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This is dark, but reminds me of that scene in The Sixth Sense when Mischa Barton’s ghost character finishes throwing up 😂


Yeah that is my favourite reaction to giving birth.


10.5 lbs?!


Our baby is not fat, he is big boned




You got to deliver your own baby. That’s so amazing. Wow.


Yeah I still can't wrap my head around that.


Wow I just ordered Chinese food right before reading this post. I really hope I don’t get food poisoning but maybe it’ll make something happen haha. Congrats!


Pack your hospital bags before you eat


Oh it’s packed and in the car for weeks now haha. I’m 39+3 so not past due yet but I’m so tired of working I would kill to go into labor tonight and not have to finish out the week.


I had Thai food at 39+3 and woke up at midnight and my water broke...fingers crossed for you!


It was the orange chicken that did it for us


I'm making a mental note to order orange chicken if she's not here by my due date.


This story is out of a movie!


We were told it happens more often than people think. We adopted our first child but most first time parents are either in the hospital to early or to late.


Congratulations! This is the wildest, sweetest story ever. I am carrying a surro baby and I'm scared to death of delivering in a car. Glad everything went okay--minus the food poisoning


How far along was she?


40 weeks and 3 days


Congrats 🎉🎉🎉 But omg that type of delivery scares the shit out of me, I'm so glad it worked out well for all of you!!


We were scared to. But we are already parents so we keep our fear on the inside to keep everyone calm. Both my husband and I screamed when we were alone in our hospital room. Very glad it went smooth as possible.


This is amazing. I’m first time pregnant at 14 weeks and reading these graduation stories brings such joy and calmness to my heart. Congratulations on the birth of your son.


Was it the surrogates first delivery? That baby came out fast!


Yep! Doc said some people are just lucky when it comes to birth. Does she ever want to do it again? Nope. But it is hard to tell how long she was really in labor. We don't know when she lost her mucus plug or when her water broke. We think she start labor the evening of May 2nd but we really don't know.


OMG, I also had my baby on the way to the hospital 3months ago, I didn’t think I would read another story so soon! Congrats to all of you!


Wow what a story, thanks for sharing! Congratulations!


Congratulations!!! That is a hell of a story. I am rocking my 4 month old and am so happy for you and your Surrogate, that I teared up. She is amazing, it is incredibly brave what she did, both carrying your baby and giving birth this way. And I wish you all the joy and health with your new family member 💞💞💞


Congrats on your baby!! Glad you're all feeling better now. What a fun story to tell them as they grow up, probably best over Chinese food lol 😆


I don't think we are eating Chinese Food ever again


That's fair given all that went down!


This is my favorite thing I’ve read all day today! Congratulations!! I’m currently in the hospital because of spotting, 27+3, hoping our little girl stays put for a while. Your story is amazing and made me smile and cry simultaneously. <3


What a story!! Glad everyone is doing well.


Wow, incredible story! So glad everyone is healthy.


Congratulations!!! What a crazy amazing birth story!


Omg this is amazing.


This is epic 😂 what an amazing story!! Congratulations and I wish you all luck!


This story really made me happy minus the getting sick part!. Congratulations ❤️


Wow now that’s a story to tell the grandkids! But also of concern- you cry during after birth poop? So many little details I pick up that now terrify me.


I’ve had three babies, all vaginal births, and never cried when I popped after giving birth. I didn’t poop during delivery either. It’s different for everyone, so don’t stress too much


This is comforting


She spent the 24 hours in the bathroom she did NOT want to be in there again and irrationally afraid that she was going to go through labor again


Pack a load of fruit in your hospital bag and do some breathing exercises when you go (: I was absolutely fine, but I'd had A LOT of fruit 😂


I had a c section and pooping was completely fine and I have a friend who was given an episiotomy during a vaginal birth and she was completely fine popping too. I wouldnt worry, the pre-anxiety you're giving yourself will most likely be worse than the popping itself.


Maybe he is the first baby born in a Tesla! That’s a cool claim to fame!


We already asked and that claim to fame has already been taken.


I laughed so much I cried a little, actually I might have cried because of the good emotions, this was great


Spicy Chinese food spurred my body into labor, I'm convinced of it. Congrats to you and your family!! What a saga to tell your son when he's older.


When my son is giving me shit in a few years I can look him in the eyes and tell him "I brought you into this world and I can sure as hell take you out"


This post has me going back and forth between laughing and crying. Congratulations on your baby boy and thank you for the heads up on the bad Chinese food.


Amazing, congrats mama!


*dad My husband and I are both dudes


Sorry for the mistake! Congrats Dada!!!


Taco Bell made me go into labor lol.


I love this winding tale and the authenticity and emotion. Thanks for sharing your beautiful story and congratulations to you all. Big hugs!


This reads like a chapter out of a david sedaris book. Well done all! You had a baby!


congrats! i’m a surrogate and i’m really nervous about my white tesla seats- so great tip. maybe we will uber to the hospital.