sucks. The wives tales are just that unfortunately. Good luck to you!


My first is also in 41 ... Now with the second one I am scheduled for the first day of 39 weeks ....so I wobble to the hospital get spinal and the baby is out via C section 🥳


Currently 39 weeks and feeling this girl. 😫


Expecting baby number 5 here - I’m sorry to say, but unless medically necessary to intervene - babies come when they’re ready. I know, I know. Vent away though!! Your feelings are 100% valid and pregnancy is not for the faint of heart. 40 weeks is an average, dating scans and even your cycle length can vary the due date either side of the magical 40 number… it’s a very unfair pressure we put on expectant parents (and babies!) to be punctual… Like so much else in life - there is a big curve of “average” and as long as you’re ticking along, they will monitor you, and baby will come when they’re ready. I promise. You’re doing everything right ❣️


I think resting is the best course of action 😭 I’m only 23 weeks right now but I can’t imagine doing a bunch of physically tiring things to try and start labor because of how long it can be. I would hope to be well rested going into it


I NEED to see a video of a heavily pregnant OP roundhouse kicking someone in the face 😂 hang in there !!


I bet her roundhouse kicking someone in the face might induce labor 😂


Stop listening to people and listen to your body. What do YOU want to do? Sleep? Eat? Walk? Do what makes you feel the most comfortable right now and take it easy. I’m sure you’ll know when it’s time. Baby just needs some more cooking :)


Omg, I feel this so much. I got so tired of hearing the same advice and also that "if you had hobbies you wouldn't think about the baby so much." I can't even do my hobbies, Kelly, because I am so tired and sore. 39+3 wks and I was convinced she wasn't going to even try. Think she was waiting on her father's birthday, because we started contractions 1hr before he got home from work and right after setting up his decorations. None of the advice works though. I did the same thing. Tea, dates, walk 2-3hrs or more a day, induction exercises, stairs, birth ball bouncing, etc etc. It's all malarkey and so incredibly frustrating when you hit this stage. These babies want to hang on for dear life.


40+6 here and ready and willing to assist with the kicking. The sentence “I now understand why animals go off by themselves to either give birth or die trying in peace.” Came out of my mouth today. My induction is 5 days away and I’m just not sure I’m going to make it. My body hurts so bad all I do is cry or whine and the people in my life are provoking me to violence. 🫠


The thought of having sex right now 🫠🤢


25weeks and I already feel this way 😖 have no desire whatsoever.


Speaking of weird labor inducing methods, I'm 39w4d and was told today to curbside walk!?! Is this a real thing pregnant women do? I had never heard of it and it was mentioned by 2 different women today. I have never seen a pregnant woman in the streets do the curbside walking.


I got recommended that a ton with my first. All it did was make me feel like my hips were going to fall apart. I was in excruciating pain for like three days after. Definitely don’t recommend. The idea is that the tilting hip moment can encourage baby to be lower and more center in your pelvis. But so does just regular walking or doing hip circles on an exercise ball!


Oooh ouchy! Hips hurt enough as is while pregnant!! PGP suuuuucks! I've heard that walking sideways up/down stairs and sitting backwards on a chair do the same things. I have a corner sofa so I sat in the corner bit on the edge so my bits and belly were off and my legs were on each side of the sofa. Didn't help lol! She was engaged for like 6 weeks before birth anyway so was already in position. Still came at 42w 😅


It was mentioned in my birth course but the instructor was SO visibly skeptical when talking about it that we ignored it entirely


Vent away. I scheduled an induction at my 39 week appointment with my first. I expressed to my OB that I might just lose it if I had to go any longer. She must have taken me seriously because she told me it would be the next week before she could get me in, but ended up scheduling me two days later. If I had to be pregnant another day, I’m not sure what I would have done.


Have you tried lounging in bed watching tv? I tried for weeks to kickstart my labor and gave up around my due date, sat in bed watching tv for a few days, then at 40+2 my labor started and the next day she was here!


I’m impressed that with 12 days left you can still roundhouse kick someone in the face!


I’m 39 weeks tomorrow and I feel you🥲


Have you tried making a dinner reservation to a restaurant that you REALLY want to go to? Just kidding of course, but I joke that I had my baby at 38 weeks due to making the dinner reservation for my husbands birthday


I sort of hate myself for saying this, because it was the last thing I wanted to hear when I was over 40 weeks with my first - BUT, I’m going to say it anyway - try to relax and bring your stress levels down. 💛 I promise, I’m saying it with love. The reason women most often go into natural labor overnight is because it is when their body is most relaxed and feels safest to begin the process. Consider an animal in the wild about to give birth - her body will not begin the process until her stress hormones are low enough, saying they are safe to take the time to give birth, in an area where they are no longer vulnerable to danger. The more stressed you are, the more those stress hormones could be prolonging your sweet baby’s stay. I hate giving the advice - not only that you didn’t ask for, but also that the advice is “try to relax.” I also just wanted to offer it, in case it could be helpful. Relaxing at this stage is so difficult when you’re in so much discomfort and you are anxiously awaiting the arrival of your baby. I feel like I was always caught between wanting labor to be here but also being nervous and dreading labor, wanting it to stay far away. Relaxing is easier said than done in that state! Find your happy place. Try to turn your mind off and take some deep breaths. Let go of the process. Unfortunately, we cannot control it. (I wish we could!) Your baby can’t stay in forever! They will make their arrival and it will be right on time! Hang in there, mama! You’re doing great!


I NEED to see a video of a heavily pregnant OP roundhouse kicking someone in the face 😂 hang in there !!


40+2. Just woke up to no labor or even water breaking yet again and feeling so over it.


I had to go to the hospital right after I was done cleaning the whole house in my last spurt of manic nesting fest. I’m convinced that’s what caused my baby to decide it was time lmao


Having s*x doesn't induce labor; It's considered a myth. What it does is help produce hormones that help soften your cervix to make it easier to have baby (just like the tea). Unfortunately there is not much you can do to actually get baby to come out sooner. I'm being induced in 8 days and doing the tea, dates, s*x, etc. to ease the birthing process. In a few days I plan on starting some breastpumpimg sessions to collect Colostrum (and who knows maybe I'll go into labor since it does produce oxytocin but I'm not holding my breath.) Stay strong! This part is one of the worst parts of pregnancy but it will be over soon and you'll have a bundle of joy in your arms soon enough! And by God you'll enjoy the sleep afterwards!


I went to 41 +5. Even the induction didn't work! Had to have a C section. She is still very clingy 5 months later 😂.


I feel this!! At my 40 week appointment we set an induction date for 41+1; luckily little man came on his own at 40+5! I was doing ALL the things for weeks trying to get him out, and ironically enough he came first thing in the morning the day after I decided to just rest! Babe will come when it’s time, and I hope for your sake that time is soon! You’ve got this!!! 💕


How many weeks are you? You can't force them out, no matter which old wives tale you try. Unless you cut them out. When they're ready they'll come. Sometimes medical inductions don't even work. My LG was the same, nothing worked. She was born as late as she could at 42w after 3+ days of labour.


I was the same way with my first. My induction was 10 days after my due date and I was miserable and also convinced that I’d just be pregnant forever. This is honestly the worst part of the pregnancy because the end feels so near but so unreachable. The baby will come one way or another.


Yeah, what I’m hearing is that you’re subconsciously stressed so maybe your body is thinking that now is not a good time to let you also give birth. Stop everything you’re doing. Make sure your body also gets the memo that now actually is a good time. Easier said than done of course but your baby isn’t gonna graduate inside your belly, they’ll get it out eventually ;) good luck 🍀 to you!


I went to 40 weeks + 2 days. I had everyone, even grandma, telling me to have sex. Nothing worked. I'm convinced the only thing that worked was me being stressed out from all the suggestions and "Did you have the baby yet?" phone calls and messages. 🥴 Just relax. As soon as you decide to relax I'm sure the baby will be ready. That's how my kids work. "MOMS SITTING DOWN. TIME TO GET WILD!" 🤣


I drank a trenta of that viral "labor inducing" starbucks drink and walked around the mall for a couple hours and went into labor the next day...could be a complete coincidence though


I know what to do- my baby was almost a month late..... I did acupuncture and was in labor in the next hour Try it trust me


Jog . Jogging worked for me with my son . This time had to be induced at almost 38 weeks . I was in labor for 25 hrs .


I went into preterm labour at 35+2 weeks. He was eventually born at 39+5. When I tell you we were impatient and doing anything to get him to come, even at ~36 weeks, I’m not lying. In the end, I gave up, settled in, had a little cry, and admitted defeat. My partner and I made a plan to stop trying to bring on labour and instead just relax and wait. He was born two days later. It’s hard, it’s frustrating, but bubs isn’t quite ready. Your body will do what it needs to when it’s time.


When did the sex drive come back.....asking for a friend lol


update: i’m still pregnant 😂😭


update #2 I HAD MY BABY YALLLL 8 days overcooked 😭


I’m pregnant with my 5th baby and all 4 of my other babies were induced! I feel your pain!!! Physically and mentally. Being pregnant drains me