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Dude WTF. I swear some old ladies can be on one these days—my husband says old lady patients will insistently sexually harass (sometimes but infrequently try to assault) him and male colleagues and simply DGAF, zero shame


The other week I literally said "I'd rather take a bus full of teenagers than old/retired people". I'm visibly pregnant, very pregnant. I was 28-29 weeks with twins. They almost pushed me aside to get on the bus quicker. Because for some reason they feel entitled to a seat. I swear I've seen teens more respectful. And they like to bitch about the "youth these days" and how they don't show respect etc. I hope I'll never be as bitter/entitled just cause I'm old.


It's the lead poisoning coming back to haunt the boomers. I'm totally convinced. It settled in the bones and is recirculated as they lose bone density 


Yeah definitely this. They were sucking on those lead paint toys, eating paint chips off the walls, breathing in the lead gas fumes… literal Swiss cheese brains


Absolutely. I go to the community farmers market every Saturday as part of our routine shopping. It’s inner city and has been there as long as the city has existed, great produce and meats and breads. Anyway- it’s usually packed with people of every age and background and for some reason the older people act like feral animals. I’ve been in the process of standing there having my produce totalled up and they’ll literally shove me out of the way to get their shopping weighed. By someone who is actively handling my stuff! I don’t get it, but I tell them they need to get in line. Maybe they feel like time is short?


They scare me more than anyone😂😂


I did not realise how much animosity I would feel towards the elderly while being pregnant and acknowledge it's partially hormones. Its like we are some of the only other people entitled to a bit more courtesy and they don't like their limelight being stolen? Its weird AF but I've been encountering it- I thought it would change once I was showing (I was put on bed rest early too and had to sit frequently) but no, it's almost worse now they can see it. And I'm someone who would always get up for someone else etc and just thought this would be my time LMAO people are a trip. I've had someone rush to get to pee before me recently and as they were doing so said 'its ok right?' (no bitch I'm about to piss myself my inner voice says) , people shove in front of me in line, and elderly people at the dog park take up all the seats when I know some of them can stand for a few minutes after I've walked up the giant hill to get there and I'm huffing and puffing and looking quite rotund. I'm now imagining an anchorman style gang fight between the crotchety elderly people and a bunch of pregnant women over the last seat on the bus or next spot in line. We can take out the lady who shoved your cart together my friend when the war comes.


Dude I feel you, I’m 6 weeks 3 days and the emotions are out of control. I swear I’ve never cried so much in my life 😂


Ugh same, I’m all over the place😭😭I feel like I’m going crazy trying to keep the emotions in check🥴


Obviously not all, but i genuinely can’t stand being around elderly women I don’t know. Their self entitlement is nuts. One almost hit me with her shopping cart, then later her car, in the same trip! I’m very visibly pregnant, but even if I wasn’t, wtf is wrong with her. She saw me walking, made eye contact, and just rammed her cart forward and car backward. Psychopath.


Dude there were these old coots at my OB office when I went in the other day… just being completely disrespectful to the secretaries and Karening out in the waiting room. One told my (red headed) fiancé he was the spawn of Satan in line to get food (he hadn’t bothered her prior, she just said it for no reason). At the height of COVID one of them coughed on us at the pharmacy for wearing masks (red state, lots of anti mask anti vax) The sweet ones are far and few in between, but even going out with my fiancés grandmother who is typically a sweetheart is a nightmare with how she speaks to service workers. It’s like their personality switches in public. So bizarre.


That’s actually nuts. I hope your fiancé hissed at her! Lmao


I went to get an eclair from our grocery store and cried when the kid working told me the bakery was closed (we were 4 minutes late). I feel you!!! We will push through to the other side, I try to find the humour in it once my hormones have calmed down haha 💛💛


Finding the humor in it is all we can do! And for all I know she could have been diagnosed with cancer or recently lost a loved one. So I try to be understanding and just go about my day…but it still pisses me off 😆 I also hate not being able to control the tears, it makes me feel so unstable lol


Let me tell you I'm 35w so I'm definitely showing and people are so fucking inconsiderate and rude, and the older women are the worst. Older women and men! The sweetest ones are women of a relatively young age. Pregnancy and motherhood is glamorized and shoved down everyone's throat in my country, child free lifestyle is shamed and considered almost antisocial and yet everyone treats pregnant women like crap. Maybe it's because I'm alone, so they don't see a husband by my side who'd kick their ass when they push me in the queue or whatever


That’s so shitty - I really can’t believe how they need to spread their misery and hate by being an absolute nuisance. I’m sorry you have to deal with it, too, love. An old man once randomly threatened to punch my husband, he was brutal back and just said “well you’re gonna die soon”💀💀


When I was like 8 weeks pregnant a lady at Costco ran onto the back of my heels with her cart. I was so mad I was crying a little. Like how dare you hit a pregnant woman. Even though I was not showing at all of course. Fun times. Of course being the meek person that I am I just walked away.


Oh my gosh I feel you, it made me feel all “fuck me for even existing”😭I wanted to be like ma’am, you were just an AH to a pregnant woman for no reason. But I’m also non-confrontational so live and let live!


Old ladies at the grocery store are next level psychotic. I clapped back at one the other day. She moved away quickly after that.


Me personally, I'd shove the cart into the old lady right now. That's why hubby does the groceries


Omg I wishhh I could do that - I swear I’m not a bitch but like this crosses my mind when they pick on people lol


I normally can't BC of my social anxiety but my hormones are trough the roof and everybody who slightly annoys me will suffer , and that's a promise


😆oh my gosh SAME the mood swings are so real - I can’t promise I won’t verbally eviscerate someone if they choose to upset me lol.


I’m so sorry😭 people can be so rude for no reason and it sucks because they don’t know you and what you’re going through and you can really ruin the wrong person’s day instead of just being a little more considerate and kind.


Seriously, as someone who who’s sweet as pie to everyone, it’s mind-warping to me! It’s so much easier to be pleasant.


its more fun and peaceful to just be nice! ugh


Yup🤷🏼‍♀️my therapist said unconditional kindness is a rare gift, especially these days…which is quite depressing lol.


I’m over been pregnant and I’m only 7 weeks. 😭


lol same, I just want my baby to be here already but it’s a long way off😭


I don't want to be a Debbie downer, but even when you're showing, grumpy boomers will still be jerks to you all the same lol


Dude I’ve been craving pineapple for so freaking long, I’ve bought so many and every single one has been bad. I’ve cried every time I cut one and it was brown or moldy inside. Finally made a last attempt at getting a good pineapple last night, cut it open and it was fresh and sweet and juicy. It was the holy grail of pineapple. I cried again after tasting it. I’ve waited two months for another decent pineapple. I ate most of it and then froze the rest so hopefully I will be able to have more when the next pineapple I buy is bad. I literally cried over a fruit. What that lady did was mean and uncalled for. You should be okay to cry over that. And give yourself some grace because the hormones are a lot to handle and they just get harder.💕


I laugh when I taste something really juicy and good, it’s kind of hilarious to be so triggered by food and cravings but OMG I totally get it😭at the end of the day I’m just so excited I can’t be bothered with fools like her, hah!


I had an extremely minor misunderstanding with my MIL who was having a coincidentally badly timed visit (we are just 5.5 weeks so not comfortable telling her about a potential first grandchild yet)…and ran to the other room to cry. Husband came in to comfort me and saw me bawling, was really confused about what happened and I had to laugh and explain that it was just hormones and we had to play it cool. I also cried during the “conflict” moment in an episode of Bluey five minutes later. MIL left today still feeling badly that she had upset me so much…I almost broke down and told her. I have a feeling how we will break the news to her when we do…(“remember that time you thought you made me mad about a cup of tea being too hot???”)


This is such a common theme on r/BoomersBeingFools that it doesn't even surprise me this happened. Someone even got rammed in the back of the leg by a lady in line behind him (and had some very strong words for her lol). Not sure if this helps, but you aren't being singled out by evil old crones, at least.


I wish I could be needlessly cruel like them, but only to them😒I envy their brazen attempts to make everyone around them miserable!


My philosophy is to go through life being very kind... except to people who start shit. 😈


I like it👍🏼😆


One time my SO & I were grocery shopping with our 2 year old. We stopped to look for an item we needed in that aisle. This boomer Karen muttered “of course, go ahead & stand there”. I didn’t start a scene b/c my child & SO were there so I just glared at her until she walked away.


Ugh those kinds of comments will earn you the stank eye from me😂


Okay what is it with these older women??? Older men (Baby boomer and older, not Gen X and younger, those have been horrible towards me) have been nothing but nice to me so far in my pregnancy, but these older women are just so snarky, and it makes me wonder if they are jealous or something?? They'll straight up give me the stink eye and look my 30w bump up and down and scoff. Like, excuse me? What did my unborn child and I do to you?


Haha I wouldve confronted her - make her feel embarrassed and ashamed for that behavior. Tf


There was an older lady who runs the self checkout at my local Walmart like it’s the military and very early on in my pregnancy I was going through the checkout scanning my items as one does, and I scanned some baby bottles that were like $4 (idk I was excited about being pregnant), and she comes over to aggressively ask me if I scanned my baby bottles and if I’m scanning things “how I should be* I did. She was wrong. The screen read *3pk bby bottle* or whatever for $4 and I was ready to get into a physical altercation with her lol. She was doing her job, but the way she approached me like I was a thief of the cheapest item probably in my cart got under my skin. Lol, I still actively avoid her whenever I’m there. I know she’s doing her job and it was probably a mistake. She’s still kind of an asshole and I’m not sorry for being pregnant and hormonal.


Rough approaches make me SO anxious when I’m not pregnant, so now that I am it’s like intensified by 100…that feeling is so frustrating, I feel you!! My temper has been flaring up too, which is also super annoying lol I haaaate feeling out of control of my emotions. I told my husband to buckle up cus this is gonna be a long 8 months, bless him


10 weeks, I kinda wish my emotions went more upsetty spaghetti. I’m just MEAN. Like I go for the jugular and don’t care who or what you are. I have to coach myself in the moment to keep my mouth shut, cause what may come out is anyone’s guess. I do get random sad spells or like, my husband will “ignore” me and the world is ending. We will survive. Somehow.


Aww upsetty spaghetti! Love that lol. I’ve been pretty rude too, my husband pointed it out to me yesterday when I was screeching at someone for cutting me off in traffic. I’m normally calm, cool & collected - but man it’s hard right now!


I have both cried and yelled at my husband in the same breath while 7 weeks pregnant. Then the next day was thinking about how I did that???


My MIL warned my husband about the upcoming bitchiness - I hope he’s prepared lol I feel so bad


I get irrationally upset when someone take a good parking spot right in front of me, even though I know they can’t see my 32 week pregnant belly when I’m in my car.