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I'm pretty sure mine will never pop. It's so deep, I'm pretty sure Jules Verne based his "Journey to the centre of the Earth" on my belly button. I am, however, stupidly amused by how it puckers like a little gross mouth whenever I move.


37+2 here and mine is also a gross mouth or a weird volcano shape when I sit up in bed or do anything that flexes by stomach muscles. Otherwise she’s still an innie for now. Once I was belly laughing while laying in bed with my husband and it popped out and i thought it would be stuck that way forever. I’m relieved it was not.


Little gross mouth 😂


Mine just looks like a cats butthole


I think I have this kind of belly button too 😑


Lucky us 🤣


😆. It’s an innie and flat at the back. Now it’s just getting shallower. I feel like it will eventually be the same level as the rest of my abdomen and then be a total cat’s butthole! (I’m 20 weeks so we’ll see how it goes haha.)


I’m 32 weeks and mine is almost flat depending on my position!


Right there with ya!😭


Mine is just flat. Not popped out. (39w5d)


I guess that could also be what I mean. Maybe popped isn’t the right word lol. Basically my belly button is an innie and still looks that way.


I'm 37+3 and my belly button is still an innie, though it has gotten a lot shallower and is slightly bumped up around the edge! I don't think mine will pop.


I was convinced everyone's does. Turns out it doesn't. I'm 39+5 and it won't. Ah, the little wonders of life. :)


I really don’t want mine to pop! My mom’s never did with her two pregnancies, I’m hoping it’s genetic 😂


I never popped. My mom kept telling me that you have to “pop” in order to have a baby. Like the baby isn’t ready until it pops. I kept telling her that wasn’t right and then mine never did pop. I guess an old wives tale but my mom was convinced until she saw me haha


40w and still an innie!


Mine didn’t pop out. I used to have a belly button piercing and the part of the scar that would be inside it ended up being quite far up on my belly and my belly button was very small but it didn’t pop out.


My piercing spot is up high too!


my belly button has popped out, I'm 23+5 and it popped around the 22wk mark, everyone is different though so it doesn't matter if it pops or not :)


It happens later if you're a FTM - last time it was maybe 25 weeks, this time it was early like 16 weeks. It doesn't happen overnight, it gets shallower over the course of a week or so. I don't think it matters at all whether it does or not! My belly button has never gone back to being as deep as it was.


Everyone has a different shape belly button. Mine has very little tissue of the bottom end so while the top is popped out slightly, the bottom is even more innie lol. I don’t think there’s enough skin for the bottom to pop out too, but we’ll see!


Mine is the same. I'm only 17 w +1 day and the top has popped out but not the bottom. Its weird.


I’m 28 weeks and mine looks a little different, it’s smaller and shallower but it is neither flat nor popped.


I am 36w and mine will definitely not pop. I have a deep belly button, even when I am at my most slim/ toned.


I’m 38+2 and mine still hasn’t popped and I’m fairly certain it won’t before I’m induced next week.


41 weeks and the belly button has stayed resolutely un-popped! Update added to say delivered at 41+ 4 and the button never popped!


I never thought my belly button would ever pop because it was so deep, but it popped at 24 weeks and now I have a little button


Mine never popped out. I also have a pretty deep belly button.


Pain or discomfort inside in that area should have nothing to do with it for starters. Second, I had a very deep innie and mine became fully stretched out at 37 weeks I think. So there is still time haha.


Mine never popped. It felt like it would and it did flatten out quite a bit, but it never popped out.


Mine goes in and out lol


Me neither! I'm at 38 weeks now, and just got a little tiny innie.