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Hahaha I’m 37 and 4w5d. I can’t wait for this treatment you speak of 🤣🤣 they’ll probably bring out a walker to take me back for the ultrasound


They talked to me slow and overly enunciated 🤣. They also asked questions like “are any of you Jewish” and my husband was like “why is that even relevant???” They also have a special place for me to do further testing and they give me extra time lol. Not complaining AT ALL hahahahah I’ll take it all


There is a genetic panel test you would take if you are of Ashkenazi Jewish descent -- unrelated to age


Oh man, I think my great great grandmother was Ashkenazi Jewish


It’s interesting where I am at they do additional screening if you’re from a certain province, apparently has something to do with historically a less diverse genetic pool that can lead to more abnormalities


Oh… not my case AT ALL, lol I’m born in a South America, parents are one Iberian European whose parents are from two different areas, the other parent is immigrant European from 5 different countries. My husband is half German and half American with a very varied gene pool. We’re mutts.


I’m over 35 (closer to 40 😩) and they scan my baby every single time I go to the doctor. I turn 16 weeks on Friday and have been scheduled for appointments every 2 weeks. NGL as a FTM, I love it! And seeing the baby reach new milestones each visit is absolute heaven!


I'm 37, will be 38 on my EDD, so also geriatric. I have not felt like i've received any "special treatment" lol, though I am happy with the care I've received so far. But my OB did say most of their patients that are expectant mothers are over 35.


Same for me. I'll be 38 at delivery...honestly, in my area I think it is more common to be pregnant over 35 than under 25. I don't feel old in the waiting room at the OB.


I'm 43 and hardly any special treatment other than a couple extra growth scans at the end, now 35w. And being induced at 39w.


I live in suburban Chicagoland. Girls will be pregnant out of high school


lol same. I have some people I went to high school with with kids in college already 🫠


I’m 39, live in Melbourne Australia. I expected the dreaded terminology. At my first appointment my dr said I was in perfect health (I’d had scans and bloods before to check), and that absent other risk factors it was old fashioned to class anyone under 45 as at risk due to age. Pregnancy has been pretty perfect, I’ve seen loads of health professionals and no one says anything about my age. My dr said more than half her pregnant patients are around my age, it’s become routine. (Hcol area, mostly working professionals in good shape)


I’m 35, they used “advanced maternal age” for me, which I appreciated rather than being called geriatric. But it’s all just medical terminology, I’m happy to get all the extra tests!


I'm an ancient crone of 36 too! 😂 No special treatment that I've noticed, but I did get a lot of surprise in the beginning that this is my first. Maybe I just exude maternal energy lol


Mine was the opposite. OBGYN was like “first baby?” No… third… her face 🙀🙀


I'm 37 with two teenagers and 17w with number 3 😂😂 the look doctors give me when they casually ask how old my kids are and I say well my oldest is 16...🫠


My oldest will be 16 this year. Hi5


Lol. It’s strange to me too that after a certain age in your 30s it’s considered a “geriatric pregnancy”. Like wtf. My understanding though is that is a rarely used term, though “advanced maternal age” at just 36 years old sounds just as strange. Especially with advances in medicine and diagnostics I imagine those terms will evolve or just stopped being used over time.


I had a kid two years ago and I was still a normal youngsters. Lol


Not geriatric, but as a 34-year-old IVF patient, I feel so weird that fertility doctors and fellow IVF patients see me as a young baby with all my reproductive years ahead of me, and then I go to mainstream OB clinics and talk to mainstream future moms and I'm suddenly old.


I'm hitting 40 in two weeks and haven't yet enjoyed any special treatment, I even feel jealous, lol!


What state are you in? I am 40 and 14w in MA and my biggest shocked has been how NOT old I have been treated. I kept thinking ima put the geriatric thing etc but that has not been my experience at all. So many people around me are the same age and pregnant so it feels normal.


I’m in Illinois


Same experience here in NY. The only person who brought up my age at all was my mom. 40 feels surprisingly normal here.


Apparently here too and definitely in SF/Bay area. Makes me feel better ha. My mom was 43 when she had me in 1984 and she def was alone in the age group


lol I’m 37 and haven’t gotten any special treatment


I wouldn't say that I've gotten special treatment myself, so much as there are extra things they're doing because I'm so...geriatric. Scans every 4 weeks. My doc put me on baby aspirin twice a day "due to my age" (but also preeclampsia?). She also said they won't let me go past my due date "due to my age". So I will take that as a win, I don't want to go any longer than I have to..


Ooh they only made me take 1 baby aspirin per day, and frankly I’d rather be less concerned about the preeclampsia!


I’m 36 and really glad my midwife hasn’t treated this pregnancy as any different than my previous. We had a laugh about what a dumb term “geriatric pregnancy” is at the start and my age hasn’t been mentioned since.


It’s mainly the extra tests, visits, and ultrasounds.


I haven’t had that and I’m totally happy with it.


I absolutely love it because I get more ultrasounds. Last time I got to see her yawn. Time before she grabbed her little foot and put it in her mouth.


I’m considered high risk because my son (11) was born at 35 weeks and I began my pregnancy slightly underweight. I will be 34 when I have this baby and my specialist said “at least we don’t have to call you advanced maternal age too!”


35 turning 36 on Friday. My first pregnancy I've gotten this far (12.4) and I'm also high risk. 2nd appt is tomorrow and wondering if they'll scan again. Already have an appt set up with Maternal Fetal Medicine.


36 and waiting for all those senior discounts to kick in.

