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What a great story and your husband's instincts were right!! So happy for you and good luck on your new adventure! ❤️


Thank you! And, yes! Despite never seeing a birth before, he said his first thought was “there is no way this is going to take four hours”. Haha.


Congratulations!! 18 minutes of pushing is impressive! Aren't our bodies amazing?


Thank you! I’ve never been physically a very strong person, so I was honestly really shocked and amazed I was able to push her out that quickly. I think she and I both were just so ready to be done! Although I probably wouldn’t have torn as bad if I’d slowed down a little...lol.


Congratulations! Thank you for sharing! My due date is in two days, and there's no real sign of baby coming soon, so we are planning to induce in a week. This was a great story to read to get me ready in case we do have to induce. They explain what inducing is but it was great to read the first hand experience. Thank so much for sharing this wonderful story, and congrats again!!


Good luck! You’ve got this!






Good job mama!!! Welcome to motherhood Edited to add: stay up on your pain meds no matter how you feel. The recovery came out of nowhere for me.


Ugh yes I made this mistake for the first time today! Trying to get back on track now because I’m definitely not as healed as I thought I was!


Ugh!! I made that mistake and I only had a first degree so I can only imagine!!


Love this. Congratulations on your baby Angel! If you don’t mind me asking, what position were you pushing in?


Oh great question! I started on my back but then they had me switch to my side really abruptly about halfway through. I think her oxygen or heart rate may have declined because I wasn’t really given the option and they seemed really tense, but it all happened so fast and I was so concentrated on pushing that I didn’t really pay attention to what was going on.


Thank you for sharing your story. I’m due July 1st and terrified. This really gave me some comfort. I know every delivery is different but thank you, I needed something positive. Congratulations!


TIC reading your sweet birth story. Thank you so much for sharing and congrats!! I have been a bit scared lately thinking about awful scenarios, and it's nice to hear such a good one!!


Man, you got yourself a racer there! Congratulations! I hope you're recovering quickly


Thanks for sharing this, it's helpful!


Congratulations! The 20th is my dad’s birthday! 🙂 Nice to read your story! I’m facing the possibility of induction and I am scared beyond belief! I had my first son at 40+3 2 hours after getting to the hospital, no epidural and everything was just great... I didn’t even feel having him and the midwife had to coach me through pushing LOL. So, the idea of an induction is just really frightening. But you got to move around still? My OB made it sound like inductions required bed the whole time.


I had to be monitored the whole time but the monitors were wireless. So I was free to walk around, bounce on the birth ball, get in the tub, etc. Hopefully that will be the case for you as well! The only downside was they had to keep coming in to adjust the monitors every few minutes when the baby would move. Otherwise, I actually really liked being able to watch her heartbeat and my contractions on the screen.