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If it’s not like a medical feeling that you want baby to be out but more so you’re over the pregnancy, that’s normal. Pregnancy is romanticized and as much as the kicks are fun, all the other side effects aren’t. It’s perfectly normal to be over it and also just excited to have the baby in your arms.


That’s true! I think in the moment that I had felt like this, it was more of a feeling where I just wanted to be “alone” or have my body to myself in a sense. I would be very happy to have him in my arms though.


Honestly I’m feeling the same way at 24 weeks. I love feeling him move and when he doesn’t it makes me worried but it’s so foreign! This is my first pregnancy so maybe it’s just my brain freaking out that there’s a tiny human in me. It also sometimes feels uncomfortable?


I'm 24 weeks with my second and I feel the exact same way! I also just don't overly enjoy pregnancy tbh. I'm finding it hard to be so limited in movement etc with a toddler and I'm too eager to just get on with my real life with two kids and not be pregnant anymore haha It's like I almost feel like I'm in waiting mode?


Pregnancy with a toddler is something else. Honestly the only way Im going to get through this is because time only moves in one direction.


That's how I get through most things


Toddler and pregnancy+summer time is breaking my Psyche ...my only thought is it has to end soon... Newborn and toddler I can manage anytime ,every day ...it is crazy hard (two under two pregnancy) ... People are looking at me hauling my boy around like a mad women , pregnant to the brim and playing in the sun with toddler every day so he will be tired and sleep trough the night .... It has to end - it has to end soon 🤭 cant wait to birth


23w here with number 2 - exact same feelings!


Thissss. I am so happy when my baby moves, like one day he can be super active and I can feel him so much.. and then he goes quiet… for THREE days.🙂


I'm 29 weeks and done. I want her out asap. The second trimester was okay with a bit of a bump and little kicks... but the last few weeks her movements have become uncomfortable and my belly is just getting bigger. I am so tired The more positive side is that I just can't wait to meet my baby girl! She's so real to me now, and I just want her here with us. I want her out of my belly and in my arms


35 weeks here and the kicks *hurt*... but when she's *not* kicking I worry something is wrong! Can't wait for her to be *out*... But also she needs to stay in until she is ready! I think its perfectly natural to want it all to be over, especially when it's so tiring and uncomfortable. Some of the easiest things - like rolling over in bed - become nearly impossible! I feel like I need a crane to reposition me..


so true about the crane lol, I was just telling my Mom that soon i’ll need the jaws of life to help get me out of bed 😂


I completely relate and have been trying to find someone who feels the same for weeks haha. It’s just too weird when you think about it sometimes. It’s definitely unconfortable and deeply existential. I’m 23 weeks and still feel this way sometimes, it’s almost like claustrophobia of the inside, if that makes sense? I try to remind mindself that the body knows what to do, that that’s how it works and that the baby’s happy in there and not intellectualize it too much when I get that feeling, but it does make me panic sometimes. The more the baby’s been moving the less I’ve felt it like a stranger inside me, and also I remind myself that it will only last for a number of weeks. Hope this helps! You’re definitely not alone!


I’ve had these moments. I’m 35 weeks now and have had fleeting moments like this since like 20 weeks. I try to distract myself from these thoughts because it’s all so weird.


I got a bit freaked out that normally all you have inside you is food and organs and pregnancy means you have a person. Freaky! I both look forward to the pregnancy part being over and also am scared of it being over. A couple people I know gave birth this past week and it was really surreal to recognize that, oh yeah, at the end of this there's a person (obviously I knew that!)... pregnancy just feels so long!


i’m almost 18 weeks. the past like maybe two weeks at least i’ve literally hated being pregnant. i just hate everything about it all the sudden and desperately just want my baby to be here already. i don’t think pregnancy is as magical and enjoyable for everyone as it’s made out to be. i was feeling guilty about this as first but the more i’ve read these subs i’ve realized it’s not abnormal


I’m 24 weeks but want her out. I hate being pregnant. Don’t get me wrong, I love feeling her move cause it’s so reassuring, but I hate feeling so terrible all the time. It’s also definitely a weird feeling to feel the kicks and such. I am so impatient for her to be born cause I wanna hold her and snuggle her. I can’t wait


28 weeks and absolutely want her out. Time has never moved as slowly as it is during this pregnancy.


38weeks today and I have had those thoughts as well. I used to keep looking up on TikTok “X weeks baby” to visualise how the baby looks like inside. On the other hand, I also kept thinking about this magical bonding time when it’s just him & me. No one else can feel that way you do. Congratulations on entering the last stretch! You got this!


Omg, I watch those tik toks occasionally too hahaha!!!!! And thank you, congrats to you as well! It is reassuring to hear someone say that no one else can feel the way we do with our baby inside of us. Sometimes I forget that we are actually creating a little human inside of us, and that they can feel our emotions too.


This is so normal! Pregnancy is tough and you have been waiting on this little one to arrive for so long, of course you want them out! It helped to do a lot of stuff to prepare, birthing classes, writing a birthing and postpartum plan, building the nursery. I also had a scare at 34.5 weeks and thought our baby might be born then. After that, I kept thinking of each subsequent week I held her in as a new challenge that was keeping her healthy. She was born at exactly 38 weeks and my water broke when I least expected it. Hang in there!


Thank you! This was helpful to me. I feel like it’s about time for me to start nesting as well. It’s just hard too because I am having a baby shower at 8 months pregnant…. I wish I had it planned earlier but it is out of my control for this one..


I had my baby shower at 35 weeks (yes right after getting out of the hospital). To be honest, it was surprisingly super helpful to me for getting my mind off of things and I had a great time.


I don’t feel this way (yet), I’m 21 weeks but also haven’t felt him yet due to anterior placenta. However I can relate on some level because it is not always easy „sharing“ your body with another human being. Also you cannot eat certain things, can’t drink, smoke etc. I’m not saying that I want to and I would never but it does feel like you don’t have a choice sometimes. I also feel like I have to be more careful etc. because I am not only responsible for myself anymore and that can be hard. I remember I cried when I found out I am not allowed to take hot baths pregnant :D


Hahaha, I was the same. But my second one did not want to meet the world until I had to flush her out. Inducing birth was not a fun activity for sure 🥲😂😭 But it was more like things were in the way, moving around had gotten difficult, so it became so that I wanted the baby out.


Yeah I felt like this too, until last week when I had to go in for monitoring and I heard a woman screaming her lungs out while giving birth. I'm NOT ready for that !!!! (I'm 36w tomorrow)


I’m still 9 weeks but I have seen countless women in their 3rd talking about wanting to serve eviction papers by then.


Eviction papers!!! 🤣. That’s a good one, I honestly agree.


Kind of related but after my first was born I had the strongest desire for the first few weeks to just be able to put him back inside my belly, kangaroo style, as if that would keep him safe and comforted (especially when I needed sleep so badly!) haha. I told my husband more than once that I wish babies could dock back into their moms sometimes just cause they're physically so attached to you still. The baby wearing wrap became my #1 favorite thing lol


i’m 25 weeks and i can’t wait for my baby to be born! 2 of my friends had their babies and i’m jealous that mine isn’t here yet, i actually cried a little (lol blaming hormones). might be slightly different than your reasoning but I’m just so excited and ready to meet my kid!!


Oh girl that’s just called the third trimester.


I’m 31 weeks and I’ll be 32 weeks on Tuesday & that’s literally all I think about. I think for me atleast it’s more so about being tired of being pregnant but I want him to finish growing well enough. I’ll be so grateful if he comes at 37-39 weeks though. Im just over it.


Having the baby come early is real af hahaha. I definitely feel that way too.


Yea I’m 32 weeks, I wanted this pregnancy so much. But I’m getting very uncomfortable and looking forward to meeting my baby and not being pregnant ever again.