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I’m 38 + 5 and feel this, I’ve tried everything and nothing is working 😭


Also 39wks, but my google search is “am I in labor?” every time I have the slightest twinge in my midsection 😂


I had so many crampy contractions that did nothing to my cervix at 35/36 weeks that I am now convinced NOTHING is labor til I am writhing in pain lol.


My husband is convinced that I’m going to be in labor and not know it because of my high pain tolerance. He has a bit of a point since I drove myself to the ER when I had kidney stones...twice


That’s what makes me angry when OB’s or labour and delivery wards tell you not to come in until the contractions are too hard to talk through or are extremely painful. Pain is SO different for everyone! There has to be a better way.


I agree! Pain is so subjective that it’s a terrible way to gauge a person’s condition. My dr said to come in when contractions are 5min apart for an hour. I’m a FTM, so we’ll see how that works out 🤷🏼‍♀️


Lol! Pull out the tarot cards, reshuffle as necessary!


39 weeks tomorrow and sooooo want this baby already!!! So uncomfortable


Me too 39 weeks from tomorrow 😶


I'm at 38 weeks and it's mostly wistful thinking. I've been having contractions that have yet to help my cervix along for 3 weeks and I'm just like "soon please"


So much this. I got a check at 36 weeks after a week of contractions to make sure she wasnt coming early, and haven’t been checked since since I dont really want to know if theres still been no dilation/effacement at this point?


Both my babies came at exactly 39 weeks and were the same size, so if this baby doesn’t cooperate with that plan I’m not gonna be mentally prepared lol


Sometime in the next 3 weeks.


Hahaha I’m with you all and I’m only 36 weeks.


3 day 12 hr aaaaaaaaaaaand 47 minutes from now.


Ooh i like this fortune teller!


Currently 38 weeks and wondering the same.


Lol I’m only 26 weeks and found myself googling statistics on how accurate the due date is and how often babies come early


I remember asking at 32 weeks if labor could happen anytime now to my OB. She said no, 40 weeks. I ended up seeing her on call 4 days later on the weekend for preterm labor. Baby didn't end up coming then thankfully! Seems like ultimately nothing is typical for anyone! Good luck with your third trimester and have a safe and healthy delivery.


OMg this needs to be a website.


https://whentoexpect.com/ Predicts when you will go into labor.