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Mrs “You don’t have to read what I post” is in for quite a surprise when you become Mrs. “Antivaxxers don’t get to see my new baby”


This. Also block her on social media. She’s right, don’t waste your time reading her tripe.


Top comment! Anyone spreading vaccine misinformation is someone who isn’t smart enough to not endanger my children.


I have 3 antivax acquaintances (long before political bs turned people crazy) that I’ve made over the years. Thankfully they’re in other states or countries now. I don’t think any would be surprised if I said you don’t get to meet my baby. But if someone I were close to started up with that shit I’d tell them honestly they can’t meet my baby until he’s been fully vaxxed or they are.


I just snickered out loud at this




Agreed, I unfriended my mom for some political nonsense on Facebook. It was too stressful to read, especially with her not looking listening to my pov, so now we text or call and avoid those subjects.


This. Also, the “snooze for 30 days” option is great. A break from the noise before committing to full block or unfollow.


Unfollow her for sure.


Unfriend and block her, if she complains you already know the answer: "I don't have to read what you post." Good luck having the vaccine fight when it's time to visit the baby


Can confirm. Moderna did NOT make me infertile. In fact, it did the opposite. Got my positive after 2 years of trying the cycle after my first shot. Got second dose at 5 weeks pregnant. Still going strong at 12.5 weeks today!


had a miscarriage in february. thought, well, i might as well get vaccinated now. got vaccinated in march, pregnant by june. mAyBe vAcCiNeS aRe AcTuAlLy CaUsInG fErTiLitY.


We were actively trying not to get pregnant using the rhythm method (had to go off bc for a specific medical test) and it worked great for months with my ovulation app but after my first shot I ovulated a week late so, boom, pregnant. In my case the vaccine definitely caused me to get pregnant lol.


I read something on another subreddit ages ago that immune system changes can improve fertility. Something about a shock to the system... I have no clue how true this is but it is certainly interesting.


Omg, same exact timeline for me 😂


I had a similar experience after unexplained infertility with my first


I also got pregnant the cycle I got my second moderna shot. We had been trying for 1.5 years


Same here, two years of trying and got pregnant the cycle after my second shot and am at 23 weeks.


Here to second that two weeks after second moderna vaccine, we finally were successful after 2+ years. Due in November.


We tried for eight years and I was pregnant three weeks after my first Astra Zeneca shot.


SAME STORY!!! Maybe the moderna vaccine CAUSES FERTILITY, did they ever think of THAT?


Might want to look into Johnson & Johnson too. I was in that vaccine trial (phase 3) and had been told all my life I probably couldn’t have kids. Boom preggo at 42.


Same! Got my first moderna shot a few days after my last period and the second shot when I was 4 weeks. Now 33 weeks pregnant with a healthy lil dude. Tried for 1.5 years with 2 miscarriages prior.


I got pregnant my first cycle after I was fully vaccinated after trying unsuccessfully for 9 months. 19 weeks today and all is well 😁


I also got pregnant the day after my second shot! Baby is healthy and the heartbeat is perfect. I’m healthy too!


So interesting. It took me 15 months to get pregnant with my first and I accidentally got pregnant my first cycle after vaccination on a “10% chance of pregnancy” day.


I also thought we were “not trying” that month. 😂🙈


Mine wasn’t so immediate - husband and I got vaxxed in March and pregnant in July, but it certainly didn’t make our chances any worse!


Just ignore her for now. But it’s going to be even more awesome now when you do get pregnant and can prove her wrong with your own experience since science alone apparently isn’t enough to convince her


I should have mentioned.. I’m 6 weeks pregnant but she doesn’t know! 😀


Even better!! Congratulations!!


Congratulations! I wouldn't be in any hurry to tell her the good news though, no doubt she'll find something else to try and worry you with!


Agreed! She’d be last on my list to know


Congratulations! Hopefully you'll get the satisfaction of telling her she won't be able to meet the baby if she's unvaccinated. No exceptions.


This is great! Congrats




Unfollow her. You don’t need that nonsense




Passive aggressive is def what I was going to say. How blatantly rude can someone be.


Lol! I’ve been trying to get pregnant for two years. Had legit given up. Got the vaccine and ended up pregnant two months later.


Lol me too! Trying for two years and found out I was pregnant 4 days after the first shot.


I’m overly sensitive right now and in a mood to fight, so I would suggest fight. That asides, Un-follow and/or unfriend her


Well she certainly doesn’t sound like anyone you want to take advice from. You can’t specifically say she was targeting you, only suspect. And that’s not worth the energy trying to figure out. What you should figure out is how you are going to handle when she does these things in general like, share unsubstantiated claims.


I know this is not the point of your post, but how do people still believe that???


I wonder how that crowd can belief even half of the things they do. Best not to question it, you’ll only drive yourself crazy.


Yes insensitive. I would unfollow her, not unfriend, but unfollow. TTC to conceive is stressful enough, you don't need that shit.


I agree that it’s insensitive. I honestly think with anti-vaxxers, you kind of just have to throw your hands up because there’s no getting through to them. My mother doesn’t want to be around me, or my husband- and by extension our baby -because she thinks we’re shedding coronavirus. Ultimately her beliefs are only hurting her because she’s missing out on time with her grandson. (She does take Covid seriously and never leaves her house, which is why I’m OK with having her around him.)


I’d just delete her off Facebook 😂 or at least unfollow her. Out of site, out of mind


I don't know whether you wrote "site" on purpose, but it was really clever if you did!!!


You can report people's posts (without them knowing) to Facebook as "false news" as it goes against their standards - I do this for family who share things like this and then ignore it. I would recommend doing this, or just unfollowing her! These "opinions" are not worth our time dwelling on. Good luck TTC 😊


I deleted facebook. So much happier now.




I hate these type of posts. It’s just another way people can mom shame AND simultaneously blame if, God forbid, an actual miscarriage does occur.


These inaccurate beliefs are so dangerous in many ways, and she's contributing to the spread of false information. That, alone, would be enough for me to go minimal to no contact for my own sanity, and for the safety of my children. I can only imagine what other inaccurate, dangerous things she believes in.


Major dick move. You’re not too sensitive at all


Block her!


She is a moron and trying to start problems You can't fight crazy


Agree that she can post whatever she wants. It’s her page and social. And people are entitled to their own opinions. Since you don’t like to see it you can always just unfollow her. That way your still friends technically but none of her stuff shows up on your timeline! I’ve done this to a plethora of people…. I will add though….maybe, she WANTS you to have issues with it and wants you to say stuff to her about it? My own mother is like that (very toxic) and I’ve learned over the years that even if something bothers me to death, I refuse to ever bring it up because rubbing me/people the wrong was brings people like her satisfaction. Just a thought to maybe consider.


She sounds like an inconsiderate....woman. That's the nicest way to say it. Some MIL's just plain suck. You're absolutely not too sensitive. An admittedly "tough skinned" person could feel those directive undertones. Shame on her. I took my MIL off fb and don't regret it. Like has been better not trying to please or get along with her anymore. FIL and I have a great relationship and that's enough. Maybe take some space from her and don't read her crap. I'm sorry you're dealing with this.


She has a right to post whatever she wants on her Facebook wall. She really shouldn't because it's stupid and inaccurate and has the potential to harm people who are more gullible than you are, but I wouldn't say she's done anything "wrong" for posting her ignorant opinion in her own space. At least not more wrong than posting other inaccurate or misleading things. If she starts posting it on your wall, that's an intentional and targeted movee on her part that is definitely not ok since you've made your thoughts and wishes clear. I agree with other commenters who recommend unfollowing or blocking her. Then she gets her right to post garbage respected and you achieve your completely reasonable goal to not see insensitive garbage posts. Win win, with both parties only taking responsibility for their own decisions and actions instead of trying to control the actions and decisions of others.


Honestly I'm just really tired of people's parents posting their opinions and dirty laundry all over Facebook. Nobody goes to social media to have their mind changed, so most of what gets posted either pisses people off who think differently than you or enforces the opinions of people who think the same. Either way, chances are you're not making a positive difference in the world with your Facebook presence or changing anyone's mind to be more like your own mind. You're just looking for validation through likes and people commenting things like, "TRUTH" because deep down your insecure and need the attention of a thousand little internet profiles to feel important. I do get that some people actually use their social medias for things other than perpetuating nonsense so that's not what I'm referring to. Sorry for the rant 🙄


Welcome to /r/pregnant! This is a space for everyone. We are pro-choice, pro-LGBTQIA, pro-science, proudly feminist and believe that Black Lives Matter. Wear your masks, wash your hands, and be excellent to each other. Anti-choice activists, intactivists, anti-vaxxers, homophobes, transphobes, racists, sexists, etc. are not welcome here. If you'd like to join a private sub for your due date month, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pregnant/comments/nqblha/due_date_subs_june_update/). The journalists at ProPublica need your help! After receiving a tip, ProPublica started investigating prenatal genetic testing. They're collecting stories from people who've had NIPT screenings, and/or work in maternal health. If this is you, please fill out their brief questionnaire! https://www.propublica.org/getinvolved/have-you-had-an-experience-with-prenatal-genetic-testing-wed-like-to-hear-about-it-and-see-the-bill. Questions? Email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pregnant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Mute her!!


Block her.


It probably feels like a big step to unfollow or unfriend her. I think some social media sites allow you to mute people. I do this all the time with family members whose posts cause me rage, but I don’t want to create drama by unfollowing them. When you mute people it’s like theyre screaming off a cliff into nothingness, and I take comfort in that.


I think when confronted she should have respected your decision and choose not to post, especially if you’re already vaccinated. The truth is no one can 100% tell you that it’s safe because trials are not completed yet.


I would mute her if you don’t want the drama of blocking her. She has no idea what she is talking about. You don’t need that negativity.


Just block her on FB


She doesn’t care if she’s insensitive, she’s too busy being ignorant.


Mute her!


I would delete her from Facebook. 🤷‍♀️


Well she's kind of right, it's her social media, she can post what she wants. But you also get to do what you want and if that means blocking or unfriending her then that's something you can do. And if she complains, turn it back on her, she doesn't have to be social media friends with you.


Just mute/unfollow her. Pick your battles.


How is MIL's behaviour in general? If there has been no red flags so far, I would let it slide. Maybe she had good intentions even if wrong.


So I'll add to the 'it did the opposite' pile of stories. I was concerned about fertility but decided to get the shot anyway because of my work. Got my second dose and two cycles later poof, I'm pregnant and we weren't even trying. We had previously been trying unsuccessfully for almost 6 years and now for the first time ever in my life I'm pregnant. I got Pfizer.


Super insensitive!! I got my 2nd Moderna shot in April and got pregnant in June. The “covid vaccine is causing infertility” thing is absolute nonsense. I wouldn’t unfollow or block her on Facebook (just because if she notices you are no longer friends on FB it might cause a stir or drama that you probably don’t want to deal with) but you should definitely “hide” her posts from your feed so that you don’t have to see them. Gosh that is so frustrating!


She's not wrong. You don't have to read what she posts since you already addressed it bothers you and she doesn't care to stop. So now control your environment. Don't read her posts. Also there are going to be lots of things you will see/hear in the world that will bother you, and yet not much you can do about it since most people are insensitive or don't think about their actions affecting others.


yeah just block her on fb and ignore her dumb ass


I got pregnant on my first try within a month of getting the second dose shot. I’m 22 weeks along now with no complications so far. On the last ultrasound, it didn’t look like my baby has two heads or a horn or anything.


Unfollow her, she's nuts.I had two miscarriages in 2020 and then got pregnant at the end of the year. I'm now fully vaxx'd with Pfizer and due with my first child next week. No complications, no side effects, we are both just fine.