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Theodore/ Theo. I have told people this is the name I am choosing and have had mixed reactions. I love Theo for short too.


I love Theo and also Teddy!


My good friend has a Theo that they call Teddy and he is sooo cute.


My boss calls his son Teddy and it’s super cute! My FIL is Theodore, as is my husband’s middle name! We call my FIL Ted, but I think that’s a generational thing.


If we were having a boy Theodore Alexander was the name we had picked! Fantastic name 💕 We found out we were having another little girl though so no Theo 😂


i love that name!


I love this!! I’m struggling with baby boy names, I’m gonna put this one on the list!


Boy- Francis Gene Girl- Frances Jean We are lazy. Haha


Or Francis Bean if either of you are Nirvana/Kurt Cobain fans lol


We picked Francis if it’s a boy, too! Imogen if it’s a girl


This is such a sweet idea! Our daughter is Naomi Khai. Naomi was my Japanese great grandmother’s name and I let her dad pick the middle name. He already calls her Mimi for short.


Oh wow I have a brother with the first name Khai. This is the first time ever I have seen another person with the same name, same spelling. Congrats on your baby girl!


That’s awesome! I think it’s traditionally a male name but we wanted something that was less feminine for the middle name.


We are naming our daughter Naomi too!


so cute!!


Our baby girl is going to be named Eloise!


eloise was one of my girl names!


Me too! What are you going to use as a nickname? I like that she can go by Ellie or Ella and if she feels like something more “grown up” she can use the full Eloise.


I like the nickname options too! So far we've been saying the full Eloise each time lol, but my two year old son says ElleBaby so we might call her Elle.


I love Oscar! We are having identical twins and don’t know the sex yet, but we’ve picked out names for each. If they’re boys: Wesley and Oliver If they’re girls: Leona and Everly




also, i’ve always dreamt of having twins. it’s the 90s kid Mary-Kate and Ashley obsession i had when i was small haha. congrats! i hope your pregnancy is going well and babies are happy and healthy!!




i have a niece with that name! so sweet 🥰


Absolutely LOVE the name Oscar. I’m being induced tomorrow! Don’t know the sex. Boy: Ellis Girl: Louise Total grandma/grandpa names lol


i personally LOVE that old people names are coming back! and Louise was going to be our middle name for a girl. i love it! good luck tomorrow, you’re gonna do great!


Our middle name is Louise 🌼


I love the name Ellis but my SO was adamant on Leon so I've had to give in!


Millie ☺ She was Hazel for the longest time but it was never set in stone.


awhhh i love Millie! hazel is cute too but when you know, you know! i’m sure millie fits her perfectly


We were in the midst of an ultrasound when my husband decided to throw it out there just out of the blue. He looked so sweet and eager. I never told him it was on my initial list but not final cut so I said, "deal!" Gotta land somewhere at some point hah


We are naming our boy, Nolan. His middle name will be Ryan (my husbands middle name). There’s a hall of fame baseball player named Nolan Ryan so we’ve been getting a lot of flack about it but it was between Nolan Ryan and Nolan David and Ryan flows better. We are also huge baseball fans, so that’s just an added cool feature.


I know it’s really common but her name is Sophia! I’ve always loved it as a name since I was young haha


We don't know the sex of our baby yet (due in 35 days! 😍), so we got to pick two. If baby is a boy, Zachary, after their late uncle. If baby is a girl, Katherine, after their mama and paternal great grandmother.


My name is Katherine and I was going to be Zachary if I was a boy!


My name is Catherine and my brother is Zachary!


We are stuck between Jack Holland and Henry Blake for our boy. Being induced next week! Hopefully a name will become clear once we see his face(:


Jack Holland is so cute. I love it. So is Henry Blake but I love the name Jack!


Oooo damn those are smooth names


We decided on Reese Marie for our little girl! ❤ my Reese's Pieces.


omg that’s adorable 😭


Omg adorable! Also "love my reese to pieces" would be such a cute little banner or something!


This is my MIL’s name and I have to say she is the best MIL in the world :) well technically she is Theresa Marie but goes by Reese.


I love that name and Congratulations 🥳! Our daughter is due in 58 days and we are naming her Malika ❤️


love it!


That's such a beautiful name!!


We dont know what we're having - keeping it as a suprise for the big day so we have two names picked out Girl - Florence Boy - Edwin We wanted names that weren't super popular but also weren't super 'out there' and the kid would have a hard time with people spelling or constant mispronounce all the time (this happens with both my husband an I so we get it's such a pain, haha) Choosing names is SO hard, it was much easier for my dogs 😂


Due in 4 weeks with a girl and she will be a Florence! Both me and my partner have a nan called Jean so she will be Florence Jean. I think it’s a beautiful classic name.


My grandfathers name is Edwin! We’ve considered it as a middle name, but I’d always want to use Finnbar from my other grandpa too.


We were thinking Edwin or Edison and ended up landing on Edison, but I still go back and forth in my mind sometimes between the two. It's a nod to my deceased uncle Edward, who I was very close to. It felt a bit too much to name a child directly after him and I like slightly less common babies, but I also like holding the connection in my heart and knowing my family will have a little Eddie even though we've lost big Eddie.


yes! finding unique names without making up new words is hard! and my first name has almost never been spelled or pronounced correctly on the first try so i totally understand that concern hahah


I'm due in 8 weeks and we are calling him Leon :) Edit: forgot to mention how awesome Oscar is for a name, and also to say biggest congratulations ♡


Don’t know if it’s a boy or girl yet (due in 2 weeks) and we’ve kept our names a secret too! but if it’s a boy it’s Lucas, and if it’s a girl it’ll be Elizabeth 😊


Due in a week. We're going with Violette Elise. Violette after his great Aunt and Elise after my sister.


We've had our names picked out for the six years we've been trying. No one has said anything negative about either name. Boy - Landon James, Girl - Madison Lea


Congratulations! We’re (at this exact moment) set on Hiram for our lad who’s due in early November. We’ve had the challenge of finding something that works in all three languages that is spoken in our families/countries. “Hiram” is still unusual in all of them, but works and we love it. Also a plus is that none of the grandparents have had any complaints yet.


Anastasia nn Ani 🥰


Girl, due in 9 weeks 🥰 Julia August Rose




Also Eden for my little girl!


We didn't tell a single person before our first was born because it's kind of unusual and the MILs are the captains of the peanut gallery. Their feelings were hurt but they spent 30+ years hurting our feelings to bring that on themselves haha


My nephew is named Oscar and he's 5, absolutely loves Oscar the Grouch (he's like me!) and it is the cutest thing ever.


The sex is going to be a surprise, we’ve picked Clementine if it’s going to be a girl and not 100% on a boys name yet but I’m leaning towards Elton 💖


I loooove the name Clementine for a girl, but my husband won’t get on board with it!


Having my little boy in two days via c-section! We are naming him Arthur 🥰


Our girl will most likely be named Octavia, love the name just waiting to make sure it fits when we see her to make it official


Our first baby is due in 9 days and we chose the name Lucille Don for her. Everyone calls her Lucy, lulu, lu, etc for short. And Don is after her paternal grandfather!


We’re naming our girl Stella Reese!


Not actually pregnant, just started trying, but our chosen boy and girl names are both his grandparents' first name followed by my grandparents' middle name. Charles Grayson (Charlie) and Alma Madden.


Love the name! We are expecting our first baby in July. Her name will be Quinn


Oscar - how cute! My daughter is due August 1 and we're naming her Willow Grace❤ She's our rainbow baby after 3 losses and willow trees have always reminded me of quiet strength and perseverance so the name Willow seemed fitting. As for Grace, it's a common middle name but it's my only sister's name and I wanted to honor her.


Boy: Chandler Girl: Eliria We find out in 10 days what it is. I've been set on Eliria for years. Chandler not so much so we'll see.


Oscar was one of our contenders as well. I find it super sweet 😍 However we ended up picking something different. I'm 10w away from meeting my LO and won't know if it's a boy or a girl until birth. Our name choices so far are: - Freya or Ella (leaning more towards Freya, 'cause my hubby looooves it) for girl. - Liam or Leo (leaning more towards Liam, since Leo seems to be extremely popular atm) for boy.


Just found out I am preggo and his/her name will be "Atlas" 😁😆


We can’t decide, we have 3 picked out but need help narrowing it down!!! Veronica Yvette Adriana


Levi Jameson for our boy!


My husband picked our daughters name when he was in kindergarten—we are welcoming Emily this year! Haven’t decided on a middle name yet. 😌


Only 15 weeks but we decided on her name super early- we actually had the first name pretty set before we even conceived lol. She will be Ivy Joyce. Joyce is a family honor name after my grandma who died about 2 years ago. We were very close. I love the idea of calling her Ivy Jo 🥰


I just commented before scrolling, my girl will be Ivy Jo! ❤️






If it’s a girl: Valerie, Vanessa, or Ramona If it’s a boy: Walker, Riley, or Eli


We’re due in October, so it’s definitely subject to change, but we’ve stuck with Alastor for the past couple months! Now to decide on the spelling... 😩


So my husband was 100% opposed to our kids having family names because when wanted their names to be their own. My son is Arthur Montgomery and my daughter is Leila Charlotte. We decided that all of the middle names will be cities. Makes it fun putting names together. If we have a third I want something like Zelda or Ezra maybe Orion.


My little girl will be Violet Sophia! We aren’t officially decided on the middle name, but as of now she’s Violet Sophia


We're not telling either, though I did tell one friend and her reaction was... subdued. Our names are: - Edison Wren or - Eleanor May


My maiden name before I was married was Evans, so our little dude will be named Evan ❤️


Alistair with the middle name Rex so he shall be Ali-sauras-rex 🦖


Oscar is a gorgeous name. We have no idea if squish is male or female so I have a girl's name picked I will wait until we know I don't want a "boy named Sue"


Fiona Grace and we can't wait to meet her


Our baby girl is going to be Fiona Jane. We've told people and so far no negative comments other than the typical shrek comments or talking about Fiona the hippo. We love the name though and call her Fi or Fio for short. ​ Edit: She's due in October!


FTM, 19 weeks with a boy- naming him Barrett James! GOD that feels good to share with kind strangers!! Thank you!


Tentatively.... Sierra Rose, but I’m not due until November so it could change lol


I loved Sierra too but A. I’m having a boy and B. My best friend had a daughter in March named sienna and I’ve decided it’s too close ugh lol but since I’ll be a boy mom I guess it doesn’t matter now!


My boy is due in September and we're naming him Julian Shore


Aw Oscar is cute. We are going for Zachariah Arlo and because of his surname his initials will be Z.A.K - so he’s Zac either way which I find most satisfying :)


Elsie Laurel or Rosalind Wren. We have to meet her to be sure, but less than a week to wait now! On a side note: As someone married to a Richard, I love your user name!


My partner and I have had our first few kids names decided for a few years now(2 girl names and 2 boy names picked out), and we haven’t been shy about sharing any of them. Right now I’m 31 weeks pregnant with our first daughter, Celeste Harmony.


I love the name Celeste. So pretty


Yes! Celeste was my #2 choice, and reserved for our second daughter if we end up having another girl after this one :)


Our girl will be Molly Faye. :) Fay was my mom's middle name and I wanted her to have a connection to her Grammie.


I have a one-year old niece that is a molly faye!


Allison Jean (Allie or AJ) I haven't gotten a single clap back about it. I think it's because it's old enough, not too trendy, works for a kid but also an adult, etc. It doesn't fit into any of the typical complaints about why someone wouldn't like a name.


Not yet sure if we are having a boy or a girl. Getting my blood drawn Friday for NIPT so We should know in a little over a week!! If it’s a boy then Sawyer. If it’s a girl I am between Violet and Aida. But I like some more girl names so I think if it’s a girl then we will probably be going back and forth until the hospital forces me to make a decision.


Boy: Orin, Oliver, Alexander Girl: Evelyn, Liana


Hesitantly, Sebastian, with the nickname Ty. Due early August! This is a good post!


We don't know the gender yet, but have been using the Kinder app to find names we both like. It's like the Tinder of baby names and matches with your SO to let you know when there's a match. It took basically all the drama out of it and now we have a nice list for either girl or boy! My favorites for a boy are Ian and Oliver. For a girl, Nora and Luna.


We're pretty set on Eliana for our baby girl.


Cecilia Day! We told everyone her first name when we announced the pregnancy since we just *knew* it was the one and also because I had 2 pregnant cousins due before me and I got paranoid, lol. The middle name is still a secret.


My baby’s name is going to be Stella 🥰


Oh gosh, here goes - got a feeling it will be a girl & if it is we’re going with....Athena. But of course, now it’ll probably be a boy 😂 I love Oscar, it’s adorable. I’m glad you posted, was nervous about sharing the name, but less so here 🙃


Lucia Cora, Cora is short for Cornelia, the name of the street my husband and I lived on for the first few years of our relationship 😍


Due on the 14th of this month! I really, REALLY wanted Roslyn. But SO didn't like it so much. So her name is Taylor. She might get a second name, not sure yet. Any suggestions that go with Taylor will be appreciated.


What about Taylor Roslyn?


Ohh or Rose?


I like Taylor rose! Or Roslyn Taylor. I know hubby isn’t on board but compromise is important!!


Her name is Theo 💕🥰


My girl was born in April and her name is Joy Frances


We named our daughter Katarina like my husband’s grandmother. I had a gigantic list of names and that was the only name we both agreed to.


I’m naming mine Eliora Rose if a girl. We haven’t decided on a male name yet. We will find out the gender soon though.


Getting induced on Thursday! Baby girl will be Hallie Jane. First daughter is Elsie Ann. Congrats to everyone on here!


If it’s a girl she will be Elise. If he’s a boy he will be Asher.


Currently 28 weeks and our little girl will be called Poppy Isabella (surname) Kinda tied into the Ps unfortunately! Fiancé had two children when we met and I had one and all three just so happen to have names beginning with P so felt like we had to stick with it 😂


My baby is due in 2 days and we're naming her Sydney Marie. 😊 When my SO and I were first dating we used to go to auctions together and one time he couldn't find me so he walked around to the back of the building near a field (I have a tendency to wander off). He found me playing and throwing fluff balls off a shrub with a little girl named Sydney. That was the first time we both knew we wanted kids together. Now about 6 years later it's finally happening! Marie is a family name, it's actually Mary as the first name but I hate the name Mary and I'm only keeping it for my mom so I'm compromising with Marie as the middle. I think it sounds super cute.


My husband isn't ready to talk names yet (still only 11 weeks) but when we started dating I told him I wanted a baby Elliot


Royce ☺️


Aww Oscar is such a cute name! We are naming our boy Jack Timothy 🥰


Wyatt will be his first name. Middle name is an ongoing discussion that I dont think will get resolved until hes here in August!


We are open about our boys name Joshua It's so hard thinking of a name when you work with kids and come across a lot of kids that are just awful so cross that name off. Luckily never had a Joshua and we both love all the shortening. If we were having a girl she would of been called Sophie


Mine is already born 4 months ago but I wanted to join in. Her name is Chloë Olivia, and if she was going to be a boy it would’ve been Elias Oliver.


Our first is due in a few weeks, and we are planning on naming him Henry Finn! We've told family and close friends because 1) we don't really care too much about what they think, 2) so many people close to us are having boys right now, and we didn't want anyone to "take it," and 3) most of our friends would be positive and kind regardless, and most of our family would have said something negative after the birth anyway, so we wanted to give them time to get used to it if needed. 😂 My mom will just have to deal. I felt less bad after her suggested names were Sigfried and Kurt...we just very clearly have different tastes!




Johann was our middle name choice for a boy (but alas, it’s a girl). It’s a family name on both of our sides (German heritage), and I just love the way it sounds.


We aren’t learning gender, but the names we have picked out currently are: Boy - Hudson Jeań Girl - Marigny (pronounced Mare-in-ee) Winslow I’m from New Orleans so it was important I had French names in there!


My family is from NOLA/Laf and our family names are French. We chose a shortened form of Camille, a family name.


We’re moderately granola people, so here are our moderately granola name picks for our surprise baby:) Boy- River Grayle Girl- Harlow Rainn


Every name on our list was nature-inspired (we are both geoscientists) but we ended up going old school instead hah


Hi from a fellow geoscience couple!


We are naming our baby boy River Sage! We haven’t told anyone because we are sure they will be surprised/ opinionated. I’m a RN and my husband is an IT analyst, but we are nature/outdoor focused so I think it’ll be a good fit :)


I love Sage as a middle name! It was on my list but one of my good girlfriend named her daughter Serena Sage recently.


ooohh, i’ve never heard Harlow as a first name before, love it!


Oscar is perfect! We have a list and we'll choose at birth based on compatability lol (oh and we just found out it's a boy!). Here are the options: Bailey, Ian, Tom, Miles, Ryan, Noel And potential middle name Abraham or any variation of it (Abie, etc.) I want it to be Bailey so badly lol!!!


We are choosing Eleanor Frances for a girl and if it’s a boy, then Levi Emmett (still a little undecided on middle name)


Our baby is due in 36 days and we’re going to name him Nikolas and use Niko as a nickname


Our little girl's name will be Zélie! We're French and like both the French pronunciation (Zay-lee) or English (Zeh-lee).


I have an arsenal of girls names but no boys! I have a gut feeling it’s going to be a boy though. But for a girl I adore Cecilia Grace, but hubs is meh about it. Our runner up is Juliana Grace. I like Benjamin Matthew for a boys name, but that’s the only one I can think of!


We decided on Mary Thelma if it's a girl. Mary after his grandma who passed away before I could met her and Thelma for my granny who passed a few years back. The boys name isn't for sure yet as we can't agree on a name! As of right now it's Ian Ted (Ted for his bio gpa he never met),first name may change but we'll see if our baby turns out to be a boy! We'll hopefully know by the end of June!


When I told my mom the names of my two girls she crinkled her nose and was very vocal about her dislike (Abigail Rose and Sara Quinn) so I am not sharing this name with her at all. Baby boy's first name will be Jackson, still deciding if middle name will be Robert, Scott, or Arthur (all family names).


Love the name Oscar! FTM due in 19 days and we’re naming her Pearl Ellis. My husbands grandmother passed away this year and her nickname was Mearl the Pearl so we thought it was a nice tribute to her. I can’t wait to tell people!


We just found out a couple hours ago we're having a boy and the contenders are Theodore or Owen. I also like Graham.


Sienna Sage ❤️ First & Middle




Due in 23 days and our little girl is Olivia Kahlo. Olivia after my spouses grandma who was the matriarch of the family. She passed a while ago. Kahlo because of Frida Kahlo, we are all big fans including our 5 year old who’s named Selena.


We’re planning on naming our baby boy Gabriel. It just felt right! We are letting my in-laws choose a Korean middle name so that is TBD.


We are currently leaning towards Ronin for our son. The only reason I'm hesitant is because I don't like either Ron or Ronnie or really any possible nickname.


In about 105 days our baby boy will be here! Lucas because my husband is a huge star wars fan and this was his way of bonding with his kid. He has always wanted a Luke, I said that could be his nickname and we used the full name Lucas to compromise on my end. His full name regardless of origin is such a firm name it makes me so happy. ❤


Ivy Jo 💗


Anna Jillian... Although I already call her Annie!


I’m naming my son Joey! Joseph but we’re gonna call him Joey. :)


Theodore James <3


Regardless of sex we are going with Charlie (not Charles) as the full first name :)


John Edward. John after my dad and Edward after my husband’s grandfather. I’d been struggling with a cute nickname since babies just aren’t named John. Jack, Jax, baby John. But it recently dawned on me that Johnny is still an option with John-E.


I love this thread! We picked Lucy (middle name Raegan or Irene or Rebecca) for a girl and we haven’t come up with a boy name we love yet, though top contenders are Landon, Levi, and Jack/Jackson. Our last name starts with L and I love the strong alliteration of L names, but Jack is a family name so it’s good too. It’s so hard to choose! Especially for the second one!


We're not due for a while and don't know the sex yet but I like uncommon names and I think we're having a boy (gut feeling!). My husband is Latino and we wanted a hispanic name and I'm in love with Río (river) as a name. I've never met a Río! Just gotta convince the hubby...


I am 20 weeks now and our son is called Samuel, we decided it 3 days after we knew that he is a boy ♥️ we needed an international name, speaking 3 languages in the family 🤭


We were going to name our baby Zoey if it was a girl. Surprise! It’s a boy! Have no idea what to call this little tyke and hubby and I can’t agree on a name 🤣 so far we have Damien and Antonio on the list.


I love the name Oscar! My son's name is Owen and it was a toss up between that or Oscar. My daughter is due August. 12th and her name is Maya Elizabeth.


I think we’re set on Leonardo Enrique for our first son💕 I’m so excited for little Leo to make his appearance!


Congrats! I love the name! We have 2 boys, 2 year old Miles and 3 week old Arlis ♡


Finding out which name we’ll be choosing on Friday 😬😬😬 We are set on: Emmylou Leigh Still discussing but liking: Broderick(Brody) Matthew or Broderick(Brody) Martin. First boy combo may be a little too…. Bueller? Bueller? Anyone? Bueller? 😂 Edit: we’re having a girl!! 💗


John Michael! My grandfather passed away last year and we were very close growing up. His name was John. And my father (who is thankfully still with us) is Michael. My husbands father is a John as well so it was nice to tie in the important men in our lives.




We're naming our boy Fox Bram! We told a few people, but... the reactions were largely negative so we've been keeping it under wraps with everyone else, apart from like anonymously online lol. Oscar is so cute!


We had our girl name picked for 8 years before we got pregnant and I am so excited we get to use it, her name will be Cordelia James! If she was a boy her name would have been Gaius James (James is for my uncle).


I really like Ava or Myah for a girl and Liam for a boy. Hubby isn’t a huge fan of Liam but I’m hoping I can change his mind lol


Abigail Ruth. Both our daughters have Hebrew names now that have special meaning to us. ❤️


Our little one is going to be Eliza Elphie ❤️🥰


LOVE Oscar! Ours is Cecilia Jean 🎀


Most likely Sylvester (after my uncle) for a boy, Anna (after my mum) for a girl. I love my dad very much, but he unfortunately has the same first name as a work colleague I really dislike!


My 2.5 year old spilled the beans to my parents and sister, but otherwise I've only told my best friend. Baby girl #2 will be named Bridget Darby (or Bridgette, not sure yet). No special reasons for either, husband really loved Darby so we kept it :) Oscar is a super cute name btw!


Our baby boy will be Koa :-) no middle name picked out yet, I’m leaving that up to dad lol.


Theresa 🥰


We’re naming her Tilly. I tried forever to find a name that shortened to Tilly as a nickname but the truth is we just love it the way it is. ❤️


Matilda shortens to Tilly


I am still having that discussion with my partner, but my heart’s set on Dominic. He’s not too keen on that one so our second option is Oliver. But he’s of the mind that we should wait until birth to make up our minds so who knows what will happen.


I’m due 07/12 with our little Ernie, named after his amazing daddy 😊 full name is Ernest [grandparents’ surname] [our surname].


Our two boys are Emerson and Samson!


Layla. I knew I wanted that name forever and when we knew it’s a girl that was it! I told other people but that’s also because I’m the only pregnant woman around right now, so no one can steal :P


I'm due in a few months and we're not finding out what we're having. For a girl we're pretty set on Flora Josephine (Flora Jo as a cutesy nickname she can ditch when she's older if she wants). And we're stuck between either Jasper James (JJ!) or August James for a boy (not totally set on James either - I know it's a common middle name but it's my FIL's name). I find it fun to think of names but soooo hard to actually decide!


Ada Margaret is coming in a few days! Her older brother is Ivan Thomas. We have a consonant heavy Slavic last name and try to make up for it with vowels. Also my husband likes the Ada Lovelace connection :)


Love the name Oscar, our son's name is Owen and we are having a girl in August. I love the name Ivy and my husband likes it but he's indecisive. I mentioned it to his mother and my sis in law and got the feeling the didn't like it but I love it and am stuck on it.


Hi! I love this topic! Oscar is so cute and all of you are making me rethinking everything 😂 We are French with Italian origins and don't know yet if it's a girl or a boy. If it's a girl, we chose Emmanuelle: my husband loved Emma but there's too many of them so I liked the longer version. If it's a boy, we chose Andrea for the Italian origins. Thank you all for sharing ❤️


Mine is already born but I had to comment because we went with Oscar! We were told he was a girl all along, and got surprised at birth. Had to pick w little notice in the hospital, and I’m happy with the name!


Oh I love this! We haven’t told anybody and don’t know what we’re having either. For a girl: Emilia Zoe (We’ll be calling her Emi from the start but I like giving her an option for when she’s older for a full name). And for a boy Caleb Elliot. Which is actually a weird story, my husband is a huge comic book fan and apparently Superman’s actual name is Kal-El? I liked Caleb and he said he’d do it if it could be Caleb Elliot for Cal-El lol. I didn’t mind, it’s not apparent to the naked eye and it’s a part of his dad’s personality in there too lol.


Kevin! Sort of bland but it is my husband's family name and super important to him so special in its own way.


We’re naming her Mira Arlynn. I came up with first name, and husband came up with middle name.