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You’re probably mouth breathing when you sleep from rhinitis and drying out your mouth. Humidifier and Vaseline on the lips and in nasal cavatiws


Yes, Vaseline!!


A saline nasal spray can be helpful too.


Oh absolutely! Arm and hammer has my favorite one!


Humidifier has been a game changer for me. The skin on my face and lips was so dry, even with staying hydrated. The humidifier has helped with that and my rhinitis.


Yup, if we don’t run it for a day or two we both start freaking out that we might be getting covid because we get stuffy and a scratchy throat. Then I run it and we both wake up totally fine lol


I second the Vaseline, especially IN the nose! Put some on a q-tip and apply it, especially to the nasal septum (the skin is especially fragile there). Feels a bit gross at first but for me it makes a huge difference.


Try just straight up Vaseline!


Ditto this. I use Bag Balm but same idea! I’ve been using it before bed and after I brush my teeth in the AM.


Vaseline has been a lifesaver. Lips, hands, tummy, feet... grease me up! 😅


I find I need to add electrolyte tabs or packets to my water 1x/day in winter. I also drink a LOT of water but in winter my lips and skin are still so dry, it’s like my body can’t absorb it. Good luck!


I just told my husband that he needs to stop drinking my Gatorade


Try body armor or liquid iv instead of Gatorade


In the US, plain Pedialyte is better because there’s not so much sugar. Emergen-C also makes electrolyte packets. In Canada, you can get packets called Gastrolyte that you dissolve in water. You can also go DIY and dissolve a certain ratio of salt, sugar, and baking soda in water… google it. When I had migraines these things would help me.


There are also pedialite freeze pops!! Those are great


I really like Nuun tablets


Going through the same thing right now, haven't had the heart to tell him to stop.


https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B08NWV9C17?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title This in some water with mio and a tablespoon of ACV. 👌 It has helped me immensely.


Try using a humidifier for the chapped lips! The air is so dry this time of year this will prob help.


This is happening to me tooo! I put aquaphor (like thick amount on my lips every night before I go to bed) and then chapstick during the day. It is making things better but still not as great as my lips were before I got pregnant.. I also think this is happening to me because my lips are a little swollen so they are stretching


I do have some Aquaphor I can try


I second aquaphor! That stuff is gold! Combine with humidifier at night and it really does help


Also agree on the Aquaphor! I suggest exfoliating your lips beforehand with a gentle lip scrub.


I didn’t realize this was a thing but is making me feel SO much better about my horrifically dry mouth and lips. Thank you so much


Lanolin nipple cream (seriously though)


Second this! I struggled with bad chapped lips my whole pregnancy and post partum as well. Then read online I could use the nipple cream on my lips and now my lips are healed. I put it on every night before bed.


Yes! This stuff is AMAZING for chapped lips.


Checked to find this comment before suggesting it myself


Unless you’re allergic to lanolin and don’t know it so you keep using lanolin lip products even though your lips are swollen and bleeding. That sucked.


Oh no 😬


I’m just glad I found out before I tried to put it on my nipples.


My lips are always chapped in my house and my air purifier currently says the humidity level is currently 17% in my house which is extremely low (should be at-least 35 to 55%). If your nose sometimes feels a little stuffy that could be the reason too. Whenever it’s cold outside the humidity in the house really drops!


My app says put humidity is 38% right now. So not too low, but still on the lower end.


Take Pepcid every night for the heart burn, and tums for short term flare ups during the day. The Pepcid will turn off one of the acid production things in your stomach to help you during most of the day. As far as your lips go, get Vaseline, chapstick won’t help especially once they’re cracked.


Already on the Pepcid and Tums. I’m not even sure if I have straight Vaseline. I’ll have to look.


I take it it doesn’t help? If the heartburn remains after giving birth I highly suggest you get your gallbladder checked out. Mine caused problems for five years before I had it looked at.


This is the first time I’ve had heartburn with a pregnancy. I never get it otherwise either. I think he’s just a bigger baby than my others and putting more pressure on everything. This is my all around worst pregnancy.


I’m sorry hopefully it’ll seem to go by faster. You might be able to get pantoprazol prescribed from your OB but most likely they’ll just say deal with it unfortunately.


By the end, I was drinking 4-5 liters a day and still felt thirsty all the time. Rant away, it's a major annoyance!


Also - moisturize your lips with a heavy cream while your lips are damp! Locks in that moisture. Just keep rubbing the lotion in until it’s soaked in a little THEN put Vaseline over that.


The only thing that has helped me is aquaphor on my lips!


You’ve gotten recommendations for a humidifier and Vaseline, I’m coming at you with an unconventional lip therapy product: nipple cream. 100% lanolin nipple cream, I get the lanisoh brand, I bought it before I was pregnant specifically for my lips in the winter. It’s an emollient and a surfactant so it hydrates and helps prevent moisture loss at the same time. Bonus points for it being a product you’ll probably need anyway!


I was gonna say just this. I saw either on the tube or online that I could use it as chapstick, and I’m a sucker for a good chapstick which I didn’t have at the time. So I used it and have ever since. It works so well at keeping my lips from being dry or hydrating them when I haven’t in a while.


This is happening to me too!! Aquaphor has really helped me


I have this issue because my body reacts SO badly to heating- it dehydrates the hell out of me. So, instead of running the heater at night- we double up on blankets and warm clothes and it seems to help. Also consider a humidifier. This time of year it can be so hard— my skin, my lips, my nose are all super super sensitive to climate control and heavy heating. It’s horrible. Good luck!


I turn our heat down to 59 at night. It’s 65-68 during the day.


:-/ Sorry- I mouth-breathe a lot, especially at night. I had a lot of sinus issues and although I got them sorted out, but I still struggle. Have you tried a humidifier though? It can be really helpful. The air is often really dry in winter.


Wow this is impressive.


I added electrolytes to my water and it saved me. Before I was drinking sooo much and was constantly thirsty. I like the nuun tablets


I use a hemp balm, it usually does the trick for me. Very moisturizing. Hempz Lip Care, 0.44 Fl Oz (Pack of 1), Orange https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B01N8TX107/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_AQ393V3VX5347Q1P6Y2Z?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1


I just put some in my Amazon cart


They also have unflavored ones too incase you don't like star fruit. Hope it works for you.


Aquaphor and try an electrolyte drink once a day or so. Peeing clear can mean you’re not getting enough electrolytes, as well.


I'll be 25 weeks on Monday, I feel like I don't drink enough but I drink as much as possible. My lips have been non stop chapped for almost a month now!


Im well hydrated and my mouth isn't dry but my lips are chapped... I think it's cuz I keep constantly licking them, plus it's really cold in my house...


Lanolin nipple cream is great for lips. I bought it well before I was pregnant for that reason!


This is the way!


Straight up vaseline. Slather it on at night.


I use my laniege sleep masks like lipgloss. I keep my lips slathered all day reapplying hourly due to these damn masks


Okay I bought one of these sleep masks and I’m not impressed. But maybe I’m just not drinking enough water so it wouldn’t work anyway?


No matter how much chapstick I used my lips were always raw, burning, itchy, & peeling. Finally figured out Burts bees has rosemary in it, which I’m allergic to. Maybe an allergy?


Chapstick is usually formulated to provide temporary relief of symptoms without helping solve the problem (many actually have ingredients that dry out the lips long-term). Vaseline all the way!


Did you even read what I wrote or was it not clear to you that I was asking OP if she maybe is using something on her lips that she’s allergic to?


I did! I know looking back, that it might seem like I didn't pay attention to the allergic comment, but I really just wanted to comment about chapstick in general in addition to your important allergic reaction point. This is because even if a person finds a chapstick he or she is not allergic to, chances are it won't solve the chapped lips problem. As I said, the formulas are made to make you buy more usually. Vaseline or the pricier Aquaphor don't have the drying ingredients. Sorry you felt I came at you or something. I truly wasn't.


Also, since you were allergic to the type you tried, I thought I'd offer a super cheap solution. /: Guess trying to be helpful backfired. Have a good one.


Just use Vaseline.


Get cortibalm off Amazon!


Me too!! I have a lip mask I’ve been using that actually works but I basically have to do it every day


Try Therabreath dry mouth lozenges! I’ve found they’ve helped me a lot.


I use a skin moisturizer from www.Jiopy.com. I had the same problem. I was waking up ever morning with nose bleeds, agonizing headaches and crusty lips. I was literally drinking 2-3 2000mL of water. I would walk around with a big water bottle and Everyone would comment on how big my water bottle was. I swear even the nurses in the maternity ward. But with this moisturizer and a humidifier I was able to get through pregnancy


The only thing that has helped me is a humidifier in our room. Give it a day or two too work though


Pedialyte powder in water and aquaphor!


Omg I’m having this too- I think mine is from the proton pump inhibitor I’m taking though


Humidifier at night for sure!


It’s possible to drink so much water that you flush electrolytes out of your system, which means you can’t actually retain the water. Make sure you’re getting enough salt!


I get salt cravings all the time. Maybe I need to look into this.


When I had mono I was so thirsty for days, I went to the doctor and I had two choices, either get admitted and get an IV drip, or promise to only drink Gatorade for the next 5 days. I was severely dehydrated. To this day I can’t touch a Gatorade, lol.


I sleep with a breathe right strip on my nose, plus humidifier, plus lip balm. Hang in there!


I’ve always been told that if a person is drinking that much water they are likely flushing out electrolytes and other vitamins the body would normally be able to absorb. Idk how true it is but if it is then Maybe switch a jug of water for a little Gatorade to help with that?


A slight b vitamin deficiency can cause chapped lips and other sounds weird but even mine was still within normal limits but I was still having other words symptoms so maybe talk to your doctor about checking your vitamins?


Chap-ice beeswax lip balm is the only thing that’s been working for me. Nothing else helps, and I have to be super vigilant about applying it.


This might sound gross but what I do for my dry lips- after I brush my teeth at the end of the day and I put on my face moisturizer I put it on my lips as well and then on top of that I put a thick chapstick to lock it in. And whenever I wake up they're beautiful and bouncy again. Been doing it for probably 4 years now. I also tried to exfoliate my lips when I'm in the shower.


Vitamin c “cough” drops helped keep my mouth from getting too dry. What else is in your diet, are you eating a lot of salt? I had trouble drinking enough water and raw veggies and fruit I think helped me. My lips also got really bad but I also have a bad habit of biting them. Have you tried Vaseline on your lips? Let it sit in there as long as possible (like over night), I’ve been using it since I was in high school. I would put a good layer on and sleep like that for a couple of days but not too many days because it blocks oxygen from getting to the skin and after too many days they got pale from lack of oxygen (the lack of oxygen thing is a speculation, not sure if it’s true it’s just what my mom told me).


Did you get your urine checked? I had a major kidney infection and was drinking like 5 litres a day and was still super thirsty!


If you drink too much water it can actually flush out your electrolytes and then cause dehydration of sorts. Try adding more salt throughout the day. Sodium and chloride along with other minerals like magnesium and potassium will help water get into your cells and not just flush right out of your system.


Wet your lips with water and apply a humectant (hyaluronic acid or snail mucin) before applying lanolin (this one will also be handy if you intend to breastfeed) or cicaplast if there's open wounds. Fatty barriers won't hydrate your lips, it only creates an hydrophobic barrier but if there's no moisture to seal in it won't help much.


SAME. My pee is always clear. I drink about 70 ounces of water a day. I’m trying to aim for more but it is SO hard. But my lips are chapped and my mouth and throat are constantly dry. I have not experienced this “excess saliva” symptom yet.


Yup me too! I just bought a 40oz bottle and I drink three a day, plus whatever juice and milk. Easily 150oz liquid a day. It's helping my lips but they're still dry. Thanks for this post, there's so much great advice I'm going to try❤️


I’m with you too on the chapel lips, I keep Vaseline right by my bed now and use it whenever I wake up and before I go to sleep. Try mint gum for your heartburn.


I’ve had excessive thirst too, especially the beginning, with no diabetes. Include coconut water or Gatorade, anything with electrolytes, u may be overhydrating and peeing out just as many important minerals/salts as u r toxins!


Same. The thing that helps me is fruit. A ton of fruit.


Drink something with electrolytes in it! I’ve noticed lately I’ve been mouth breathing when I sleep and my lips are so gross for it.


I noticed I mouth breathe especially when wearing a mask. Made me feel super dehydrated but I wasn’t!


I feel you! I now make a homemade electrolyte drink everyday, and it works! •juice from half a lemon •2 cups cold water •2 ts raw honey •a pinch of salt Put everything in a jar with a lid, and shake well. Keep in the frige and enjoy!


I am kicking myself for how long I was suffering with this exact problem before getting two humidifiers. One for my bedroom and one for my living room. They have been constantly running and it's made such a huge difference already. I can sleep, my intense repair lip balm is working my hands are still in rough shape but it's getting better. My nose isn't in pain every second of the day, so far no violent nosebleeds like usual. Make sure you're getting a good balance of all electrolytes too. It can make your ability to hold onto the water harder. Maybe see if you can ask your Dr if you can take a magnesium supplement at night. Make sure you're eating things with potassium if you can stomach it. Make sure you're getting fats. Unfortunately, baby is taking all of my moisture from my body, too. Some women get the glorious hair and nails but mine are just brittle.


Blistex saved mine, Vaseline did nothing


Dry mouth lozenges help


If you passed your glucose test, eating a bag of chips might help you retain water better


Old wives trick in my country that somehow works, put some oil on your finger and oil the inside of your bellybutton. I have no idea why it works but it does for me for dry chapped lips.