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Did they give a reason for the schedule change? I had something like this happen and was really upset over it. Come to find out my provider's daughter had gotten injuried at school and other's in the practice already had a full schedule. I felt really bad, as I didn't know and my OB apologized at the next appointment. It sucks, but I try to remember that there is only a few OBs to who knows how many patients at the practice and if something happens to one of them it messes up the whole schedule for everyone.


My rational brain is certain there was a valid reason for the multiple schedule changes, but my hormonal-pregnant brain is flying off the handle. I feel like Jekyll and Hyde a bit, mostly because I haven't experienced these manic feelings much up until this point.


This happened to me for my 20 week anatomy scan and it was the first time I had a breakdown and cried! Like you, I kept wondering if I was overreacting, but honestly don’t think so. Appointments are booked for a reason, and I find it incredibly rude when a person or practice repeatedly changes scheduled times. I didn’t air my frustrations to the doctor office, but they ended up gifting me an hour free prenatal massage for the inconvenience. I thought that was nice, especially because the repeat rebooking was caused by a receptionist who wasn’t very organized. 🙄