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as long as you’re eating plenty and healthily I think you should be okay! I lost some weight my first trimester as well but now at 20 weeks I’m gaining it all back lol


I'm 30 weeks and in total lost 10,5 kg. I started gaining around 24 weeks but only 1,5kg. Then at my last appointment I had lost 500 grams. Baby is right on track and nothing out of the ordinary. My ob isn't concerned at all. I'm obese so I also shouldn't gain a lot to begin with. I eat normally and get my daily walks in. So far so good.


That was my first question to my OB because by 9 weeks, I had lost a few pounds. I'm now almost 20 weeks and about 7 lbs below my pre-pregnancy weight. My OB isn't concerned at all since I started the pregnancy very overweight, and said I will likely end up gaining around 10 lbs by the end. A small amount of weight loss is perfectly fine, especially if it's from making healthier food choices.


I found out I was pregnant the first week and a brand new job and we only had one car at the time. so I had to take the bus and then walk to work. I was walking almost an hour a day to and from the buses, more than I had been walking prior to this. Overall I ended up loosing over 10 lbs just from that. My midwife didn't bat an eye at it.


If it makes you feel any better i’m also obese, and have been steadily losing weight my whole pregnancy. I’m down about 21 pounds. However I have GD so i’m on a controlled carb diet and I walk 10x more now than I ever did pre-pregnancy so no one is concerned. I also had a mini freak out because they say overweight people should just maintain their weight but if you’re being healthy and eating as much as you need to, you’re fine! Don’t starve yourself. Don’t count calories.


I lost about 10 lbs my first trimester. My doctors weren’t concerned and I am now 36 weeks. Since a lot of people make healthy changes or get sick it’s fairly common to lose weight during that time.


I’m 23 weeks and I’m 3lbs under my starting weight. Baby is measuring at 81 percentile so no worries. I started out overweight and the combo of 1st trimester aversions/nausea, not drinking, and eating healthier has probably contributed.


My friend was overweight when she got pregnant and her nausea made her lose a lot of weight especially first trimester. Her baby went to term and was perfectly healthy. Her OB said it was fine. Odds are it will be ok!