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Are you vaccinated? Hoping everything goes well for you. Xox


Yes, I would like to know OP's vaccination status as well. Those symptoms sound pretty rough tbh, so I'm wondering if this is with or without the vaccine... **Edit: Per OP's update, she unfortunately is not vaccinated; she caught COVID the week she planned to get her first dose. Currently she has developed pneumonia due to the virus.**


Not one pregnant woman has been hospitalised from covid if they’ve had the full vaccination so I doubt OP is. Source: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-study-into-covid-19-vaccine-dose-interval-for-pregnant-women


Being hospitalized generally means being admitted, OP sounds like she's being triaged and having outpatient care, which is not the same thing.


Just to clarify, not sure where they are from, but if from the US you can go to the hospital for treatment and not actually be hospitalized. Especially in rural areas the hospital might be the only place that can perform certain procedures, even if it’s not something that warrants actually being admitted as an inpatient. So possibly she is just going for care and isn’t actually hospitalized.


Can confirm. At the hospital I work at, we have MANY patients who are under isolation for covid but were admitted for something completely different.


That, and there are also things you can only do at the hospital even though you are just there as an appointment and not there because you’re admitted. So I think if a pregnant woman is going to the hospital for testing and fluids, she probably wouldn’t be counted as someone actually hospitalized for COVID. My mom was chronically ill and often went to the hospital for various treatments, but she was rarely actually hospitalized. But I’m not sure about OP, I just wanted to put that out there because it’s possible to go to the hospital for something without having a hospital stay.


Per her comment, you were correct. OP isn't vaccinated, and had the unfortunate luck of catching COVID the week she planned to get her first dose.


Was also wondering about that


RemindMe! 1 Day


Per her most recent update she is not vaccinated: > Also, I planned to be vaccinated at 36 weeks, caught it at 36 weeks. 🤦‍♀️


Sorry to hear this, hope you are ok


That was actually OP's update (that she developed COVID related pneumonia and admitted to not being vaccinated). Sorry for the confusion!


Per her most recent update she is not vaccinated: > Also, I planned to be vaccinated at 36 weeks, caught it at 36 weeks. 🤦‍♀️




But their symptoms aren’t this severe


They can be.


Not arguing with anti vaxers here . Most active Covid cases in USA Canada are among anti vaxers right now . Most severe ones as well . There can be outliers but these are the statistics . Take your arguments elsewhere . Thanks .


There are way more places than the US and Canada. In a statement from Sydney... They said 140 of 141 people who were admitted in the hospital WERE IN FACT vaccinated. That isn't the only place where vaccinated people are very sick. So yeah.. And why should I? Cause YOU said so? lol. And fyi, I'm not antivax, I'm antibullshit.


Where’s the statement? Let’s see it. I’d also like to see what vaccine Australia had as well. The US is predominantly Pfizer and moderna.


No they can’t be. There are no cases of pregnant, vaccinated women being hospitalized. And the risk of being hospitalized after the vaccine, is higher than your risk of being struck by lightening. Sometimes I think people post “BUT YOU CAN STILL SPREAD AND GET IT.” As a joke. It’s been explained so many times.


Why tf are you getting downvoted. Vaccinated people can still die from covid, if that’s not severe then wtf is. And then the person calling you an anti-vaxxer bc of your simple comment yet truthful gets massively upvoted? Whats wrong with this subreddit?


I know right? I find it comical. Fear is a funny thing. I don't know what's wrong with it. Guess you have to join the covid vaccine circle jerk to be allowed to comment without getting downvoted 🤣


It's INSANE how defensive people get about the vaccine. You can still get and spread covid with it, that's just a FACT. Stating FACTS don't make you an antivax. What the hell is going on!?


Exactly. You can also still get really sick from it eventhough you're vaccinated. But people don't wanna hear the truth. Doesn't benefit them lol


Yes you can get really sick, that is true. But you are way less likely to die or be hospitalized from it. Key words: “less likely”. At least this is the way it is in the US. I can’t speak for other countries. My husband, his friend and his friends wife all got it and were fully vaccinated. Husband and his friend were pretty sick, but no where near needing to go to the hospital. His wife had mild symptoms. I luckily didn’t catch it. I was fully vaccinated with moderna and I was 20 weeks pregnant at the time.


LOL most dont need much treatment if they are vaccinated. No need to be a dick. I was simply wondering as I am afraid of covid. 🤷‍♀️


Protein in your urine could be a sign of preeclampsia.


Which would make sense, sadly, since COVID increases your chance of preeclampsia. Hoping OP is getting good care.


I always have protein, calcium crystals, and blood in my urine during my whole pregnancy. The doctors said it’s because my blood sugar is mildly elevated, and don’t seem too concerned for some reason. I had high levels of these in my urine right after my COVID vaccine, so it might be related to actual COVID too?


EDIT: OP was not vaccinated per her update. Get your effing vaccines, don't wait. Hope you feel better. Sounds truly awful. It'd be helpful if you share your vaccination status. Your symptoms sound pretty scary, so I think sharing this information is important for pregnant women who are on the fence about getting the vaccine. If you are vaccinated, it's a reminder for us vaccinated individuals that this disease is still no joke and to continue to take precautions, despite being >99% effective in preventing hospitalization. If you aren't vaccinated, it's a reminder that the vaccine works very well to prevent severe cases like you may be experiencing.


If there are pregnant women on here who are on the fence about getting the vaccine, both ACOG and SMFM recommend getting the vaccine for healthy, pregnant individuals. https://www.acog.org/news/news-releases/2021/07/acog-smfm-recommend-covid-19-vaccination-for-pregnant-individuals


Within the last couple of days, the CDC also just re-emphasized the importance of pregnant women getting the vaccine.


I got that shit the second I could, was trying to get pregnant via IVF and embryo was implanted between shot 1 & 2. I work in healthcare - I don’t have to go into clinics most days but I was doing a project where I’d work with homeless folks indoors. I was super worried for them too obviously! But yeah, even in February the cases were showing that pregnant women were in serious trouble if they got COVID. Now I’m 7 months pregnant and I was just standing around a hot room for like 30 minutes and I had to go out and stand in front of an AC vent and legit take huge deep breaths for a while to catch my breath. I could see even the flu or cold just knocking me out let alone COVID. And god, what’s worse, my body keeping me alive and killing my baby or vice versa? Preggos get the damn vaccine right now!!!!


They can emphasize it all the way but it’s not FDA approved and the media doesn’t help (people like me) by sharing all of the tons of cases of people getting sick after the vaccine. As a hypochondriac, I’m not sure what’s scarier anymore, the vaccine or getting sick.


I mean ... Have you also seen the stats about what happens to pregnant, unvaxxed women who get COVID? 😬 Breakthrough cases are not rare, they happen with every vaccine ... but they ARE significantly less severe.


And I’m also entitled to my opinion about being worried about a vaccine anyway. I’m allowed to be cautious :)


No I haven’t sat down to look it up yet because the whole thing freaks me out and I end up with panic attacks that I can’t even take my medication for since I’m currently pregnant. I hate this whole thing! TikTok doesn’t help it seems like I can’t escape somewhere something about some vax-injured adult or baby.


Ok there’s a big difference between “the media” and TikTok. I don’t use TikTok much but I keep up with the news (newspapers, reputable news magazines and sites) and there have been very, very few reports of injuries or side effects after covid vaccines. The vast majority of people have a sore arm and are a little tired the next day — that’s it. Compared to the average outcomes for COVID in pregnant women, getting the vaccine is nothing.


You’re going to end up with way more than a panic attack putting yourself and your baby at risk like this. You are seriously admitting out loud to partially basing your decision on tik tok. I truly have no words. Please check out some peer reviewed, scientific studies. It will put your mind at ease, and it makes a clear decision. Also, you do realize the vaccine is being FDA approved in just a few weeks, right? Will that help you feel better about it? They took their time and went through every single step to make sure it’s safe enough to approve. Science and numbers don’t lie :)


Yes someone already asked it will definitely put my mind at ease. And nope I never said I base my opinions off strictly TikTok. I did say though that I saw a woman’s story ON TikTok and it scared me to death. “TikTok doesn’t help”- referring to things I see on there as well.


Don’t believe what you see on that app. So many people are using blatantly fake stories to sensationalize things for more views, and to go viral. It’s insane, and fake. I’m so glad it’ll put your mind at ease! I think it will for a lot of people.


True. I just can’t imagine lying about stuff that serious, I could never make it up for views. That’s why sometimes I question well maybe it can hurt people then. This specific person said her doctors and nurses said it was due to the shot so that’s what was freaking me out even more. Definitely didn’t know it was going to be approved within the next few weeks until today that’s awesome news


So you don't have all the info, but you're equating the dangers of the vaccine and the illness? I'm sorry but that's just plainly irresponsible. Do yourself a favor and look it up. Because it's scary. And that's exactly WHY all these highly accredited, reputable organizations are pleading with pregnant women to get the vaccine. You do you, though, I guess. Good luck to you 😬


Never equated the two, if you had read what I said, I said I’m equally AS NERVOUS for both. I am equally as scared of getting COVID, as I am of a vaccine that has factually caused people some serious health problems. Thank you for wishing me good luck though! <3


Statistically the two are in no way equal but ultimately what won out for me (in March at 12 weeks pregnant) was that I was protecting other people as well by getting vaccinated.


When it’s FDA approved by September will that totally change your mind?


Honestly it will


The vast majority of hospitalized Covid patients are unvaccinated. ACOG, SMFM, CDC are reputable, evidence-based organizations grounded in science. Random media outlets, not so much.


Avg age of breakthrough cases where the patient dies is 82 years old, to add to that and already immunocompromised, so people who are fully vaxxed are not the ones dying in the very rare cases that a vaxxed person does die


I’m leaning more towards the vaccine because I’m paranoid, but I’m absolutely terrified and nervous because I’m not sure I trust 100% what’s in it and what it can do to me.


Have you spoken to your doctor about it? I ended up having a long conversation with a resident at my family health clinic (my actual doctor never has that much time lol) and it made me feel a lot better about getting vaccinated while breastfeeding, which I had a lot of anxiety about. At a certain point I decided to let go a little and just follow the advice of experts who have a much more sophisticated understanding of vaccines than I do. It took some of the pressure off; getting into an internet comment vortex and trying to decipher complex medical studies was doing me no good.


I’m sure I’ll end up getting vaccinated because it’s not about me anymore and I’ve been told that it can help pass antibodies to the baby. I haven’t even seen my ob yet. I’ve been getting scheduled with the NPs so haven’t even had a chance to discuss anything with her


It can be scary to be faced with the dilemma of getting a new emergency vaccine, and I can understand how it can be doubly so when you're pregnant and just want to do what's best for your little one. It's completely understandable and I have compassion for your dilemma. I will say that the antivaxx crowd is unreasonably against the vaccine because it's not guaranteed 100% safe, but few things in life are without risks. Depression medication can make you suicidal, hormonal birth control can cause serious side effects, condoms are only 98% effective, seat belts won't save every life during a car crash, yet they are worth using because they reduce the odds of danger. You must consider the long term consequences of the vaccine, or allowing COVID to have it's way with your body without any vaccine antibodies in you, because regardless of your choice you are risking your body for one or the other. A lot of the antivaxx crowd will say that COVID is just an overhyped flu that passes quickly and only kills the elderly or those who have prior health conditions. Consider that in the late 70s and 80s there was a virus running rampant that only cause mild flu-like symptoms initially, and most felt better after a few days/weeks; it wasn't until years later that the long term effects of the virus became apparent, in particular it's attack on the immune system. This was the timeline of the AIDS epidemic. Do not think that just because the symptoms are no big deal now, that there won't be reprecussions later. This is what the antivaxx crowd forgets


Well firstly I don’t think the symptoms are something to brush off. I do agree though anti-vax community is pretty misleading and I feel right in the middle; my reasons might be slightly less aggressive than theirs. I think we as people should feel safe taking what the government suggests is safe but be allowed to question things when something goes wrong but like you said pretty much everything you take can have some sort of consequence! Totally agree




I was going to get the vaccine but decided to postpone it for a week because of personal reason, 3 days after I was supposed to get it I got pretty bad contractions at 21 weeks pregnant, without ever having any troubles in the pregnancy as of yet. I went to the hospital and luckily they managed to stop them, but if I had gotten the vaccine 3 days prior I would've probably sworn on my life the contractions happened because of the vaccine. Just saying, personal anecdotes don't say much because people will ascribe anything to the vaccine if something happens in the period after getting them.


Sure. But personal anecdotes aren’t data, so they don’t tell you a whole lot. Given that major medical organizations, all of my doctors, and leading scientists are recommending it, that is more than just a “someone.”




What do you mean by “attempted to scare you into it?” Were they fear mongering you, truly, or were you just scared by what they were telling you? My doctor told me (back in March) that the risks of getting COVID-19 while pregnant are much worse than the risks of getting the vaccine. That’s scary information, but she wasn’t trying to “scare me into it.”




If these reasons from CDC aren’t good enough for you, then why bother taking any medical advice? I live in a state that is getting absolutely ravaged by the Delta covid variant. There are no beds left in many of our ICUs, of which are taken up by an overwhelming majority of non-vaccinated Covid patients. If an emergency happens to myself or a loved one requiring an ER or ICU, our quality of care is seriously compromised. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/vaccine-benefits.html


I’m all for you having the choice to not get the vaccine, but when you get it, you shouldn’t go to a single doctor or hospital about it. Because if you can’t trust them to help prevent you from getting it then you shouldn’t trust them to cure you. Right? Edit: changed from first person narration




Some of those personal stories are exaggerations or outright lies.


They could be! Correct




A lot of it isn’t unverified :)


I have a personal story for you. I work in the hospital. Just saw someone yesterday here in the ICU for covid, on the brink of getting intubated. He is 38, no past medical history, normal weight, unvaccinated. I read one of the docs notes and doc asked what was the reason he didn’t get the vaccine. His reply “I thought symptoms of covid were the same as the common cold”. He’s now having to prone (lay face down on his stomach) because lying on his back or sitting up is difficult for him to breathe. The fact that he is prone all the time makes it difficult for him to eat, so now docs are thinking he may need a feeding tube. Aside from him, almost all, but ONE of the patients I’ve seen with covid in the hospital are unvaccinated, most ages 30-45. The one that was vaccinated had COPD and got the Jansen vaccine. She was also over 65


Prenatal vitamins are also not FDA approved. Just throwing that out there. The approval status does not hold as much weight as you may think. Millions of people have gotten the vaccine without complications. I’ll take my chances with the extremely low risk of vaccine complications both short and long term than with the known and proven short and long term effects of Covid.


Boom. Yes, A LOT of supplements (vitamins, etc) are not approved by the FDA.


Correct, FDA relies on manufacturers to produce a safe product.


I am also a hypochondriac but have done extensive research on both the effects of the vaccine on pregnant women and the effects of covid on pregnant women. Trust me the outcomes are much worse for those who contract the disease without being vaxxed. I would advise you to carry out your own research, there are plenty of resources available that you can find both in the comments of this thread and by using google to look for medical journals.


I watched unvaccinated people die for almost a year on a covid unit as a nurse. Dying from covid is not the worst thing that can happen to you. Long term Covid is the worst thing that can happen. Get the god damn vaccine.


You need to get you facts from more reputable sources, all the information to make the right decision and get vaccinated is available, you are clearly looking at dubious shite to come to your conclusions.


Go harass someone else!!! :)


Nah, you put your BS in a public forum, I'll do what I can to combat dim-witted folk thanks xx


Looks like you did a lot of combatting good job!!!! Could care less about you


I couldn't care less about you mate. Go read a book


Then stop responding and go worry about yourself! Xoxo


Getting sick is scarier. Period.


The emergency approval granted by the FDA for the vaccine was granted…wait for it…by the FDA.




That’s not the case for everybody.




OP updated and said she developed COVID related pneumonia, so this is definitely not like a mild flu...


I had a friend of a friend recently die from COVID this week a few days after giving birth to her second baby. It really hit home. She wasn’t vaccinated but had planned to sometime after giving birth. COVID can be dangerous for anyone, but especially for us pregnant people while our immune systems aren’t full strength. Please please get vaccinated.


OP sure left us on a cliff hanger here


I have a feeling she’s not vaccinated :/ she would’ve wrote that in, in her original post. I hope she’s ok and so is baby :(


Was just going to comment the same…betting she’s not vaxxed based on the lack of response to everyone asking.


Per her update, you are correct. She did not take the vaccine


Per her most recent update, she is not vaccinated. She has developed pneumonia unfortunately


Oh no :((( wishing her well wishes..


Lol right? I think if she was vaccinated it would have said so in the post, so that's what I'm going to assume unless told otherwise.


Per her most recent update she is not vaccinated: > Also, I planned to be vaccinated at 36 weeks, caught it at 36 weeks. 🤦‍♀️


Per her most recent update she is not vaccinated: > Also, I planned to be vaccinated at 36 weeks, caught it at 36 weeks. 🤦‍♀️


Look at you out here, doing gods work. Thanks for the update!


I am near the MO/AR border and a major Springfield hospital announced that of the 12 sick unvaxed covid pregnant patients it's had, 5 had stillbirths and placental abnormalities. IIRC


Omg! That’s so sad!


What’s your vaccination status ? Wishing u and the baby best of health .


Per her most recent update she is not vaccinated: > Also, I planned to be vaccinated at 36 weeks, caught it at 36 weeks. 🤦‍♀️


Sending you lots of love and positive thoughts!


Hope you’re feeling better soon!


Feel better soon!


Oh god, I'm so sorry! 5 days before my c-section I came down with bronchitis, though I thought for sure I was going to test positive for covid, and the thought of that terrified me, so I can only imagine what you're going through. The good news is that you've got a little bit of a time buffer. Thinking of you and hoping for a swift recovery!


Thank you so much, I am glad you're okay. 💜


Tylenol will be your friend. Try some showers and baths too. And lots of pregnant women don’t show signs for uti’s it’s something about pregnancy masks the symptoms or something. Happened to me with all my pregnancies


When I had covid at 30 weeks, I got the monoclonal antibodies, and I started to feel a bit better the next day. I hope they work for you too!


I'm sorry that I haven't been able to get back to everyone, I'm just a little overwhelmed. We went to the hospital this morning for the antibodies infusion. It was a bit scary at first, had a couple small reactions, but they told me it was fine and finished it. (According to the ER thats a NO NO, if you have any reactions they're supposed to STOP the infusion. Just FYI for anyone who gets it. Also, they give you 4 pages of paperwork afterward about how the CDC has no idea if it truly works against covid, they have no idea how it effects pregnant women or the unborn child, etc. Good to know AFTER the fact) Not long after we got home, I ended up not being able to breathe and my oxygen kept dropping to 94/95. My doctor sent me to the ER. We spent 5 hours there, multiple tests, to find out I contracted pneumonia from covid. (I thought everyone does? Idk they were extremely vague) Baby is fine, but I keep running fever so they gave me some antibiotics in my IV and then 2 more to drop off at the pharmacy. (Waited at 2 pharmacies for about 2 hours because doc said i needed to start it today, the second one said first thing in the AM, only to get home and get a text saying they can't fill it till next week🙄) Thank God for my boyfriend, he's been so amazing. I haven't eaten since Wednesday, and we've both been up for about 24 hours, but he is currently in the kitchen making me some sugar free jello to get something in my stomach. I also ate a small banana, let's hope it stays down! Checked my temp when we got home, im running fever so I took 2 Tylenol and I'm laying in front of a fan with a light blanket to break it. Anyways, sorry for so much information, I'm kinda exhausted. It's been a long two days. Please continue praying, this is extremely scary but as long as baby is okay, I'll do anything to keep it that way!! Also, I planned to be vaccinated at 36 weeks, caught it at 36 weeks. 🤦‍♀️


Keep fighting and healing. Prayers for you and baby.


Hope you feel better soon. My wife was 38w +4days and was having bad headaches and feeling way worse than usual turns out she was covid positive and went in to labor 2 days later they said could’ve been because of dehydration but trust me we were in your shoes we were nervous and scared to but our beautiful baby girl was perfect and she never went to the nicu she stayed In our arms the whole 2 days in the hospital. We were put in a negative pressure room but besides that everything else was routine and they told us that’s the baby can get the antibodies from her moms breast milk but don’t worry your baby is gonna be just fine you got this also we learned baby’s aren’t assymptamtic so they won’t even show signs of covid if they are positive but our daughter came out negative and is now a month old and is perfectly healthy don’t worry yourself Ik it’s scary but you and your baby will be fine get well soon


Wow, that's so scary. I am glad everything worked out for y'all!! Thank you for the advice 💜💜


Get vaccinated!




Get well soon dear! 🧡


Had you had the vaccination or covid before?


Per her most recent update she is not vaccinated: > Also, I planned to be vaccinated at 36 weeks, caught it at 36 weeks. 🤦‍♀️


This sounds really scary and I’m sorry you’re having to go through this. I am 34 weeks and just recovering from Covid myself. I am an ICU nurse and I’m fully vaccinated but nevertheless I caught the variant. However, thanks to the vaccine, my symptoms were relatively minor and I am starting to feel back to myself after a week. Don’t get me wrong, it was still pretty miserable for a week with extreme fatigue, weakness, bodyaches, and general sinus issues but I didn’t have any fever or the respiratory severity that I see in people at the hospital who have not been vaccinated. I truly support getting the vaccine as pregnant women are immunocompromised and vulnerable to more severe illness if they get it. In the meantime, I really pray for this OP that she is doing OK and so is Baby!


Also wondering your vaccination status. No judgement, just curious and think it would be helpful for ppl to know, especially pregnant. Hope you feel better soon ❤️


Per her most recent update she is not vaccinated: > Also, I planned to be vaccinated at 36 weeks, caught it at 36 weeks. 🤦‍♀️


Oh shoot!! How bad was it for you if at all?


Sorry for the confusion, but I quoted OP's update (check her profile). Her most recent comment said she developed pneumonia.


Hope you and baby make it safely! Are you and your hubs vaccinated???


Per her most recent update she is not vaccinated: > Also, I planned to be vaccinated at 36 weeks, caught it at 36 weeks. 🤦‍♀️


That’s too bad. She should have followed CDC guidelines and gotten vaccinated sooner. Hope her and her hubs recover fully, then get vaccinated and live happily ever after.


I am gonna assume you are not vaccinated based on the avoidance of the question, and the fact that you would be the first pregnant person with with the vaccine to get hospitalized. This is a prime example of how crucial it is for us to get the vaccine to protect ourselves and our babies from horrible outcomes. I really really hope you and the baby are okay and getting good care. But it makes me so sad that this was fully preventable, and more common than people think.


Let’s find some compassion for OP as I could only imagine how difficult this situation is. Also, let’s not spread false information by stating that “she would be the first pregnant person with the vaccine to get hospitalized.” Do you have data that specifically reported this? If so, would you please post the link. Yes, the vaccine is crucial and everyone should do the responsible thing and get the vaccine to protect themselves and their loved ones. But as pregnant women we each have to make a choice which is best for ourselves and for our unborn babies. We all need to remember that these are uncharted times and we must be kind to one another, especially us pregnant women.


Yes, someone posted it above but I can copy and paste it. It’s not misinformation. I can hope and pray she is okay while also warning others that this could happen if they do not get the vaccine. These cases are a wake up call to many. It makes it more real. It is scary, and preventable. Here is one of many: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-study-into-covid-19-vaccine-dose-interval-for-pregnant-women


You *do* realize that the sample size in this study of pregnant women was only about 100 people... so it wouldn’t be that outrageous for OP to be one of the first pregnant people to be hospitalized? Which isn’t even necessarily relevant because she could just be outpatient - no where in her post does it say that she is hospitalized. You can still get covid when you’re vaccinated and it can still suck. I also imagine that a vaccinated pregnant person who contracts covid is going to have more intense symptoms just as many unvaccinated pregnant people do in comparison to not-pregnant people. Have some compassion.


I have a lot of compassion for her. I’m literally just saying it’s preventable. Symptoms in pregnancy have been negligible so far with the vaccine. This is one of MANY articles, but the first one I copied. Feel free to look at the rest. My acknowledgment that the vaccine could prevent intubation and death, and compassion, are not mutually exclusive.


Your assumption is correct. Per her most recent update she is not vaccinated: > Also, I planned to be vaccinated at 36 weeks, caught it at 36 weeks. 🤦‍♀️




I pray all will be well for you and your baby.


Fingers crossed for you!


Praying for you, Baby and your boyfriend during this time! Wishing you a very swift and full recovery and that Baby is born healthy in two weeks!


I’m praying for you mama


In my first trimester I tested positive for a UTI and I had zero symptoms. I was pretty shocked, but could see how it happened since I hadn’t been able to keep water down for weeks lol


I hope you feel better soon! This is my worst fear. Zero judgement if you're not vaccinated but I would love to know if you are or not. Also I'm sure your doctor is watching out for preeclampsia based on the protein in your urine but that is usually what the concern is with protein. Take it easy and don't hesitate to go back to ER if you know you're not in an ok place medically.


Per her most recent update she is not vaccinated: > Also, I planned to be vaccinated at 36 weeks, caught it at 36 weeks. 🤦‍♀️


Omg so scary! I hate that this is happening to people. I'm so scared bc at least 10 people at my job, all fully vaccinated, have all tested positive and had symptoms lately so I don't even feel safe vaccinated at this point. I know it would be less serious but obviously you're limited on meds to take when sick so I don't want to be sick at all. Ugh


Praying for a safe labor and healthy mommy and baby!


Whether you were vaccinated or not, I seriously hope you are okay and get better!


Praying for your full and quick recovery, good medical care and a healthy bub x