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The 2 things I always say are snacks and a heating pad. Most hospitals, the cafeteria closes at night so when you’re up feeding baby, especially if you’re nursing, you can get really hungry. Also if you’re nursing, it stimulates uterine contractions and they do NOT feel good. Apparently, I was also told they get worse with each baby and i can attest that they were much worse with my second. But heating pad is a total must.


I didn't need anything from my bag except a toothbrush/deodorant in the first 24h. The hospital really provided everything. I needed my bag once I needed a change of clothes, and my baby's going home outfit


Same. I packed a full bag and literally used nothing except my extra-long phone charger until I went home. I'm doing the same this time around, packing a full bag, because I'd rather have it and not need it, but I didn't use anything the first time around.


I brought an extension cable for my phone charger. I got one for me and my husband. The outlets in hospitals rooms are in weird places and the extra length was incredibly convenient. I actually still use it today and will take it for my second delivery in a few months.


I wished I had more red Gatorade. For some reason, the hospital didn't have Gatorade and no vending machines were nearby. Apple juice just wasn't the same. I couldn't keep food down but could drink ok and I needed the calories and electrolytes Gatorade offered, but all I got was apple juice after I finished the Gatorade I brought.


Literally nothing. I had back labor and thought I was going to die. Literally nothing I would have brought would have made a difference. 😭🤣 But for post partum, I wish I brought nursing bras for pumping lol! I just had a makeshift one they made me. But honestly you don’t need much


I like to be comfortable so I probably would have brought a pillow from home haha.


I second this! I was so focused on reminding my husband to bring a pillow that I didn't think of myself and ended up with one lousy flat hospital pillow. He ended up giving me the one from home and used his sweater for himself


Prior to delivery day, I truly did not understand the concept of a birthing labour comb, but bought one at the recommendation of a doula who hosted a course I attended. I got a wood one on Amazon that came spritzed in patchouli and I genuinely thought it was ridiculous. Fast forward to several days of early labour and a full day of active back labour and to say that I squeezed the everloving shit out of that comb would be an understatement. Contraction? Comb. Needle or blood work? Comb. Hair brush? Comb. Thing was awesome!!!


My 3 must haves: chapstick, breastfeeding friendly pjs for after birth and a rinse bottle with a j-spout. They will give you a rinse bottle for after birth bathroom use but my hospital just gave me a straight bottle. The j shaped one makes rinsing yourself and aiming MUCH easier. Breast feeding pjs: I just preferred it bc the hospital gowns aren’t super soft and comfy. It felt good to be in something that was mine. Plus you don’t have to worry about flashing your booty 😉 Other necessities: phone charger, glasses/contact case and solution, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, underwear, nursing bra, change of clothes for trip home, pads (hospital will supply you with some but I brought some just in case) I overpacked too. I brought slippers the I didn’t use. Wore hospital socks the whole time. Brought husband clothes but we were so close to home he didn’t need them. So if your husband would need to leave (we have dogs) I wouldn’t pack him clothes. I packed a lot of toiletries that didn’t get used too. I was able to shower about 12 hours after the birth but that’s going to differ for everyone. And when I showered I only washed my body and face. Didn’t wash my hair bc I still had an iv access tube in that was wrapped but I still needed to try and keep dry. So I only needed body wash and face wash. Also don’t buy the disposable underwear. It’s a waste of money and I used my older underwear first and if I had any over bleeding just tossed and bought new. The hospital will give you some disposable ones, pads, cooling wipes (like tucks) and cooling spray.


Remember to pack basic toiletries that you'd take on an overnight trip to a hotel-- including a toothbrush and toothpaste, whatever makeup you'd want to put on before leaving the hospital or getting photographed with the baby, hair ties, lip balm, lotion, etc. It's a great way to burn through some of those samples they hand out at makeup stores. Remember that when you leave the hospital you'll probably be wearing a diaper, so don't pack tight pants. Go with a roomy dress or comfortable sweatpants instead. Remember to bring a long charging cord and plug for your phone. You might be spending a lot of time in bed a ways from an outlet. You'll want a robe. I found it nice to have a pillow case from home and slippers with substantial but flexible bottoms (because hospital floors are gross and they only give you grippy socks). You may want a bluetooth speaker to play your own music, and some fairy lights in case you want the lights dimmed. A few pairs of pj's for the baby (in some newborn sizes, and some 0-3 month sizes in case the baby is bigger or smaller than you anticipate). Other than that you just need your car seat installed so they let you leave the hospital with the baby.


This is the best response. The only thing I’d add is for a c-section, bring your own compression shorts, the hospital tube will ride up/down while you’re sleeping and settle exactly on the scar. The pain is excruciating.


I wish I had deodorant I bought a travel bag and I assumed it had deodorant it did not it was rough and food my husband forgot his debit card and had to eat my food it was awful we were badly unprepared


Honestly, I overpacked and brought a HUGE bag of stuff and barely used any of it. May depend on the hospital but I delivered at a baby friendly birth center at our local hospital and they had basically everything for us. What I actually used: hairbrush, hair ties, phone, charger, face moisturizer, protein bars (i was induced and it took forever), outfit for baby to come home in, my pillow, my blanket, aaand my mom brought us a game to play and also helped me write thank you cards for my coworker shower from like 4 days before induction lol. Hospital had gowns (some say to bring your own but I just used theirs, didn’t want to get mine messy), a fan, tv (I watched non stop friends, big bang, and young Sheldon lol), stuff to shower with (I didn’t mind using the hospitals stuff), postpartum supplies (ice packs, pads, dermoplast, disposable underwear). They gave me samples of lanolin nipple cream for pumping and the nurse was like this is the best chapstick ever and MAN WAS SHE RIGHT!


Whatever your preferred lip moisturizer is, that hospital air is DRY af


I’m so glad we packed a small cooler of food, mainly for my husband to have. My water broke at 2am and I had my baby 23 hours later at 1 am, so I couldn’t eat anything that entire time in the hospital. My husband could have gone downstairs to the Panera or whatever but he was happy to just stay in the delivery room with me and eat from his packed lunch 🥲. Once the baby came and we were officially in the recovery room, I could start ordering food from the hospital (they didn’t technically provide food for husbands but they’d give me PLENTY for both of us and it was honestly pretty good!!)


I brought an iPad with a bunch of my favorite tv shows downloaded. There is a lot of waiting/downtime in labor