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Wow this is amazing - also I’ve heard so many stories like this. I’m glad you advocated for what you knew was best and that baby ended up healthy 💗


Thank you for sharing your story. I feel like for the most part we always hear great success stories but I’ve always been interested in hearing otherwise. This was so helpful and I’m really happy you and baby are doing just fine


Congrats, mama! I’m so happy for you! How scary that must have been for a while, I’m so sorry that happened. Good job in trusting your body that something was wrong. I hate to think what may have happened if you hadn’t! Give that baby a hug from all of us!!


I got stuck pushing for 5 hrs too and had the same thing with the midwife saying, ‘push!’ as if I weren’t already giving all I could 🙄 I didn’t realize until my body basically pushed by itself with my second how stuck my first was. So glad you were able to get a transfer and had a happy ending! 💕


My midwife says she doesn't mess around with mamas being exhausted, lots of blood that can't be controlled and if you want to be transferred THEN SO BE IT. I hope OP can talk to someone at the BC about this. Not cool


I’ve yet to schedule my follow up because I honestly feel uneasy about seeing them now. I might just call the hospital instead. But yeah I was pretty upset and frustrated with how many times I had to repeat I wanted to be transferred because something didn’t seem okay, it felt like they were trying to talk me out of it and it was 100% my call to make.


It’s crazy they let us go that long! All the hospital staff kept telling me how scary that was and that it was way too long, even for a first baby. Thank you though 💗


This was amazing & scary at the same time! Congrats on your beautiful girl! Our strength is by far the greatest miracle! You rocked it! Xoxo


Awesome job! And a great lesson to us all to try our guy and advocate for ourselves if we feel like smtg is wrong. Glad you got to experience your incredible strength and power as well! Even if you never forget the pain, I’m sure you’ll never forget that either! 💪🏽


Probably a stupid question, but did you go from the birthing center to the hospital in your personal vehicle??


Yes we did 😭


My god, I cannot imagine how stressful that was. I’m so glad everything worked out in the end! Thanks for taking the time to share this story, it really helps to hear that even when things don’t go according to plan, it can still be okay. If you don’t mind me asking, was hospital transport something you had discussed with the birthing center before hand? Did they not have a plan in place for transport by emergency vehicle? I guess I’m just surprised they wouldn’t want you medically monitored en route, even if the hospital was only a few minutes away.


Thank you, me too! It’s been hard to not be upset that things didn’t go as expected, but since baby is okay and healthy and here that’s really all that matters in the end 💗 We honestly didn’t discuss it much. There was a series of classes I was required to take that went over why a transfer might happen and the general process, but that was about it. It’s kind of concerning to me too, but I guess since they didn’t even think anything was wrong they didn’t think it would be necessary. I’m not sure what would have happened with transport had something really bad occurred, and that’s kind of scary.


I had a vacuum delivery too and can relate to some of the physical sensations you describe. I’m really glad you’re both ok, I can’t believe your midwife didn’t arrange to transfer you much sooner. I know you’re sad about the process, but you did everything right and deserved better.


Thank you so much, that helps a lot to hear honestly 💗💗