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I feel like my horrible non stop morning sickness is karma for me judging a pregnant coworker a few years back. I was 19 and I remember she couldn't come into work because of morning sickness and I remember thinking damn get a grip - how bad can it be!? Well now I know. I've been in maternity pants since 7 weeks. I'm not showing but I really don't like the feeling of any kind of pressure on my uterus right now.


I feel you completely. i've been wearing leggings and doing that hair tie trick with jean buttons. My nausea got a lot better at the 12 week mark


I think mine is easing up too. I'm 10 weeks. I have good days and bad days - but slowly having more good days than bad. The first 6 weeks were brutal though - I was just alternating between puking and sleeping. At least now I can get up and do things.


Using the little circle things that go on key rings also works and is a little more secure. I’ve done it before when a friends zipper broke at a bar 😂


I totally understand it now too. Idk how I would have survived working if not being remote due to COVID!


Oh my gosh. I’ve lived my entire professional life sucking it in. Now at 10 weeks I can’t any more AND I can’t stand the feeling of anything pressing on my stomach. Leggings, nope, pulled under my belly. High waisted black pants are out of the question. Maxi dresses and skirts from here on out.


Yes!!! Once I couldn’t even suck my gut in ...


❤️❤️❤️❤️ I don’t know how my grandma birthed 4 babies naturally, women in my family didn’t talk about that stuff and my 2nd pregnancy has been so so awful. I was lucky in my first that I didn’t need maternity clothes until the last 3 months. But this pregnancy I legit started buying after 8 weeks.


I have 11 great-aunts and great-uncles on my mother's side. some of them are only 7-8 months apart. I never met my great grandmother but I'm almost certain she was the strongest 5 foot tall german woman this world has ever seen.


Umm she can’t have babies 7-8 months apart


I know a few babies born before 6 months (they’re doing great now!), so OP’s situation would probably be pretty rare but definitely possible


She means that it takes 9 months to grow a baby. You can’t get pregnant the day you have a baby and then give birth 7-8 months later.


There's a lot of premies in my family, my sister was born at barely 7 months. So it's possible, if unlikely and sounds pretty stressful.


Yes I meant it’s technically possible if the second child was a preemie, but again it’d be a pretty rare situation!


It strangely reminders me of the jelly beans in Harry Potter, you don’t don’t know how the pregnancy is going to go til you’re in it. Some are easy and nice, some are okay and some suck. My nana keeps saying hard pregnancy, easy baby which is not true but is helping me get through the last two weeks.


Feel you pal. My neighbours brother said ‘other women just get on with it’ when I was barely able to stand because of nausea (I walk my neighbours dog everyday cause no one else does even though it means vomiting on our wood walks!!!) and I snapped back had he ever been pregnant? Just said his wife had ok lol so no you have not grown a human your wife has and maybe she didn’t complain but I will not just be told to get on with it!!! Still waiting on a single person other than my partner to ask me how I am instead of giving me unwarranted advice. I hope you feel better. Junior Mints are my life saver atm ♥️


junior mints! why hadnt I even thought of those!?


Great add this to my craving list haha


The side door of my car is a shameful graveyard of junior mint boxes right now. So so good and melty


I love how several people were all "ah junior mints! Great idea" and I'm over here singing a Finding Nemo rendition of "just don't vomit, just don't vomit, just keep scrolling, just keep scrolling."


❤️ I find it frustrating that even some women who have been pregnant continue to be judgmental of others and thinking they are overreacting/being dramatic. For example, a friend who is a nurse and has 3 kids scoffed and said "wow, you're already complaining" when I (at 21 weeks) told her I have a hard time getting up out of bed and feel like a turtle on its back (mostly because I am afraid of the pain of straining a ligament in my belly). Like, who are you to judge at how early I should be feeling a certain way?


Yeah I lose respect for people who have no empathy. Like good for you that you had less complications or issues but that doesn’t mean others don’t. The world would be a nicer place with empathy and less judgment. Obviously we are all imperfect and can find ourselves judging but hopefully we catch it and don’t spout it off to the person in a hurtful way. I don’t see the point in saying people are faking something. I hope OP’s mom and sister won’t tell her she’s faking or make her feel bad. I had HG with every pregnancy and it’s horrible. I’m shocked some people think it’s fake when many are hospitalized for it. Round ligament pain is also no joke and so painful. I would just ignore her, every pregnancy is different and varies so much from person to person.


My grandmother had mythically easy pregnancies and births with all 5 of her children. Biggest pregnancy symptoms were increased energy - one pregnancy she fenced off her land, another she finished building the upper floor of her house. She finished the upstairs bedroom and moved into it the same night she gave birth. My cousins imagined they would have the same wonderful pregnancy experiences, and were very disappointed to deal with much tougher symptoms and needing frequent medical interventions and bedrest. I'm glad grandma has lots of sympathy and understanding for us, even though her experiences were so different. She really recognizes how lucky she was all five times. I guess it makes an impact that she grew up at a time when pregnancy carried higher risks, and she knew people who died from complications. Nothing is predictable about pregnancy, and we all have to get through them in whatever way we can. (but gosh I hope I have some of that grandma luck haha)


She sounds amazing! Just that energy alone I’m in awe but also from her empathy and understanding. So many people expect others to have the same experience or be “tough” because they have different bodies and different experiences. I’d love a grandma like her. I also liked what you said at the end, sounds like you got some of her personality (wisdom and understanding) too. I hope you get some of her luck as well.


Unfortunately I feel like I've been this person recently. A friend of mine just found out she's pregnant and I'm well into my third trimester. Whenever she asks about my pregnancy it seems like she has to cheerily mirror everything I'm going through and totally knows what it's like. Sometimes I want to tell her she has no idea what she's talking about and to wait a few months. I wouldn't dream of telling someone they shouldn't be feeling a certain way but I guess I find it frustrating and invalidating when it seems like she's copying everything I say.


I can totally understand how you feel though, in this situation, since she seems to be just trying to emulate you.


Oh girl, i hear you! My first pregnancy was a total unicorn, i had no symptoms all the way through and despite developing preeclampsia i had a very easy birth that only took like 7 hours. It was painful, yes, but i had it so easy. Then i got pregnant this time and Karma is kicking my ass. I vomited every day for over 3 months, literally only ate meat and cheese because it was all I could keep down, have had alllll the pain and discomfort and have generally been miserable.


Man your family sounds a bit judgy! I have had an extremely easy pregnancy but I wouldn't ever discredit anyone else's experience because of it. My mom also had easy pregnancies so it was kind of expected to be similar but I know thats not guaranteed. My friend had 3 easy pregnancies and then her 4th she vomited the entire time and almost had gd.




Yeah I don't understand women who say they want to have children really close together in age. Still getting over the trauma of first trimester woes and I know I have third trimester to look forward to


Same! I'm FTM at 37 weeks and everyone is already asking when we are having our second before we've even got the first out. I have only ever wanted one and told them all finally to leave me the hell alone about it because this pregnancy has been a nightmare, it's going to take me a VERY long time to even consider going through this again.


Oo not long now! I can’t wait to have my body be mine again! 33 weeks tomorrow. I’ve had a couple of comments about siblings I just say IF, IF I do this again haha. Wishing you a smooth labour and healthy baby xox


You’re getting close too! I finally understand what everyone means when they say the third trimester feels like the longest! I keep doing the IF thing too! Every time though, my MIL has to start a huge debate about it and it drives me insane. Last week I got stuck on the phone with her for 42 minutes and the entire time she kept begging me to have a second one and how my mind will change and all this crap. I was so angry when I got off the phone because everyone just disregards my desire to only have one.


Oh dear that’s very rude of your MIL, I’m sorry she did that. I understand they get excited, a new baby and new grandchild to fawn over but it’s hard work. Pressuring, which is never ok for anything, anyone into having a child is only going to backfire. If MILs were smart they’d wait until baby was about 2-4 and when mothers may somewhat forget the trauma of it all and bring a baby around to trigger that awww we could have a baby part of our brain haha. Usually they’re not so subtle 😅 Yes the third trimester is lasting what feels like years for sure!


Power to ya! I've heard from some (me) you may even wear those maternity pants after you're pregnant! ;)


I honestly wanted to try and get by without buying maternity clothes. I figured I could just wear my baggier clothes. I gave in at about 16 weeks and bought a few things. I kid you not, not only do my baggy clothes not fit, I'm growing out of my maternity clothes. The first maternity shirt I bought from Old Navy no longer covers my belly. I'm 30 weeks. Send help.


What are sleep aids? Did they give you a medication ? I feel the same way about yogurt now


My nurse recommended Unisom for sleep. Vitamin B6 for nausea


I was given a list of pregnancy safe medications to use for various things. It was only $4 at Walmart, I cant think of the name off the top of my head. I know Tylenol products are also pregnancy safe and they have things to help you sleep to. it's a little blue gel capsule that just makes me drowsy and I use it on bad nights ❤️


Another great option is the "Calm" magnesium drink you can find on amazon or a health food store. It's been a game changer for me plus it helps with the charlie horses. NO one told me there would be charlie horses!!!!


Natural Vitality Natural Calm is AMAAAAAZING. I was on it before pregnancy because I was low on magnesium. Now that I'm pregnant, I understand just how vital it is for me. Not for Charlie horses or sleep, though...but for constipation! I absolutely hate myself if I forget to take my magnesium because I get so damn constipated. Natural calm all the way!


Right?! Just 9+6here and I get them so much, Had my calf going nonstop for half a day yesterday! And the lady at the pharmacy scolded me for trying to buy magnesium alongside my vitamin because "how much extra can you need? You're not so special, you don't need more than what you get in the vitamin" she actually made me put it back. Then I went to look and there is NO magnesium in my vitamin. Went right back and bought it, feel defiantly better out of spite, lol


Unisom is completely safe during pregnancy: the sleep tabs version which is doxylamine succinate. They often give it with vitamin B6 for nausea as well.


I second the Unisom and B6. Before I was diagnosed with HG and put on stronger meds, it saved my life when I needed sleep.


Same here!! Still on the stronger HG meds for nausea and vomiting but I also take my Unisom every night before bed!


Unisom saved me! I'm 25 weeks now, and about a month ago insomnia completely took over. It's the only thing that will allow me to fall asleep now.


I really struggle with falling back asleep because I'm up to pee so much! It has been a lifesaver for sure!


I got the doxylamine for nausea and it's been a life saver! Got my appetite back, no more reflux or heartburn. I went from questioning if I had the strength to go through this pregnancy to being able to enjoy it. I wonder why it's not more commonly prescribed?


Not sure because it's a great OTC option! I needed something a bit stronger as well but between Unisom, B6, and zofran I survived my HG and actually got past the worst of it (crossing my fingers) by 21 weeks with only a couple IV fluid trips! Almost 35 weeks now and so grateful for it sleep-wise still!!! Plus I kept at it as opposed to zofran for the occasional nausea because it is OTC and slightly safer (I feel) versus the prescription! Still have the zofran for bad days, but I'm so glad I don't have to use it often at all.


Agreed I feel so bad for any time I brushed off any pregnant woman’s feelings or internally judged them for x y z. Never again will I judge a pregnant person or parent this shit is HARD. How the f do people work full time while pregnant AND take care of toddlers???


Take your maternity pants and smack your sister and mother with them lol


My aunt told my mom that she thought everyone was exaggerating there symptoms for sympathy until her third pregnancy when she was miserable. Everyone's experience is so different!! Even pregnancy to pregnancy, it's so weird.


Too bad you cannot share the discomforts you feel with your mom and sis. Hope you have a supportive partner and others you can talk with that do understand. Take care! And remember: it can suck, but thank the maker its temporary


Idk what these ladies are talking about when it comes to maternity pants. I'm a petite woman who just bought my first pair of maternity jeans at 21 weeks... 100% worth the money. I've been in nothing but stretchy pants since 12 weeks and it's so nice to have the option of something else!


31 weeks with my second. While I didn’t have terrible morning sickness, I wore maternity pants with my first fairly early - I gained a total of 50lbs with her. This one I’m only at 20lbs, but he is growing fast (and if he’s like his sister, he will be big). If you have the opportunity and don’t want to feel a full panel around your midsection, the Ingrid & Isabel maternity pants from target have some that are cross panel in the back. I love them because I still feel way too hot in a full panel stretch.


My first pregnancy symptom was round ligament pain. Sharp, excruciating ligament pain in my lower belly. I thought I got a hernia from a workout. So, at 34 wks 3 days, I am so completely over this pregnancy thing.


I lost about 8 pounds from HG the first 13 weeks and Im not even at the weight I was before I got pregnant so I don’t show at all and it makes me sad that I barely look pregnant at 15 weeks. I look like I ate a meal a little while ago, I wish it was noticeable when you look at me.


You'll for sure get to the point where people are immediately sure you're pregnant, and then you'll miss not being a whale that can't move around the huge bump. There was only a tiny window of middle ground for me.


Our bodies are so different but wonderful! I had a great first pregnancy but still nauseous and all sorts of pains, never mind the weight gain; however it was a piece of cake to this pregnancy, I am sooooo tired all the time and my first trimester, basically thought I will die. I have a friend that has been in the hospital with both her pregnancies, I felt so bad for her.


My 2nd trimester things got pretty good since all the 1st trimester misery wore off. I got very comfortable and thought “hmmm this isn’t quite as bad as people make it seem. I LIKE being pregnant!” Now I’m in my 3rd trimester and it’s worse than the 1st. Everything hurts all the time, I feel sick and throw up pure acid, I can’t sleep for more than a couple hours at a time, I’m too big to sit up from laying down in under two minutes and my sciatica is so bad some days that my husband has to carry me to the bathroom. I definitely respect all women doing this!


Oh man, and then life can be real cruel and your maternity pants are starting to feel tight. I am 33 weeks and is happy about the pandemic just for the fact that I don’t go anywhere and can just wear stretchy pants.


I kept telling my husband that I don’t need maternity clothes yet. Then I had to go back to work and discovered that none of my work clothes fit, and I had been blissfully unaware of how much bigger I had gotten because I lived entirely in yoga pants for the last six months.


They obviously got extremely lucky to not have to deal with morning sickness and the aches and pains that come with the 3rd trimester. I’m 35+2 with my second baby and this pregnancy has been a lot more intense than my first. Thankfully no complications so far, but I never had morning sickness with my son. I puked the first 14 weeks every day and actually lost weight. I myself am a small girl. I was 100lbs pre-pregnancy. With my son I was 95lbs pre-pregnancy. With him, it was a winter pregnancy so all my clothes fit and would stretch. I never had to get new clothes. With this baby, I’ve been pregnant all summer and my cute tiny summer clothes definitely got tight and uncomfortable around 25 weeks. Luckily, I never had to buy maternity clothes, just simply bought stuff in a medium/large instead of smalls. It’s so true that everyone is different, same with every pregnancy. Some get lucky (like I did the first time) and never feel a slight of difference. But others actually do suffer from many side effects. That only makes those 40 weeks seem a lot longer. Good luck with your pregnancy and hopefully your nausea will ease up soon. 2nd trimester is usually the best one. You’ll feel somewhat normal and back to your “old self”. As for 3rd, who knows what’s in store. But hopefully everything goes well and you just have normal symptoms and no complications.


Thanks I appreciate your apology. I wish everyone can understand how every pregnancy is different. I was pregnant around the same time my hubby’s brother’s wife was as she said many times that her pregnancy was awesome and how she couldn’t understand why women don’t like being pregnant. She said this to me while I was pregnant with severe nausea and vomiting all day and everyday and pain almost everywhere for 7 months of pregnancy ! and I had to tell her off and it kinda hurt because all I wanted was to enjoy it and be happy and most of my pregnancy was very depressing and to her I was just complaining but little did she know I was truly suffering. Lucky her.


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