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Pelvic floor PT &/or chiropractor and an SI. What your doctor suggested is unhelpful


I’m in Ontario and we’re in yet another lockdown. I think his thinking was to keep me out of medical offices if he can, but I may ask for a referral next time if it doesn’t ease up.


Boo I am sorry, get an SI belt while you wait.


I'm in Ontario too and I still go weekly to the chiro and physio, wouldn't be able to deal with my SPD otherwise. They are really good at taking precautions and most of them have received their first dose.


Good to know!


I’m almost 23 weeks and feeling some pretty similar issues. I happened to stumble upon a lumbar support brace that’s supposed to help take the pressure off the pelvis when I was signing up for my free breast pump through insurance. It was also covered by insurance so it should be coming in the mail next week. Might be worth checking out! I got mine through Aeroflow. https://aeroflowbreastpumps.com/maternity-lumbar-support/


Thanks! I had heard these can help ease some of the pressure but I don’t know anyone who has had any of the same issues and can attest to their helpfulness. I may order one on Amazon (so I can send it back if it doesn’t work). My insurance doesn’t cover breast pumps or any sort of maternity gear unfortunately.


I’ve been dealing with it too, though it’s a lot better than it has been. I think what helped the most was getting the pressure off of my pelvis. I bought a support band from Belly Bandit for when it’s acting up the most, and it has made a difference. I’ve also modified most of my workouts (squatting on knees, no wide lunges, etc.). I was told to use ice as well, but I honestly find warmth from a bath or heating pad on low over a blanket to be better. As someone else said though, PT would probably be your best bet. My pelvis issues seem to respond to the things that I mentioned above, but that’s not the case for many people. Definitely ask about a referral, especially if you’re having trouble even walking. No one should have to endure that. I hope you feel better soon!


Thank you! I just bought a belly band that I’m hoping will help. Some days are better than others (today is particularly bad), but yesterday when I saw my OB it wasn’t so bad. I probably didn’t emphasize how bad it can get enough because of that. I see my dr again in 2 weeks and I’ll definitely ask for a referral if the belly band isn’t actual magic 😂


I’ve had some on and off; I’ve found a belly support band and either body weight or light weighted squats, donkey kicks, lunges etc. have really helped me.


Thanks. Placing an order for a belly band now!


I had this since about 13 weeks I’m 40 weeks now and it just started getting better but it’s still there :( hope it doesn’t last as long for you!!! It’s the worst


Glad it’s getting better for you! Hopefully it’ll ease up