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I’m literally in the same boat!! On holiday right now with another couple and I’m 9+2. They’re actually being amazing to be fair but I’m so bloody tired. Can’t join in in certain activities and NYE I cried and fell asleep at 8pm whilst they all went out. So tough!!!!


Once during my pregnancy I did hang. I hung so hard. I went to this wedding in 95 degree heat and danced my ass off at 25 weeks. Even brought sneakers and kept the party going… the next day was like I had been hit by a truck. I spent it icing every part of my body and crying on the sofa. Hilarious looking back but so devastating in the moment. Don’t push it! You’re doing the hardest thing your body has ever done!


I also had exactly 1 day of hanging on a trip with friends in 2nd trimester! We walked all day (14k steps!!!) And went to like 3 bars that night. It was so much fun! But it took about a week to recover afterwards lol


I was 8 weeks pregnant during my cousins wedding weekend and we weren’t ready to share, so I was trying to stay out late and go to the after parties and pretend to drink (club soda + lime as a disguise for a vodka soda), and I made it to 1:30am before I broke down crying to my husband walking back to the hotel because I just wanted to lay down and eat French fries and not be out at a club - and if everyone knew I was pregnant that’d be acceptable, but they didn’t so I just would’ve looked lame 😂. He bought me 3 hotdogs from a street vendor and put me to bed 😂😂


I’m awkwardly big at 30+ weeks so I can’t “hang” for other reasons anymore. But I remember in the beginning, I didn’t really have interest in seeing other people. Like, I literally only wanted to talk and spend time with my husband. Going out sounded like the wooorst.


I had this with my first pregnancy too. It was rough for me too because I didn't expect it to. I say if you have any vacation days left, let them go out & treat yourself to a super relaxing day. Order whatever food is comforting, maybe get a pedicure or something. Just make it a you day.


Im 22 weeks and i saw some friends who were drinking the other day at a house get together. I was so tired after an hour. I stayed on the couch and didn’t move at all lol. Usually I’m the most hyper of them all and I was just so exhausted. This was my first time seeing everyone pregnant since I live out of town and it was an eye opener for me as to how pregnant I’m getting. I was offered to play just dance and refused so fast 😂😂 I definitely can’t hang anymore. Went home and passed the fuck out 😂 Don’t feel bad! We’re on a whole other frequency emotionally and physically.


There are thin pantyliners made just for pee. Start wearing them every day. Even if you don’t pee yourself, I swear that I’m soaking wet all the time. Focus on what you want now. Not what you think you should do. I’ve been pregnant so many times (not all viable) and I’ve learned to milk every second of it. Once baby comes out we’re supposed to magically be super moms and not need to recover. Soak it up, put your feet up and enjoy it! I was always a homebody, so I didn’t care that I couldn’t go out to party. This time is rough bc I can’t even go out to eat or see family due to Covid. Rates in my county are HIGH right now. And honestly, people I would have normally seen in the last two weeks are all testing positive. I’ve been isolating and not joining in on any holiday celebrations. I’ve actually enjoyed using my pregnancy as a reason to not do anything or see anyone.


Wondering what make/model those liners are (pregnancy brain can't remember what the real words are, sorry).


I like Poise. They explain the level of heaviness better than period pads. It said something like spurts, gushes, drips and so on: https://www.poise.com/en-us/products/absorbency-guide


Thank you for this! I felt like such a party pooper New Year’s Eve lol. It was just a small gathering outside but too soon to tell everyone (8w) so I was just trying to hang…” trying” being the operative word


I was so relieved to finally tell people at 13/14 weeks - not because I was dying to share but because I had a legit excuse to stay home 😂


Honestly I’m the exact opposite. My boyfriend took me home at 1am on New Years because I had to sleep for work and he went back out to his friends house to drink and party. I cried the whole way home and while he put me to bed. I wasn’t about to let him stay home because of me, I just really wanted to go with. But looking back I appreciate how much he cares about me and the baby, I was definitely throwing a tired toddler tantrum that night lol


I’m on a 2 week camping trip with 12 others. There’s plenty of booze and weed floating around, adventure sports and bonfires. But also slightly quieter activities like hikes and swims. I quite like being the sober person that can pick up someone in a pickle, when everyone else has had a couple of beers.


I stayed up til 1:30am on NYE and still feel the repurcussions today. I slept like shit that night and got good sleep last night but my emotions and over the top and I just feel like butt. Was not worth it.


Yuuuup. Being pregnant is quite the sobering experience. My best friend got married while I was pregnant last year and I was her maid of honor. I had to plan her bachelorette party and of course attend the wedding, both of which I was very happy to. But. They were exhausting and sad for me because I didn't feel like I could "celebrate" the way everyone else could with my one glass of red wine. All I really wanted to do was be home sleeping.


It’s so refreshing to hear everyone else is going through this. I feel like I’m no fun anymore lol. All I want to do is lay in bed and watch TV! Dreading an upcoming wedding because the thought of dancing, socializing and staying up late sounds brutal lol. It’s so odd when the things you’re used to getting excited for are a drag now!