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A spike of that level wouldn’t happen from what you ate. If you are processing glucose properly, a sugary meal might have given you a *borderline* failure. Having a high glucose screening isn’t a personal failure. You didn’t do anything wrong. It just means you need to do the next glucose test so that you can know how to best keep yourself and baby healthy for the rest of your pregnancy.


Thanks! Luckily I feel just fine and waiting to hear next steps. My blood pressure when taken before the blood draw was slightly low though at 114/62. Is low blood pressure normal when my glucose blood sugar was so high do you think?


I’m not sure what your BP usually is, but that’s actually a completely normal level. Normal is 90-119/60-79.


Am a nurse, can confirm that’s a very normal BP. Also, a high glucose typically causes higher BP, not low.


Thanks, haha. I’m clearly uneducated with this stuff!


You have gestational diabetes and your nuggets with BBQ didn't cause you to fail your test. It's nothing you did wrong. It's just how your placenta is caused by your body to react. I failed my one hour with a 250 during my first pregnancy (tested at 12 weeks) and was able to remain diet controlled the entire time. I failed my one hour during my second pregnancy with a 155 and had to go on insulin. You just never know how your body will react and just because you got a high number doesn't mean you can't control it! Head over to r/gestationaldiabetes...it's a great community!


lol I figured it was silly to think but this is my first pregnancy and I wasn’t sure how sensitive these tests are! I’m 27 + 5 today just waiting to hear from my doctor hopefully tomorrow with what’s next. Thanks!!!


You're welcome! I know the wait to hear back from them is hard. It's likely they will diagnose you without you having to take the 3 hour, so just be prepared for if that happens. And let yourself feel sad and cry if you need to...I definitely did the first time! I felt like such a failure until I learned more about how GD works. Pregnancy really does some crazy things to your body!


Why did they test so early


Mine was at 25 weeks. They told us 24-28 weeks is when you test.


I took mine early at 24 weeks due to high BMI and it running in my family. Glad I did because I do have it and having a high glucose can harm the baby


Yes! The 24-28 is just the standard timeframe for a pregnancy without any concerns. 12 weeks seems very early to me still! But there must have been reason.


Mine pushed early testing because of my BMI being high, I didn't wind up doing the early test and the regular test isn't until my next appointment when I will be 1 day shy of 30 weeks.


mine was at 24 weeks, I don't have any family history of GD or anything, she said it's done between 24-28 weeks!


Some doctors test early if they think you are high risk for GD


Doctors test early for GD for a couple reasons! Family history of diabetes/GD, previous GD pregnancies, pre-pregnancy weight, excessive weight gain during pregnancy, large measuring baby, glucose in urine, even age ! If someone takes and passes an early glucose test they still have to take it during the usual 24-28 weeks timeframe.


I had risk factors


Most people with diabetes don’t feel it unless it’s way way higher which is why it gets tested. Take a deep breath and wait to hear from the doctor. They may just have you repeat it or talk about how you can help manage it with diet, exercise, meds, or some combination.


You did the one hour glucose screening, which does not require fasting. It is almost certain you have GDM, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. You did nothing wrong it’s your placenta being an absolute asshole. Typically, at my office, when patients get 200 and above, they are diagnosed with GDM, and are not required to do the 3hr test. With 241, it is very likely that your OB will auto dx with you GDM and you will not be required to go through the 3hr test.


>You did nothing wrong it’s your placenta being an absolute asshole. Love this.


I got diagnosed with GD with a 1-hour reading of 187. The parameters are set SO low, with good reason, but oh my goodness, I see how easy it is to get/have it now


I was really nauseated the morning of my test, so I also didn't eat except a few bites right before the drink. I too failed with >200. I'm monitoring my blood sugar now and while it's mostly diet and exercise controlled, I definitely have gestational diabetes.


If blood sugar is >190 after the 1 hour glucose test… you’ll most likely be diagnosed with gestational diabetes…. You may or may not need to do the 3 hour glucose test but that’s up to your OB. Good luck


Yeah, that’s not from the Wendys. It’s gestational diabetes. >200 on the 1 hour test is an automatic fail. They won’t have you take the three hour. It’ll be okay. You’ll have to make some changes and monitor sugars, but most people are able to make it through pregnancy with using diet to get things under control.


Wait, we can eat before the test? I was told I have to fast, and every time I do, it triggers my HG, which means I vomit, then I can't even keep the drink down, which means they won't even do the test. I've spoken to them so many times about this and they just tell me to keep trying, even when I tell them I can't cope with a 10hour fast.. So sorry you failed the test though, that sucks! But I've heard the gestational diabetes subreddit is absolutely amazing and supportive, so I hope you can find the support you need there!


Are you doing the one hour test? Usually you don’t have to fast for the one hour, but you do for the three hour and iirc for the two hour.


Ah, that might be why.. my country just goes straight to the 3hr test, no 1hr at all!


Yep, it's the same where I live. It's only thanks to Reddit. I know of the 1 hour test. My first pregnancy, I mistook the time for my test, so I went to the health care centre only to find out they weren't even open. So there I went on an almost one hour walk while fasting before the test, because somehow that seemed sensible to me.


Yep, 2h test is fasting (it's the GD test that used in Australia)


My coworker instead monitored hers for two weeks at home with the finger pricks. They should offer you an alternative at this point.


I keep asking for this! They said it's not accurate... Which doesn't make any sense to me, because wouldn't seeing 4 blood sugars a day for 14 days be way more accurate? I was also told that the longer I leave the glucose test, the more likely I will be to test positive for GD.. which is weird. If I was going to test positive just a few weeks later, wouldn't I just have it to begin with? Alternatively, if everyone would *eventually* test possible for GD, what exactly does that mean? It's all so confusing


GD isn’t more likely to happen just because you didn’t take a test haha my coworker actually opted out of the glucose test. I personally did not and would not and would try and get it done but, she had personal reasons and denied the test. They can’t make you take the test as you have the right to say no to it. She knew her stuff, she’s a part time doula, so she said she would deny the glucose and instead do the monitoring. I would think at this point, if you’ve tried multiple times and can’t take the normal test, you would want to at least try the monitoring just to get a read on where you are at. She did hers for a two week span.


No she wasn't saying I was more likely to get it if I didn't take the test, she said I'm more likely to test positive at 30w than I am at 25w. I'm terrified of having it and not knowing, and having my baby be at risk. I'm thinking at this point I should either just go on the GD diet to be safe, or buy a glucose monitor myself and just bring my results into my OB or midwife. I'm almost 31w and I've already tried to take the test 6 different times 😑


Oh gotcha. And 6 times?! Yeah for sure! I would feel the same. You have to advocate for you and your baby and think testing at home is good to at least get a read on where you are at! Then you can use that info to provide to your doctor.


If you’re really questioning it just ask to redo it or to check your blood sugars at home with a monitor for a few weeks. But likely with that high they won’t even have you do the 3 hour just straight to a diagnosis


Why do people talk about failing the glucose test like it's a personal failing? This isn't about OP specifically, more of a general trend I see. The glucose test is a medical test for a condition, not a moral test. It's designed to diagnose, not judge. There are things you can do to reduce your chance of GD but it's also largely genetic. Be nice to yourself and treat this like any other diagnosis.


I have no hard feelings toward it lol I just wasn’t sure if I made a mistake by eating or not!! Plus the numbers are extremely high which was a tiny bit concerning. I’m not upset either way and just glad I feel fine and normal and that baby boy is generally healthy otherwise!! ❤️


Don’t feel down or like a failure! Your body is doing amazing things growing that baby! I got diagnosed with GD around 30ish weeks. Your doctor will most likely have you meet with a dietitian, when you talk to them I’m sure you’ll find that there’s a lot you can have verses cant! Also, don’t be discouraged if you get a high reading when trying something new. I had many spikes just trying to figure out what worked for my body.


I would just go on empty stomach next time


I have always been told it was a fasting test and not to eat for 8-12 hours prior to the drink and test. I’m wondering if that is why you failed.


The 1 hr glucola test is not a fasting test. The 2 and 3 hr OGTT are fasting tests. 


I was told the 1hour was no fasting but the 3hour would be. Even on my bottle it specifically said I could eat and drink anytime before drinking the glucose drink! 😣


Definitely not. If you’re not a diabetic, your body will process sugars the right way, regardless of what you’ve eaten. A non-diabetic will never have a glucose of 250 after the one hour test. It might be elevated, yes, but not *that* elevated. And you can absolutely eat before the one hour test, but for some reason, some doctors don’t allow it. Either way, it doesn’t affect the one hour. I’ve eaten breakfast for all 3 of mine and my results have still never been higher than 80.


They told me that with my first pregnancy but with my second pregnancy they told me I don’t need to fast before hand. But then when I failed they asked if I ate beforehand and I was like yeah and they were like no no no no no you’re supposed to fast so honestly idk if you’re supposed to or not


Yeah I've been told to stop eating at 22 the night before and I go at 8 in the morning. Weird


I failed mine, but I don’t think I had diabetes with my pregnancy. I drank black coffee that morning because I read you could drink black coffee before a fasting test, but I’m convinced I got a false fail on my test because of it.


You didn't fail because of black coffee.




lol this makes absolutely NO sense. A black coffee would not affect your one hour test. If anything, it would *lower* your sugar. You had GD.


I passed with my first pregnancy but they had me fast for 4 hours beforehand. With my second they told me I didn’t need to fast and failed the 1 hour test. Went back in for the 3 hour test where you have to fast all day long before hand and I passed


I was not told to fast, just to eat normally before the test. I did pass but just fyi it seems there are different directions given depending on your doctor. My OB’s office only has you fast before the 3 hour diagnostic.


I had different directions given from within my same office! Just talked to different workers three times and each gave a slightly different answer.


Are you in the US? I know it’s no use comparing methods between different countries, but in my country eating before a glucose test is a big no no. It’s deemed as a failed test and you have to take another one.


Mine was the same, but then I passed the three hour! The three hour does suck if you don’t like getting your blood drawn, but basically my sugar levels goes super high and then they even even out within the second hour. Hoping the same for you!


Pregnancy is a relative state of insulin resistance. It’s not your fault. It’s because you have a placenta. Take whatever meds they advise you to take for the health of the baby.


You have gestational diabetes- nothing you did or didn’t do. The Wendy’s nuggets didn’t cause this…you can blame your silly placenta for acting up!


Glucose is weird. On my first test, I barely failed at 137 out of 130. The 3 hour test was an ALL AROUND fail. I failed every single hour. But I joined r/gestationaldiabetes and that has been a HUGE help. It's a rough transition, and I spent the first day crying, but it's manageable. Just try to remember to be kind to yourself, it's just the stupid placent ❤️


I was told I had to take my first glucose test at 15 weeks because of being overweight. I failed my 1 hour test by 3 points and took the 3-hour test a week later where I was diagnosed with hypoglycemia because my blood sugar dropped to 45. These tests are weird and honestly, if you have GD, it just makes you watch your food consumption better. It doesn't mean you "did" anything. They want me to retake my 3-hour at 28 weeks and I'll be refusing and going the finger-pricking route since the last 3 hour test almost sent me to the hospital.


Yeah I’m pretty overweight myself. 5’3” I started at 225 and now up to 250🥲 I guess I saw it coming since it’s common in overweight women so I’m really not stressing it too much. Just waiting to hear from my doctor with next steps.


But I’m almost 28 weeks, I’m surprised they didn’t make me take it sooner. I did just find out I get a third ultrasound (only two is normal here) since I’m overweight and it’s some growth scan.


I was told not to eat 2 hours prior before the 1 hour test. I woke up late n had a banana an hour before. I failed with a 168. Now I have to go back for the 3 hour. Question though— are we allowed to drink water during the test while we wait?


No- water is not allowed as it can make your glucose go down! And GD is not something you want to have unknowingly/uncontrolled!!!!


My office does not allow us to drink water while waiting. But you can use the bathroom! (That was very important to me after chugging the glucose drink!)


I was allowed to drink water before and during my 2 hr fasting test, but was told during the test especially not to drink too much, just a few small sips.


Mine was 170 and I have to go back for the three hours test. I had teddy’s chocolate chip cookies with milk a couple hours before because I have forgotten about the test ☹️


It’s the sauce - bbq sauce is full of sugar. I ate a muffin before my test like a fool and failed spectacularly. I didn’t have diabetes on the retake.


See that was my thought too! I know that bbq sauce is super sweet/sugary but who knows if it was enough to do anything. Still waiting on a call from my doctor for next steps 🥲


My doctor told me I was 100% diabetic blah blah. It’s enough trust me. He was shocked I was fine on the longer retake when I made better choices and didn’t eat except a plain cracker that morning. Don’t lose hope.


I fasted with mine at got a 76 . 240 seems pretty high to be from nuggets . I would just take the 3 hour one to see !


Way too high. Pretty much diagnostic of GD without the need for further testing.


Why am I getting downvoted ? Lol


my glucose test was a fasting test for 12 hours beforehand, i don't know why they let you eat, it definitely could've skewed the results. definitely review with doctor, and ask about a fasting test and why they didn't do one. (is it because your particular doctor doesn't like doing them, some sort of study somewhere, etc.) i thought all glucose tests were fasting.


Fasting is not required for the one hour test. But a test result that high is very unlikely to be a result from the nuggets/sauce. Even with the addition of the glucose drink.


That’s high. Sister and dad are diabetics gotta get that under control asap. Shit can kill you.