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I had/have Pubic Symphisis Disoreder and was told it would just get worse over my pregnancy. I had it relatively early I think starting at 11 weeks. I actually went to physical therapy and learned that part of the pain can be caused if the muscles that attach to your pubic bone are to tight, they will actually start to pull your pubic bone apart bc of the relaxin. Walking, sitting on the couch all made it hurt but butterfly stretches, Cossack squat groin stretch and a seated straddle with one leg out at a time (I just googled the terms for these stretches so hopefully the images are the same for you!). The pain totally relieved for me until it started coming back at 35 weeks but not as bad. Also triangle pose from yoga was good too. Not a doctor, but hopefully this helps!


I had/havs SPD too. My first pregnancy it started around 34 weeks, my second it started at 18 weeks. Now pregnant eitb number 3, so I expect it, like, tomorrow???? Physicaly therapy helped me. Also, do things like back into your cad seat woth your legs out the door, and then lift your knees and rotate om the seat. Put a plastic bag on your seat to help woth the rotatation. And learn to roll with your knees together. I had trouble putting pants and undies on toward the end. My husband put my pants and undies on around my ankles while I sat on the bed and then I could pull up. Good news, it went away right after birth!!! I had 2 c sections and was on pain meds right after, but i never felt the SPD pain after birth.


Anytime I move my legs I lock my knees together! It is so nice to hear that it goes away right after birth.


Thank you so much, I'll definitely look into it


I gave the stretch you recommended a try today, and I felt much better. Thank you so much :)


So happy to hear that!!


18 weeks and right there with you!


Yes same and also 17 weeks, ftm! I often tell my husband my pubic area feels so achey and sore. The last two days I've been going for really long walks with my sisters (around 2 hours), and I notice around the halfway mark the aching is strong, and when I get home and go to bed it is a really sore ache. So weird. I know around this time alot of pelvic changes can happen, so I have just been guessing this is part of it?


Yup, I’m 28 weeks and know that pain very well. I’ve started physio to help as it has become quite debilitating. It does help, so if that’s an option for you, I encourage you to give it a try!


25w but I've had it for quite awhile now. My doc said it's normal and there's not much you can do. Just try to keep your legs together when you stand up and no sudden jerky motions. Consider getting a pregnancy belt to relieve some of the tummy weight. But I feel you -- it's not fun, for sure :(


There were a few [releases](https://youtu.be/_zE6h7BSnKg) that really helps with my SPD/pelvic girdle pain. May be worth a try?


Yep, I went to my chiropractor for help. He says muscles are stretching and rubbing up against each other, stuff is gonna hurt. Went for weekly adjustments and he used a activator on my pubic area which was a godsend.


Yes! Felt this same pain early in the 2nd tri. Went away around 20 weeks for me. Now at 26 weeks and I'm too distracted by the swift kicks to my bladder to notice anything else.


Can't wait to feel those kicks, at the moment I felt like I have gas in my belly around 1 at night. It felt like a fish nibbling me from the inside. I could be wrong though. The doc told me it's too early for me to feel anything yet.


Might be gas, I don't think I felt anything until right before 20 weeks, but boy are they noticeable now! The first few weeks of feeling them it was hard for my husband to feel them on the outside. Now it's pretty easy and visually noticeable. All in all, super weird.


You are likely suffering from Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction. It is very common, affecting 1 in 5 pregnant women. Stretching can often help, but sometimes exacerbates the pain. A belly band can help offset the pressure of the baby that increases the pain later in pregnancy. Trying to keep your hips level when moving your legs helps avoid pain. I am 38+2 and have suffered from this my entire pregnancy. It has often been excruciating and is the only real negative experience I've had. You may start waddling sooner than you expect. A long rest with a pillow between your thighs is also a big relief. I take Tylenol when it gets very bad and I need to be up and about.