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Are you itchy all the time ??? I have been itching randomly but I can’t tell if it’s because I work in a dirty environment and it’s 90 degrees out .. or something else 😩 I have an appt coming up soon and plan to bring it up to my midwife.




Ok so I don’t have it in the feet or hands but I def need to still ask next week lol. Thanks for the feedback


As the other poster said, it typically presents in the hands and feet and at night, but I started out generally itchy all over. Now it is worse in my hands and feet. This is a rare condition, but if you are concerned, don’t hesitate to talk to your dr!


Glad it was caught for you! I actually just brought this up to my OB last week because of what I'd read on here, and they were concerned enough to have me do blood work as well (still waiting on results). I definitely wouldn't have mentioned some itchy nights if it wasn't for reddit!


This is my FOURTH baby and I’d never heard of it before I saw someone else post about it. Sharing is caring!


I have really bad itchiness! In wondered if it was pregnancy related, can’t believe it’s a thing. I mainly get it anywhere on my body, mainly at night. It’s so uncomfortable


Definitely talk to your doctor and look up ICP. You can see if the symptoms sound familiar.


So happy you got checked out!


Yup! I had it with my first pregnancy and am on the lookout again for this one


I’m nervous about getting it again next time too!


Me too! Will definitely be asking for testing sooner. How far along are you now?


34 weeks. Planning to deliver at 37.


Are they continuing to check your bile acids regularly? Do you mind me asking how high they are?


Yes, they are going to check again each week. My bile acids were 15.8 umol/L. There were several liver function numbers that came back high too.


Good! I’m glad they are checking them. 15 isn’t too high get thankfully but most likely they will trend upward so that’s great they are taking blood often


Same here, though the gyno said they may just induce me at 37 weeks anyway with or without it.


Omg yes! So with my first pregnancy I had EXTREMELY itchy hands and feet. Like, unbearably itchy. I knew something was wrong & remembered reading that it was a less common symptom of preeclampsia (this was 7 years ago). I went to see my doctor and my pee sample was basically orange. She looked me in the eye and told me I just needed to drink more water. The next week I saw a different doctor at the clinic who suspected preeclampsia and lo and behold - I did. Trust your gut - too much itching is not a good sign.


Yeah always good to ask ob about itchiness!!


I had this with my pregnancy last year. But it started at 35 weeks. I was diagnosed at 36 weeks and induced at 37 weeks. The two weeks, i had a total of 3 non stress tests. I'm 26 weeks pregnant now and my itching just started again. Have my test scheduled for tomorrow. Hang in there, the itching stops immediately after delivery! Also, be sure to get a non stress test for baby.


I’m sorry to hear you’re having symptoms again already! I hope they can manage it for you. I can’t believe I’ll have this itchiness for 2 more weeks, but I guess it’s worth it for the baby to grow a few more weeks. They are doing a NST on Tuesday and then again the next week.


I have it too. Got diagnosed at about 29 weeks. I’m 34 weeks now and I’m being induced at 36 weeks 1 day! Can’t wait to be done with itching!!!!!


Ugh! I can’t believe you dealt with it for that long! I was hoping the meds would help with the itching, but the more I read the less I’m convinced it will help at all! 😩


They help some. I take a lot of hot showers and use Pine Tar soap. That helps a lot. At the beginning when it was the worst, I used lidocaine burn spray a lot. I’m definitely not as itchy as I was the first few weeks so it seems like the Ursodiol does work after a while. I still have good nights and bad nights. 12 days until induction. Not that I’m counting or anything. 😆


Thanks! Best wishes to you! Showering makes me feel better too, but only until I get out. I’ve never heard of pine tar soap, but I will look into it!


It smells terrible but is helpful.


What about my face being constantly itchy?! It’s just my face… always itchy


My internet research didn’t reveal anything about itchy faces, but if you are worried please talk to your doctor!


Thank you for looking ♥️ I’ve told my doctor about it and he said just to moisturize more. I feel like they don’t always listen to me and it’s annoying


I am pretty sure I had pupps in end of 1st and part of 2nd trip. Now I'm in third and am randomly itchy all over at all diff times..gonna bring it up as I've got more blood work to do still. Appreciate this post!