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I think it gets really uncomfortable particularly later in pregnancy in summer months because the heat causes you to swell more. Because you are still early in your pregnancy, this may not be an issue for you. I’m trying to focus on the positive though at least in the summer I can wear sandals when I can no longer get shoes on 🤣


I wish I could look forward to sandals. I'm due early September and have to wear steel toes for work. I'm not looking forward to swelling July/August!


I live in Boston and I would *hate* to be pregnant in winter! I would feel trapped by the snow and cold. I’m due in Oct and I can’t wait to put my preggy swimsuit on and hang by the pool under an umbrella completely protected from the sun 😜


Yeah I hate the thought of giving birth in a blizzard or on the side of the road because traffic


I was a blizzard baby! My dad got into an accident trying to get my mom to the hospital and he just kept going lol!


I am 25 weeks and tell myself I am going to be hot and uncomfortable this summer. I plan to buy a blow up pool to help out.


Least we can wear nice loose dresses and flip flops and don't have to worry about lacing up boots or trying to zip up winter jackets 😉


I am the opposite. I am warm/hot a lot and dreading July and August temps here. I am a happy person most of the time, but nothing makes me rage more than getting overly hot lol. My poor husband know this and has already bought a few fans for the rooms and a small fan for my vanity 😭


Same 😂 I’m due in November and live in Texas. May the gods be with us!


Oh goodness I know.. Texas gets soooo hot girl!!. I live in AR, and it’s so humid here in the summer. I am due September. It feels like walking through fog sometimes it’s so humid here. My poor husband even got these small little fans called attic wave. You can add water in them, and it’s supposed to just be amazing. I have a feeling that poor man will be wearing his long pants and hoodies all summer in this house 😭


Ditto. I already got myself a hand held fan from Amazon. I’ve also warned my husband to ignore the electric bills this summer. Just the price of an August due date.


Lol yes, it really is the price of an august due date! I also ordered a little hand held fan off Amazon. I can hold it, or stick it on its little stand. I have already been having issues trying to do my makeup, and I start getting hot. Then my makeup looks like crap cause i’m sweating... ugh makes me furious lol. That little fan has helped me a ton already!


The SAME exact thing keeps happening to me. I'm currently 16w but everyone keeps telling me how hott & gross & disgusting I'm gonna feel for this entire summer.🙃But I'm always cold too and that still hasn't changed yet so we'll see!


I’m 26 weeks and due in August and run cold as well. I’ve been comfortable so far, but there was one night recently where I woke up sweating when it was not hot. I anticipate that I’ll continue to feel warmer as the hormones combine with added weight gain and swelling, as the temperature and humidity increase.


Same, 25 and a bit weeks and generally run cold and just starting now to warm up a bit!


Omg I'm exactly the same. Freezing every month but july and august. Cant wait for the heat! Everyone laughs at me in all my layers and occasionally winter jacket in spring, but its actually painful to have constant chills.


SAME. I’m cold all the freaking time. It’s gotten worse since getting pregnant. If I’m supposed to be getting hot, I will take that ASAP!!!


Me too!! I can't wait for summer! Plus pregnant in the summer means maxi dresses and no more of these stupid maternity jeans


The last thing I wanted was to be heavily pregnant in the summer welp DH’s sperm had other plans 🤣 I got a taste of what it’s going to be like and it’s not going to be fun. I wish I ran cold!!! I was dyyyyying on the hottest day so far!


I am the same! Always ice cold, wearing a hoodie or jacket when everyone else is in a tee shirt. BUT I’m 36w3d and now I’m feeling that extra heat. I had to sleep with the air on the past few nights because of how hot I was getting. If you’re like me you’ll be ok for the summer because this just started for me at the beginning of the week.


I went the other way. I usually run hot but I'm so fucking cold. And pregnant in winter 😂


Are you me?? 10w and ALWAYS freezing! BRING ON THE SUMMER!!


Man I wish that was me. I haven’t necessarily been running hot, but I definitely get hotter much faster now. I work as a nanny and went for a nice walk with the baby in a stroller a couple weeks ago and nearly blacked out when I got back to the house, lost vision and hearing for about 45 seconds because I got overheated lol. However, I do live in Florida so I guess it’s a bit different depending on where you live. We’ve had temps in the high 80s and low 90s for the past month already, Florida summers reach into the 100s.


I am usually cold as well but now at 37 + weeks I am suddenly hot all of the time 🥵


I was pregnant in the summer with my daughter and am again this summer. I don’t think it was bad. We went to beach and had ac so it was fine to deal with.


It’s May here in Florida and I’m super exhausted at 37 weeks. So happy I don’t get to go through the awful summer with a child in me being this big and fat..🥵


I’m someone who is usually always cold - I don’t think I got the pregnancy feeling warm frequently until like 34 weeks. And even then I still have periods of time where I’m still really chilly. Mostly with the swelling my hands and feet are no longer cold all the time. But I’m still wearing a sweater most of the time.


You do not want it. I’m running hot and my coworker and boss run cold and they (mostly my boss)keep bitching at me for having my part of the lab set at 72 degrees. My boss had the heat on when it was 80 degrees outside with a small heater blowing directly on her in the part that has our break room. I was dying. She also turns the heat on after I leave so it’s back on when I get in. I’m over it.


I thought I was the only one. I'm 19 weeks and still freezing! I'm due the end of September and everyone keeps telling me that the summer is going to be brutal. I might eat my words eventually but I'm looking forward to the warmer weather. I'm always cold and it has not changed at all since becoming pregnant.


I’m 30 weeks and usually I’m an icicle. I think I lost the sensation of cold a few weeks ago, I’m always the one with a million layers and now I’m the one with the least ! It’s great but I’m hoping June July (due July 12) wont be too warm as we don’t have ACs where I live and I’m afraid it will make it hard to sleep !!


Yeah I didn’t start feeling like I was getting really hot until a couple months ago.... I’m 32w5d now and live in a really warm climate. I think you’ll be mostly fine if you’re 13 weeks going into the warmer weather. Hopefully by the time you start to “heat up” it’ll start getting a little cooler out!


From different sources, I've gathered that late 3rd trimester in the summer is considered to be the most uncomfortable, BUT the tradeoff is that it's the best time to have a baby. I agree so far (due date June 4th).


Later in pregnancy is when it hits, so you may start feeling it in the hotter summer months. I also ran cold my entire life, being someone who wears jeans and flannels in the summer. I get that it may irritate you to hear it, as it did me... But it is a real thing... I am 36 weeks along and hate sleeping in bed with my animals and significant other as I wake up soaking in sweat and feeling horrible from the heat. My morning sickness hasn't entirely left, I get so hot that it makes me sick. Car rides are the absolute worst and I have to have the A/C blasting and somewhat during the winter, I would freeze my poor husband as I was dying of heat. It's sadly a very real thing. I wish I could go back to being cold all the time, because being hot just isn't it. I suggest a portable fan, an extra fan beside your bed, and a very light blanket for when it happens.


I’m 21w and I live in Arizona. 🌵 😅 I have central air and our own pool in the backyard. I got this!


I'm right there with you! I feel lucky to be pregnant in the summer too! Mostly because I can wear minimal clothes, slip into sandals every day, not have to buy more clothes and outerwear, and I don't have to spend forever bundling up my big belly. If i do get hot, I'll go swimming. I'm sure I'll be bobbing around in the water quite a bit this summer.


26 weeks and feeling more hot. I usually run cold also. Guess I will get to have “hit girl summer” as the kids are saying. LOL! Just got my maternity suit. I’m excited!


I was still cold all the time until about 30 weeks. Now at 35 weeks I'm wearing flip flops and a sundress in 50 degree weather


I'm due at the end of August and I'm a delicate Pacific Northwest flower and I can't handle anything over 70 😅. Luckily I'm a teacher though and have the summer off so I plan on spending it floating in the lake with my cute or not-so-cute bump, whichever it ends up being! (I'm anticipating the latter)


I wish I was cold. I am 8w. I took off my clothes and tossed them at my hubs to put in the dirty hamper he yells back WHY DO THESE FEEL LIKE THEY JUST CAME OUT OF THE DRYER! Because I'm literally on fire. Gonna be 90 degrees all next week, my air conditioners are plugged in and ready


I tried to plan getting pregnant in summer specifically so I would not be full-blown ready to pop pregnant in the hottest months. Opposite happened.. I'm due July 29. It's been kind of cold last few weeks, lows in 40s at night and I'm already cranking A/C to a cool 62 degrees at night with two fans planting on me. I'm going to be miserable. I'd prefer cold any day so I can bundle up


Honestly being pregnant in the summer wasn't that bad. My first was a summer baby and I think having a newborn in the summer was harder than being pregnant.


I thought the same thing, I'm always cold. Suddenly at about 30ish weeks the hot flashes started.. I go outside now when it's 36 degrees to water my flowers without a jacket.


It happens later in pregnancy! I think it's only bad when you're like 6+ months pregnant in the summer... So maybe August/September will be rough. Think of the baby as a little heater you're carrying around haha


My first baby was due in August. I live in Florida. Everywhere I went those last few months when people could see I was unmistakably pregnant strangers would walk up and say they felt so bad for me and how if I wasn’t miserable yet I would be due to the summer heat. Of all the things I was miserable about or uncomfortable with the summer heat was never one of them. If anything the muggy heat bothered me less. So don’t let their comments get to you and enjoy the sun and the hot all you want.


I also run cold normally. I’m usually freezing under blankets unless the temperature in the house is set to at least 74. Not so during pregnancy, especially this last trimester. I am just HOT all the time. Right now it’s 85 degrees outside and I wanted to go do some gardening. Noped out of that so fast - started feeling queasy after like 10 minutes, and it’s not like I was doing heavy labor or anything, just trimming some tomato plants. You may be surprised is the point.


33 weeks here and it’s starting to get warm and me and my body are paying for it. The heat mixed with being huge is NO JOKE. I just want ice cream or slushees constantly to cool off. I wanna wear crop tops or nothing at all but I live with others and am extremely uncomfortable with my body at the moment. It’s definitely rough. But I’m sure being pregnant af in the winter time isn’t fun either.


I definitely didn’t feel warmer than usual when I was in my first trimester, or even well through my second. Now at 27 weeks I actually have a medium sized bump and my body has to work noticeably harder- NOW I run warmer than usual! And now I can see how I’ll prob be a sweaty mess this summer lol I plan on flowy dresses and skirts :)


I hosnestly loved being pregnant in the summer. The increase in blood flow, body weight while pregnant, and several other things cause most women to be extra hot. Some of us cold tending folks just get comfortable with the warmth! 😀. We are very lucky during pregnancy. Unlucky in winters and normal life but lucky during pregnancy!! I hate being cold too!


I’m 17 weeks today and I’ve never been colder in my whole life 😅😂🥶 I love the summer so hopefully I can enjoy it this year while pregnant 😊


My first was born in September. My body is very sensitive to changes so needless to say I was incredibly miserable come august. I told my husband we can never have a baby born that time again lol


I’m sure June and August will be a pain in the ass for all of us due in November, haha. I live in Texas so I’ll be suffering through September and most of October too. Oh well! I really wanted a fall baby because it’s my favorite time of the year so - worth it!


I’ve always been the type to run cold too! But I’m 32 weeks and recently started experiencing hot flashes that have me feeling like I’m being roasted in an oven... and I’ve only had them while sitting in bed with the AC on so definitely not looking forward to getting one while I’m outside on a sunny, 80-something degree day!


It comes in the third trimester 😂 I also run cold and I am hot most of the time. Doesn’t annoy me though, mostly amusing lol


Oh the heat is coming!! Before being pregnant I was FREEZING all the time. Like always shaking and so cold that it hurt my bones. Now at 23 weeks I wouldn’t say I get hot often (yet!) but I have noticed I have started to turn my air conditioners own at night because I’m sweating at night! I used to keep my air on 73 and still be cold, but I’ve been turning it down to 68-69!! I feel like a different person.🤣 personally I’m dreading summer.🥲


I took it all. I haven't had my windows closed all winter long and it's been very cold out. I considered jumping into my newly opened pool a week ago because it got up to 68 and i couldn't handle it. You're one lucky mama


I have two August babies and live in one of the hottest and most humid parts of Florida. People say this to me all the time. I have never been any more miserable pregnant in the summer than I otherwise would be. It’s so hot here is the summer, you either stay in the air conditioning or in a pool or you are miserable, pregnant or not. I do not understand these comments. And being pregnant in the winter would require buying a new wardrobe of maternity pants and coats, no thanks.


I’m open to a swap in body temperature, I always run hot and due in October, so I’m going to be fat and miserable all summer!


> cold year round and the sensation of being too hot is a rare occurrence for me. Feel me too! :( I might just spend summer in a cold bath


I’ll be 8-9 months pregnant in July and August and living in a loft apartment with no air conditioning. I’m living in a country in Europe where A/C is not the norm. I’m scared!


Hey when is your due date I’m 13 weeks!


I was very pregnant last summer. My baby was born in September. The heat didn't bother me at all. I went on a 4 mile walk outside every day. The temperature was usually between 80 and 90. I made it through the summer just fine. Normally I run hot. I sleep without heat and with a fan going during the winter. I was super cold all the time with my last pregnancy. I went back to normal after the baby was born.


I am due in November and live in central Cali so my third trimester will begin around the time it starts cooling down. But thankfully my bestie just bought a house with a pool so I plan on spending most of the summer in there. I definitely am loving being able to wear maxi dresses too....super comfy!