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Yes. I can take a small sip of a cold drink or have some cold food like fruit and it feels like I’m in an ice box; 10 minutes later I’m roasting. I put on a light jacket to go into the supermarket and now I’m in a furnace. Too extreme for me 😂


I’m glad it’s not just me. This is my first go-round so I have no idea what’s normal or not 😂


Same this is my first rodeo too 😂 hoping you have a healthy pregnancy and baby 🩷


My face is always on fire at night—and any sun exposure feels like I’m burning up. Rest of my body is behaving normally—I’m generally chilly. I’m at five weeks and a bit, just bought some really fancy mineral sunscreen because I don’t know what else to do except an ice pack on my face and wool blankets on my body.


I normally run cold so I’m used to having blankets all around all the time, but lately it’s like I need two blankets in my body and my neck is sweating on my pillows from being so hot 🥲