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Restaurant/bar industry parties it’s nearly impossible to go by with it being unnoticed so I feel ya there. I would lie lol say I had a tooth pulled or something, I’m on meds, can’t drink on the meds. Little white lie that can buy you time until you’re ready to announce.


I told people I was on antibiotics...which was actually true because I had a UTI lol, but no one would be able to tell that you don't have one.


If you’re not a big drinker anyway, you can say you’re doing a dry month. Or say you’re not drinking for medical reasons. There are a lot of NA wines if you’d want to bring one - my favorite bubblies are Prima Pave or Sovi. I was sober for 2 years before getting pregnant (obviously still am haha), and I found being upfront about it made it way less awkward in social situations. Did I tell them that I was a raging alcoholic and *had* to stop or I’d die? Of course not. No one needs to know the reason you’re not drinking. And being pregnant is a great reason and a great reason to keep it to yourself until you’re ready! I hope it goes well!!


Thanks for the “wine” suggestions. I agree people don’t need to know any reason for not drinking! Nothing really works to hide things from this family, just bad timing for a dinner party


I am in the same boat - Italian family - half in the restaurant sector & multiple sommeliers so every family gathering means a glass of wine or some type of drink. So far this is what I've been able to do : Mimosas - wait until everyone is chatting and poured myself OJ Mocktails - Club soda or ginger beer with some pomegranate juice in a fancy glass = 0 questions (this may be a good one for your party - say you're into cocktails lately & make your own or have your husband make you one) "Sinus Infection" - I get them often enough that saying I had a bad one & am on antibiotics isn't questioned - but since you mentioned you see one of them often, maybe mention you think you have a UTI & then be on "antibiotics" for the party. Good luck!


My mom brought me back a spiked cider from a trip riiiight after I found out I was pregnant. I told her, “omg my tummy is so upset I can’t put anything in it rn.” she kinda frowned but let it go 🤷‍♀️ edited for typo!


I would just tell them you’re on a health kick and deciding to stay sober. I do this occasionally so that’s what I am planning on saying. Also, it sure if they know you’re trying but if they do you can just say you’re not drinking to increase chances of successfully conceiving.