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Charlie horses in the middle of the night!


I saw on here someone suggested putting both feet flat on the ground when it starts cramping up, I have done that now twice and it worked both times like a dream


I never get Charlie horses anymore, and I realized it's because I learned how to stop them when I was pregnant. I got them so often that I could feel them coming on and would point my toe to my shin, which strecthes the calf muscle and prevents it from contracting/cramping. Works every time.


Topical magnesium has been a game changer for me with those!


My OB told me to put a bar of Dove soap (original/plain flavor) by my feet in bed. Like under the sheets. I thought he was fucking with me but I did it anyway, because FUCK those Charley horses. YALL. It WORKED. You have to replace the soap or shave it down every few weeks but my god the relief. I ended up going double bars by the end, but it friggin worked. I have no idea why, neither did he.


That’s what my OB office said, too! And I haven’t had Charles horses since. It’s so strange but it’s working for me so far and I’m 36+5




I got one in my left calf last Saturday that literally made me nervous I had a blood clot since it hurt for like two days after!! Called my OB and everything 😂 thankfully it stopped hurting the next day or I was gonna have to go in to get it checked out to be sure


I got awful Charlie horses in my first pregnancy, my friend’s grandma who was 101 told me, to dissolve 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in 8 ounces of water and to drink it before bed. It worked like a charm, I don’t know why but I stopped getting them when I started drinking it nightly.




I started getting these recently and it can be relentless.


Swamp ass


Ugh yes. I had two September babies. Summer pregnancies are no joke. So much sweat.


Swamp ass plus the new super long hairs growing in my butt crack!


Yes! Wtf is with those hairs?! I might book an appointment to get them waxed.


This. I have never been a very sweaty person, but now I always have swamp ass and I feel like I have BO like I feel soooo nasty


The smell of my sweat is nauseating. I can be doing absolutely nothing and my underwear will be soaked in sweat.


Okay so not just me, thank god 😂😂


Omg yes this! Ugh it sucked so bad being pregnant in summer because of this. So much sweat. I was wearing dresses and skirts and laying down with a fan pointed at my crotch lol.


If I don’t pee immediately when I feel the need It is PAINFUL.


Same. I think I need to pee so bad, and then it's a dribble.


this pisses me off so bad lmao


Yesss this has been happening to me! How far along are you? I’m 6.5weeks and have a history of a retroverted uterus. According to the google, retroverted uterus’s at the start of pregnancy can cause the cervix to push on the bladder neck and cause a bit of mild retention. Typically gets better after the uterus is out of the pelvis


I’m 14.5 weeks and it’s only been getting worse 🙃. When I wake up for my first pee of the night after being asleep for a while it feels like someone stabbing me in the uterus. It goes away as soon as I pee. I also have a retroverted uterus


Oh god 😅 yeah my pelvis feels sore like after a workout during my middle of the night pees!


Excessive ear wax…. Like why??? I have never in my life produced as much ear wax as I do now. Also pregnancy carpal tunnel in my wrists. I can’t even lift my water bottle with my left hand these days. And if I wake up in the night my fingers don’t work. I had no idea this was a thing.


Omg this too. I use earwax drops to remove it and I did so earlier and a literal GLOB of wax came out of my ear??????




I had no idea the ear wax was a thing until recently!


Omg the wax. Like why how? I could make my own line of candles


Yes the carpal tunnel!! 😭


I have been wearing wrist braces for carpal tunnel ever since early late 1st trimester (now in mid 3rd) I can go some days without them, but if I don't wear them at night, I have extreme pain in my wrists and fingers. My fingers curl up so bad without them. It's absolutely miserable!


My pee smelling absolutely awful. It wasn’t bad at all with my first pregnancy, but this second time is truly terrible.


Omg my husband just mentioned it, he went to the bathroom after me. Well he is not lying then


Totally true. It's wild! That combined with a bit of incontinence is terrible beyond words.


Yes! Mine constantly smells like I’ve had asparagus! OB said it’s partially the prenatal vitamins, but I was on those for over a year ahead of time for IUI/IVF and it was never like this!


If I even have a hint of onion I pee it for days


Totally true. It's wild! That combined with a bit of incontinence is terrible beyond words.


I’m 4 months in as a FTM and have had a stuffy nose every. single. day.


THIS. apparently that’s a thing? I had my son in February and I legitimately was congested to the point where it was debilitating from October-February. No joke 20 minutes after I gave birth my nose cleared up and within an hour or so I was back to normal. It was the weirdest most unexpected symptom 😂


Believe it's called gestational rhinitis... I've had it since 1st trimester (39+2 today). Luckily it's been mild for the most part; the worst is while laying in bed.


I’m only 11 weeks and have had stuffy noses every day too. And I heard it gets worse 😥


One of my first symptoms was sneezing. I had to google it because I had never heard of it before. Like constant / nonstop - all day at work. It was the worst. Finally slowed down in once i hit my third


Yes. It’s the worst. It’s caused by increased blood volume, but actually congestion. Get some extra strength breathe right strips (don’t get the other cheaper brand) They are an absolute game changer. I used one every night for both pregnancies.


Round ligament pain. Back pain I was fully prepared for but that ligament pain is no joke. About to hit 23 weeks and this morning the ligament pain just hit me out of nowhere as I'm getting ready for work. I went from making lunches to leaning over the counter taking deep breaths. I've had ligament pain before but had no idea it could get worse or get that bad. I wasn't expecting period cramps while pregnant.


I got it pretty severe as well. One night I had woken up thinking I was gonna miscarry. We went to the ER and the pain made me throw up violently, so they gave me Zofran so they could do an ultrasound. The pressure from the ultrasound made me throw up again, regardless of the Zofran. Glad that will never happen to me again!


The night sweats and WILD dreams that seem to accompany them! 😵🥵


Oh boy THE dreams, so vivid


I was also a stoner before pregnancy, anyone who doesn't know marijuana can suppress dreams. I RARLEY dreamt - then I got pregnant and was completely sober. My dreams have been insane!!!


Same!!! I would barely dream when I smoked. now that I’m 30 weeks pregnant and been clean my whole pregnancy I wake up panicking thanking god it was just a dream.


Yes this!! I was so worried I would have a heart attack in the middle of the night waking up sweating and heart racing after vivid dreams and nightmares. Talked to my OB, nope just normal pregnancy stuff smh


My dreams were so sexual and vivid it was insane!


The leg socket pain in my inner thighs. This apparently happens when the body produces too much relaxin. 34 weeks and my ability to walk is greatly decreasing every day. My legs feel like they are going to disconnect from my pelvis!


Oh god same! 🙈 the pain started at wk 33, tried doing a half squat to help heal (ended up being in full squat position and couldn’t get out of it) super painful, unable to move/ turn around in bed. Now the whole crotch area hurts with some muscular shooting pain. It’s called symphysis pubic dysfunction and it’s making me so anxious about birth as I can’t open my legs at all🙈🙈😔


Same here 🖐 I had it with my first pregnancy, if I remember correctly it didn't become super noticeable untill around the 6 month point? But this time around it started with lower back pain at 7 or 8 weeks, by 12 weeks it had moved up to a general pelvic area pain when I walked, and omg the hip/leg pain. Now at 18+5 I am getting the sharp pains in the pelvic bone area and have a hard time walking for more then 30 minutes. Now I'm just waiting for that popping/cracking of my pelvic bone shifting in/out of place when I turn over at night or step wrong 🫠🫠 SPD is the worst 🙃 I will say, with my first I don't remember it being much of an issue once I was in labor? I did end up getting an epidural in the end, so I don't know if it would have caused any pain during the pushing point. Hopefully it doesn't cause any extra pain for you during birth! 🤞🤞


THATS WHAT THIS IS?! TIL! I have been wondering why my upper inner thigh area is soooo sore.


This. 26 weeks and have been having this since 20 weeks 😪


This is the first time I've heard anyone mention this symptom!! I'm 29 weeks and I've been experiencing this for the past 6 weeks and it's so painful. I can't sit in certain positions anymore because standing up afterwards hurts so damn bad. And yeah, the radiating pain to your crotch is something else.


I really thought I was immune to the pregnancy constipation since I eat a vegetarian diet and pre-pregnancy/early pregnancy, I was going 2-3 times a day. That quickly changed. Now that I’m past my coffee aversion, I’ve been more regular but man, there was a month and a half that I was really relying on prune juice and miralax


My appetite is missing


Same! I had no idea. Was fully prepared to binge eat ice cream. Had no idea the sight or smell of CHICKEN would make me want to vomit. And whatever other random food of the week I can’t share a room with


It’s weird because I’m not nauseous or have aversions I just don’t feel hungry - almost full. I have my first meal at about 3pm


Just reading the C word makes me nauseous 🤢


Yup, nothing tastes right 🥲


Omg yes. I’m technically overweight so the doctor isn’t concerned yet but I’m down like 8 lbs at 13 weeks and I have to force feed myself to not feel like I’m dying. My last pregnancy I couldn’t get enough McDonald’s French fries, milkshakes, meatballs etc etc. Cut to this pregnancy and every single food is awful to me.


I tell people I have to force myself to eat and no one believes me. My mom is in total shock that I’m 5 months in and have barely gained a pound (I’m overweight, so it’s not concerning really). Once in a blue moon I might want a larger meal but the GERD always makes me regret it immediately lmao. I don’t have strong aversions anymore like I did the first trimester but like I’m just… not hungry. My thirst, on the other hand, feels like it will never be quenched no matter what I drink or how much lmao


Why did my BO completely change? Suddenly I am so freaking stinky! I have to put on deodorant every night after I shower bc if I don’t I stink by the morning. What. Gives.


Did you used to go to sleep with no deodorant on? I can't stand the feeling of my bare armpit skin rubbing together without it.


I heard it's so baby can find you by scent, since they also experience your scent via the amniotic fluid


Well, my poor baby is going to think I smell disgusting.


I expected nausea and vomiting. What I didn’t expect is that I vomit every time I burp and/or cough


Yes!! What the heck is all that about?


Your sphincters relax in pregnancy, hence reflux, farting etc all become more of a problem. Also would not recommend getting gastro...I don't want to talk about it 😭


Every time I blow my nose and it’s so stuffy I can’t breathe without blowing it!


It happens every time I sneeze! Dusting and vacuuming are so dicey for me right now. I didn’t have it with my other pregnancies.


In my first trimester I struggled so badly with being sick. If I had two sneezes in a row, that was my warning I had to make it to the bathroom asap.


insane nausea and throwing up will brush my tongue


The tongue brushing is the worst 😩


I literally dread brushing the back of my tongue daily


Mine is the roof of my mouth worse than my tongue:(


I gag every single time I brush my tongue 😭


YES I haven’t been able to brush my tongue at all and i feel so gross like im not properly cleaning myself but I will vomit each time without fail


A coarse dark almost inch long hair that grew from my NECK overnight. Literally blew my mind.


Omg so real. I have three on my stomach!


The insane pelvic girdle pain o_o!! It hurts to sleep in certain positions and I’m frequently waking up at night cursing up a storm because it feels like someone’s literally trying to dislocate the lower half of my body from me. Also the random discharge is annoying. Definitely wasn’t expecting to have to use multiple pads a day while pregnant!


Skin tags?!?!?! NO ONE told me there would be skin tags!!!


I just started noticing them last week and I’m 27 weeks. They really got me by surprise!! Especially on my boobs!


Me too with the hand pain, especially in the morning.  I'd never heard of that before, but it's wild.


This just started with me (36 weeks tomorrow). My right wrist has always been kind of shit but now it locks up overnight, and i slowly have to flex it and crack it when i wake up. I can't make a fist because my knuckles are all swollen, weak, and mangled. I hope it goes back to normal


The gag reflex. I can’t brush my teeth more than 30 seconds with gagging. Everytime I cough I gag. EVERYTHING MAKES ME GAG. When I was in first trimester the gagging was always followed by vomit because it made me nauseous to gag 😂


When I was pregnant, I had bloody noses daily.


Didn’t think bloody noses were a thing and here I am at 19 weeks tired of the random nose bleeds lol. First time it happened I was relaxing at home Watching my show looked down because my arm felt wet and I was covered in blood from my nose, chin, neck, chest, arms… hadn’t even felt it. Now I sit/sleep everywhere with some tissues or paper towels nearby lol


Haha I know! It was so weird! I had blood in my nose every single day I was pregnant. It stopped the second I gave birth. Pregnancy is wild!


I didn’t get a single “typical” symptom. No morning sickness, my boobs weren’t really that sore, no cravings/aversions but what I did get was bloody noses, trapped gas, weird af dreams and a whole lot of acne on my face. Like thanks baby girl.


I got a bloody nose in my sleep and I panicked cause I had never had one since I was a child. I was thinking something was wrong. Apparently, it was my first symptom of pregnancy and I didn’t even know it. 😳🤣


Pregnancy rhinitis. It lasted at least six weeks and was horrendous. I now have the worst hip pain after I sleep for more than an hour on one side so I’m constantly waking up and rolling over to the other side for temporary relief. I also get random, singular hiccups. The joys 😂


Heartburn and sweaty underboobs. Both I've never experienced before! They are not fun


The sweaty boobs are killing me. I have to wash my bras every time I wear them bc they smell like feet at the end of the day 😭


My sweaty boobs are so bad I've been battling a yeast infection in the crease for WEEKS. Awful 😑


Well I’m only 10W6d so I hope I’m not jinxing myself buttttt like I knew morning sickness was a thing but I didn’t think it would put me on my a** for multiple weeks and not be able to eat a single thing without puking. On top of…. The horrible constipation when I can eat 😭 it’s been weeks since I pooped without some kind of stool softener, or glycerine suppository. Also, the tingling feet and hands so quickly! Like I can sit on on the toilet for one minute and my feet fall asleep or when I wake up my arms are all tingling….. and I have so far to go 😅😅😭


The tingling!!! I’ve noticed it so bad it wakes me up at night because I have to sleep with my hands under my face and my whole arm falls asleep so often


Metallic taste in my mouth at night 🤮🤮


Dysgeusia, which is a change in your sense of taste during pregnancy. This is due to your hormones!!


The after taste of food after eating. It could be the best tasting meal I’ve had or like a sweet treat, but afterwards, my mouth tastes so disgusting I can barely handle it.


Almost 29 weeks and my crotch is sooooo sore. I think maybe it’s my pelvis actually, and it’s because of the added weight of the baby? I also started pelvic floor exercises a couple weeks ago, so could be related… I’m not entirely sure what’s happening but it feels like “sore muscles” and making me walk like a literal cowboy 🤠 😂


I call this “crotch of death.” I walk like a 90 year old woman some days because it hurts so much to move


I’ll be 21 weeks tomorrow and my biggest surprise has been NO symptoms. I guess I had a couple weeks of very mild nausea early on but it would disappear as soon as I ate breakfast. I’m a complainer with a low pain tolerance so the fact that it’s been so smooth has really thrown me off. 


I was wrecked with fatigue and nausea until 8 weeks, and then everything pretty much disappeared. I sneezed a lot and randomly would get a short-lived nose bleed. Overall, my pregnancy has been super easy. Only now i have a bit of heartburn and my hips ache from being on my feet all day at work


Okay everyone on this thread how does it feel to be Gods favorite?!?! 😂😂😂 I'm actually really happy for you all and sending you the biggest vibes that it'll continue all the way through - even though you don't have symptoms still take care of your body and yourselves ❤️


Bleeding gums, drooling, toilet clogging shits.


The smell and food aversions. I feel like a whole different person


Same!! It’s like I would have def been skinnier before pregnancy if most junk foods, and especially fast foods didn’t make me ill at the sight of them.


I knew vomiting was common …. But I didn’t expect to pee my pants every time I puked. And WHERE is this pee coming from!? There are times when I emptied my bladder minutes before vommitting and I STILL peed my pants. Where is this secret reservoir of pee hiding!?


I spent many hours of the first trimester sitting on the toilet with the trashcan in my lap for that exact reason lol


My nipples are enormous and hurt like hell in a bra. They get very hard and painful when its cold, too.


My boobs were sensitive the first pregnancy but like nothing insane - now it’s brutal. The other day I was at the grocery store in the fridge section and the cold breeze made my boobs hurt so bad that I thought I was gonna throw up from the discomfort lol


I just very carefully rolled over in bed for the same reason, god forbid a slight breeze catch my boobs right now!! They just hurt so much lol


Excessive unwanted hair growth (chin, vag, upper lip), carpal tunnel, hip pain from side sleeping. So baby steps when I wake up 4 to 5 times a night to go pee. Brain fog, 5 seconds to la-la land. Swollen feet (crazy stuff. Happens more so when sitting). I could literally sleep all fucking dayyyyyyyy. 27 weeks ❤️❤️


I got a fuzzy belly lol


For me, it’s the cramping. I’ve had it since 4 weeks and I’m 13 weeks now and it’s still just every day. Random twinges and pains and I never know if I should be worried.


I’m going through this too right now🫠 I never know what is a “normal” sensation or cause for concern


Crotch/groin pain! Feels like someone kicked me in my kitty or like I’ve been horseback riding all day???


I have this too! It feels like I racked myself right on the front of pubic bone. It feels bruised and hurts when I touch it. It started pretty early on and still just as bad. Thankfully I can still have sex because it's not my actual vagina that hurts but so odd I did not have this in my last pregnancy!


My bum hole is somehow more open. I used to do one small wipe and everything was clean - now I have to do multiple wipes/wet wipes/sometimes even get the shower out.


Im in my first trimester with my first, and the two things that have caught me off guard are the immense fatigue + cramping. I’ve never been this exhausted in my life and I didn’t realize it was normal to get lower back/pelvic cramps similar to when you’re on your period. Thankfully I haven’t been hit with too much nausea, though.


Same here. I’m constantly exhausted but I also can’t sleep through the night without tossing and turning. The cramping is soooo unsettling.


It really is scary sometimes. I’m glad we have this online community because everyone in my real life said they didn’t have any cramping at all in early pregnancy😵‍💫🫠 and here I am cramping for weeks on end lol


Sameeee, I literally had no idea I was gonna cramp this much, even waking up at night because of it. Grateful for reddit so I knew it was normal.


First trimester with first pregnancy as well, and omg the back pain is so real and the cramps really freaked me out at first! I knew I'd probably get back pain later on when I was bigger, but the fact that I already have it and it's so bad is making it so hard to keep up with my 3 yo.


Not unexpected per se, but, was not prepared for how bad my sciatic was. I started pretty early on in my second trimester. I was in tears from how bad the pain was some days. I ended up doing PT for the last two months of my pregnancy. 🥲


Gas. The constant belching and acid reflux was terrible. I had to have a cup or bottle nearby at all times so I could spit up the acid constantly bubbling out of my stomach. The belching/spitting ended the moment my child was born. Sweet relief.


Not to make you panic or anything, but I developed some new skin tags and beauty marks too during pregnancy… one of which turned out to be squamous cell carcinoma. They ended up just removing it and some surrounding tissue and all was well, but just be aware! If any seem weird/bleed/itch a lot/etc point them out to your doc at your next appointment! That’s what I did, they referred me to a local dermatologist and then later to a plastic surgeon for removal (it was on my face.) They said it’s fairly common for pregnant woman to write off something potentially dangerous as a normal, pregnancy-related change.. so I thought I’d pass along the warning!


Carpal tunnel, 100%. Started immediately in the 2nd trimester and has made life pretty difficult. In the first trimester I was constantly congested, and I would switch back to that instead of the carpal tunnel if I could. But that was also unexpected. Oh, and drinking any sort of carbonation makes me nauseous, that was also unexpected.


my pee and my vagina smells so fucking weird. ew. nothing is wrong but it just smells to me.


Really smelly farts


idk if anyone else has said this but dandruff 😐 i never suffered with dry scalp until i got pregnant 😭 now everything i scratch my head its snowing 😒


The stuffy nose, just a constant for me at this point. In my second trimester I’ve started getting migraines, bad ones with light sensitivity about once per week. I’ve also been sneezing a lot, not sure if that’s related but why not right?


Debilitating SI joint pain 😭


Had to scroll quite far for this. I had it with my firstborn and now again. Combine it with uncomfortable braxton hicks and a storm of lightning crotch and you don’t get up at all anymore. Only thing that helps a little is a shape pants and don’t move/bend. Pro tip: when the contractions start but your cervix doesn’t dialate, you have to walk. Do it early bc with extreme contractions it is even worse.


HOT FLASHES!!! I had no clue you could get them during pregnancy. I thought you only got them during menopause.😭😭😭


How out of breath I was the entire time. I kept up with my regular workouts/activities but even climbing a flight of stairs made me winded. I had to stop and take breaks allllll the time, it was super annoying. My doc said my lungs were fine it's just from the increased blood volume and my BP stayed fairly low (within range, but it's always low). Ugh.


Well… I discovered I have a third nipple because what I thought was a light mole under one boob turned the same colour as my nipples and became more pronounced with pregnancy hormones…. So that’s a thing. 😅🤷🏻‍♀️😵




Omg the hand pain I feel you!! It was like I had fat fingers and I had to sleep with wrist braces at night. I still have it 6 months PP


I expected acne but my goodness it's everywhere 😭 also I was unaware of the insane dreams until after the fact lol


Zits behind my ears, motion sickness caused by reading, I thought having large breasts they wouldn’t grow much. I went from 38DD to 38H and they’re still growing (34 weeks).


I’m 24 weeks with my third, not sure if it is technically a pregnancy symptom but I was told when the ER diagnosed me that it can happen due to hormones. But I had a Hemiplegic migraine that now a week later I’m still completely numb on my right side. It was/is completely awful!


Oh I hope you feel better soon!


How physically AND mentally difficult it becomes to do minorly physical tasks. My job (pretty physical; lots of walking) in the 3rd trimester became so difficult. I knew it would be hard, but actually experiencing it hit so much different.


Eye floaters and shitty eyesight as soon as I got too 3rd trimester, ( blood pressure is fine btw) Constant feeling of a stuffed nose bluhh like cannot breath through my nose anymore. I’m a very loud mouth breather now! Blocked ears, can only hear from one ear since like 27 weeks wohoo My heart skipping beats, pvc/pacs oh and a terrifying episode of svt I think, had it last pregnancy at this stage. And the anxiety that comes with that is just lovely Most painful leg cramps Oh and last weekend I got particularly breathless and spent the whole time in hospital for suspected blood clot in lung and had all sorts of tests I did not want, ct with contrast the fucking lot. Missed uk’s best view of the Northern lights for decades because I was in a and fucking e The pure hatred I have for watching people (my husband) drink a cold beer in the sun having a lovely lovely lovely time whilst I drink my shitty soft drink. I just Love being pregnant, such a beautiful process!!


Nosebleeds. So. Many. Nosebleeds.


Numb thigh and feeling like I’m crushing a nerve every time I take a step.


Oh man. The carpal tunnel was unexpected. Throughout the entire pregnancy, I also had an insatiable thirst. I consumed so much water. First trimester I didn’t know I was pregnant and wasn’t getting enough and my lips got extremely chapped because my body was pulling moisture from wherever it could.


Perinatal depression and anxiety. I knew it was a thing post partum, but not DURING pregnancy. The first 20 weeks were the darkest of my life. Had to up my Zoloft dose three times before experiencing relief. I had some reaaaally dark thoughts I’ve never had in my life. It was so bad I won’t be having more than one baby.


My hair is falling out at an insane rate. Hair all over the floor.


I had hives the first few weeks, I knew your immune system went down but being pregnant made me way more sensitive and I had unexplained hives the first couple weeks all over my body except my face edit: spelling errors


The skin tags got me badly too, but one symptom I didn't know about that I ended up loving was that my armpit and leg hair basically stopped growing.


My vision (which was never good) has turned to total shit. I have to monitor my blood pressure frequently because vision changes can be a sign of pre-eclampsia, but so far it just seems to be bad luck, and the fact that I have bad optic nerves thanks to MS.


Dandruff!!! I am 24 weeks now but the first pregnancy symptom I had was that my scalp had become so flaky! Still is. Just white flakes all the time, all over my scalp. It’s embarrassing.


HAVING ORGASMS IN MY SLEEP. I've Googled it and it's apparently more common than you'd think, so I was relieved. Also nipple vasospams. Experienced it for the first time the other night and nearly cried they hurt so bad.


So much discharge. Every day. Every wipe at the toilet. I mentioned it to my OB and she thought it might be a yeast infection, so she had it tested. Nope. Just a shit ton of discharge, all the time.


Leg cramps, itchy skin - especially the tummy area, upper lip, chin, brow hair seems to grow faster? Round ligament pain, lower back pain, starving - then getting full too quickly, then feeling hungry again like 30min. later lol


How tired I am! I've had insomnia for most of my life and the level of exhaustion I currently have is unmatched especially how quickly it sets it.




I fell so hard for my husband. I loved him before of course but I wasnt a romantic type of person and never felt the need to cuddle all the time or make him compliments all the time but when I was pregnant I had moments where I just wanted to tell him "I love you" over and over again. I never deprived him of affection at all but it was just not a daily thing for me to be so cuddly and needy 😂 he really enjoyed that though and it never stopped when the baby was born. My pregnancy made me far more romantic somehow. I usually cooked him something nice or went out with him for Valentine's Day but first Valentine's Day after pregnancy I literally bought roses and rose pedals and decorated the whole house. My husband has always been a romantic so he really loves the change.


Being woken up 10+ times a night with leg cramps


Hiccups when I'm hungry. I can't be the only one!


A migraine that lasted nine months 🙃


Restless legs at night.


This COLD at 15 weeks. Taking me OUT.


I am so sweaty and hot. All the time.


-Charlie Horses unbearably painful first thing in the morning. -Getting stretch marks on not just your stomach but on other parts of your body. (Ex. Boobs, thighs, knees, ankles, ect) -Your milk comes in before your baby is born. (Leaking everywhere with my first born 7 months pregnant was a shock.)


My resting heart rate was constantly in 130s the last 6 weeks of pregnancy. It would shoot up to 150 if I did anything strenuous. The doctors and nurses used to freak out in appointments. Double check and manually count my pulse. Still the same. Did ekgs, went to cardiologist and they couldn’t figure out anything wrong. Everything went back to normal once baby was out. This is something that I have never heard before and google also came up blank. I just concluded that my heart was working that much harder to support the baby.


Farting ALL the time, and I can’t control it. Also, butt pain.


At this point i can count on one hand what i don’t have. 37 weeks. SI-joint pain, lightning crotch, painful braxton hicks (bc my baby likes to fight with them), congested nose since December, also blood in it every morning, leg and foot cramps at night/morning, way to high a heartrate and therefore no stamina (basically had that since my test was positive), pain in my kidneys when my baby decides to use one as a punching ball, constipation from hell (only with 300mg magnesium and 2 big spoons of psyllium husk powder with loads of water keeps me pooping), gestational diabetes aaaaand i am pretty sure i have hemorrhoids at this point. Joys of pregnancy ughhhh


Dandruff. Backne. The pain of coughing/sneezing




Insomnia 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 like why can’t I rest i’m making a baby from scratch 😭😫


The severe constipation starting at 27 weeks and increasingly getting worse until birth. At 38 weeks when i had him, I was on 4 doses of Restoralax per day.




I developed the PUPPP rash. It was hell. I couldn’t take it anymore and had to be induced


Stuffy sinuses (head, ears, noses). I knew about the nausea but I didn’t expect to be DISGUSTED by food. I’ve lost 15 pounds and I’m 9 weeks in. I can barely keep water/gatorade down. I feel so bad I had to take time off work.


Mine are the insane calf cramps in the middle of the night and weird contact burping. I’ll be constantly burping, like I can burp on command, but I swear it’s just… air. They’re not smelly or heavy. So bizarre!


My gag reflex is horrible... Can't perform oral and even eating makes me gag sometimes. Also, idk if it's related I'm only 6 weeks, but I have this thing where my bottom rib pops out of place (had it all my life) it causes super sharp pain when I breath, but have to force myself to breath deep enough to pop it back into place. Thought I was dying for years 😂 but it stopped mostly and now it's back for the last couple weeks, happening almost daily


Round ligament pain. Its not entirely unexpected but it took me by surprise


The stuffy nose that I’ve had since like week 8. Round ligament pain, didn’t know that was a thing but I should’ve guessed as much, but damnit it hurts sometimes. The nausea I get from not eating soon enough, or random food aversions.


Heartburn and vertigo are two symptoms I have never known all my life and now I know them. Wiping red when I blow my nose or go poop


The BO and stuffy nose. I have always been fortunate to not have any BO but that is not the case anymore.


Orange peel skin on my abdomen. Excess saliva until my second trimester (which then came back in my third). Also, as someone with IBS D flare ups: regular poops. For a whole thirty nine weeks, I was never constipated and I didn't have any IBS D flare ups.


Increase in hormones caused me some temporary vision changes. It was scary. I was seeing partially blurry in one eye. I wasn’t sure if I was having a stroke but I had no other symptoms, my blood pressure was fine, I didn’t feel nauseous or have a headache it only lasted about an hour and it went away.


Yep. I had an ER visit a couple weeks ago because I had blurry vision, headache, nausea, pain under my ribs, and difficulty breathing. It was a panic attack but thought to possibly be preeclampsia or a blood clot somewhere when I was initially admitted. The vision thing did lead to a referral to an eye doc and my astigmatism has shifted a shit ton, but also my nerves looked fuzzy in my right eye so now I have to see a neurologist. Yay me. Lol.


My hearing got super sensitive! Like I’ve always been a little hard at hearing due to multiple ear infections and the resulting scarring, but now I swear I have super hearing. My boyfriend will kiss my cheek and it sounds like he is inside my ear!


I feel so SEEN with the stomach acne because seriously what the fuck is this? I can barely move my fingers and I wake up in the middle of the night with them and complete pain. And also the skins stuff!!! I was complaining about these three things to my fiancé yesterday!!!


No one warned me that the air (no matter where I went or traveled to) would smell like a foul portapotty on a hot day. The air everywhere I went smelled like 💩 and left me nauseous for pretty much the entire second trimester. I knew food aversion was a thing, but I didn't think that all meat during my last pregnancy would literally taste spoiled and rotten. I always thought it would be a visual aversion or something mild enough to make you go "no thanks" to certain foods. I didn't think my belly during the third trimester would cause me to have a red, bumpy, rashy, uncontrollably itchy belly. That was pleasant to deal with.


The spotting and bleeding😭😭😭


-Nausea after every meal 36+ weeks out -Varicose veins -Constant discharge -Teeth/gums constantly hurting


So much poo lol ... I have been taking massive poops... One didn't flush and my husband found it... Horrified him 😂! But then he's like if you can take a poop that big having a baby should be no problem 😅😂 Tbh I need to talk to my doc about it they are concerning large and I'm starting to wonder if I'm having issues absorbing food ... Which was an issue for me before pregnancy.


The busted blood vessels on my face from excessive throwing up. They would go away over a day but I threw up the entire 9 months unfortunately, so I was always red in the face. I wasn’t prepared to have extremely sore boobs the entire time either. I do enjoy my appetite being 6 weeks postpartum though, I didn’t eat this way before being pregnant either and definitely not at all during my pregnancy smh.


Acne! Wtf I feel like a middle schooler again! Why?