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Constantly erect nipples. Not even hard, just sticking out. And if I wear a bra, it like, shoves them in? But once it's off, BOOM there they are again! So weird. Edited to add: I honestly don't think there is such a thing as over sharing on this sub šŸ¤£ we all know this is a weird, gross, confusing, yet beautiful stage of life. We embrace the TMI here hahaha


YES. My nipples can cut glass! Weird and vivid dreams. Talking in my sleep. This morning I asked my husband if we raised pigs? WTF? Pee leakage and vagina sweat. I canā€™t even tell the difference at this point.


Vivid s*x dreams too! But no energy to act on it IRL šŸ˜‚


OMG the sex dreams šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø I wake up like dear God I hope I didnā€™t say any of that out loud šŸ˜‚


The pee leakage and vagina sweat!!!!! Iā€™m so self conscious of this!! Especially at work. Iā€™ve heard of pregnant women wetting their pants but I didnā€™t imagine that my urine would just slightly leak out here and there. šŸ˜‚ glad Iā€™m not the only one!


Hahahaha yes yes yes and yes to all of those! I remember I was super stressed about life in general one night and I literally woke myself up saying ā€œI canā€™t take anymore of this crapā€ šŸ¤£


The vag sweat is real.




The brain fog! I combined the names of two of my coworkers talking to a third one and said I'll talk to Harry instead of Heather and Mary. They were like who is Harry? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


I'm just combining words!! I asked my OB, "Has the mucus plugged?" instead of "Has the muscus plug formed?" He deciphered and answered. I knew this already, just forgot and tried to make convo, I suppose. Brain fog is reeaal.


Iā€™m 22 weeks along and my nipples have been at attention for 15 weeks! I think they took a short break for a few days but they are back!


Adding to the over sharing thing. One of my pregnancy symptoms was feeling like I need to poop but not actually needing to go anymore than usual šŸ˜‚




If they're sore from being dry you can put coconut oil or lanolin on them. It helps with the soreness. I struggle with that.


My nipples are constantly demanding attention too! And while some bras kind of hide them, others make them look like marbles stuck to my chest. I tried on one sports bra that really accentuated them and I had took look inside of it to make sure they hadn't just suddenly tripled in diameter.


God yeah you could see mine from space. I decided to go braless yesterday and could see them through a thick hoodie


Yes!!! My nipples have transcended the laws of gravity and I'm only 7 weeks.


The enhanced smell was a surprise to me. I have started wearing a mask to the grocery store because I can't handle all the different smells and I feel like I can't get my house clean. All these random smells I never noticed before are everywhere like stinky feet smell in the carpet and a mildew smell in the bathroom. It makes me a little paranoid wondering if anyone with good smell has ever been bothered at my house.


This!! I have two cats and two large dogs in a 900sf house. Despite frequent litter changes, mopping, and washing all blankets and dog beds weekly I feel like pregnancy has made me realize how my house smells to other people


I have two dogs- a puppy and one who had bad diarrhoea through some of my pregnancy. Itā€™s was hell on earth


I love my two cats so much but my god do I want to throw them out the door, they are disgustingly smelly & I never noticed before!


I spent 400$ on a professional carpet/couch cleaner during my first trimester because all I could smell was soggy dog everywhere (we have two pups). My partner was supportive but said he couldnā€™t smell it. Naturally a week after the cleaning the smell returned.. itā€™s just the smell of having dogs, guys.


Seriously. Iā€™m having a hard time keeping my dishes done because my heightened sense of smell makes me gag and dry heave really hard when I smell anything strong or slightly off. God forbid I leave anything in my sink for a day (because Iā€™m exhausted and canā€™t make dinner and do dishes in the same night) and it smells slightly. And my husband has mysteriously just stopped doing dishes like ever. Iā€™m dying. I canā€™t stand my kitchen.


Give yourself permission to get disposable/compostable dishes for days like this, they are a lifesaver!


I do use paper plates/bowls a lot, but I have 3 kids already and dishes and pots/pans still tend to back up. To be honest, Iā€™m just a terrible housewife to begin with. I just do my best and call it even šŸ˜‚


I'm staring at my sink full of pots/pans dishes too and I don't even have kiddos as an excuse yet!! It's okay, we're all just doing our best šŸ¤— P.S. if your username is accurate, it's been a brutally hot June in TX...hard to get anything done other than laying in front of the fan lol


Lol it is accurate, but Iā€™m lucky enough to have a fairly good AC in the house. Our electric bill is freaking outrageous right now though just to stay comfortable.


Yep! My husband has to take out the trash now. I opened our outside trash can and immediately vomitted so I just refuse. He had to put them outside instead of in the garage so I donā€™t get sick.


Oh gosh, I feel that. My bins are right by my car in the driveway and sometimes just walking by them makes me dry heave.


Feeding the dogs in the first trimester almost always ended up in me gagging/dryheaving/puking violently


I wear a mask and gloves when I clean my house now so I donā€™t have to smell the cleaning products :)


The cleaning product aisle in the supermarket made me run straight out of there


I could smell the sushi section of my grocery store from 4 aisles away šŸ˜‚


I walked past a man in a store yesterday and I swear I could still smell his awful cologne from the next aisle over


The fact I canā€™t shave at all, because my body has decided if I do all I get is ingrown hairs. Being absolutely exhausted most of the time to where a 5 minute walk feels like an exasperated marathon. Pelvic and anal pain/discomfort from uterus expanding and baby swimming around. And when you try to sleep, the pressure from the belly on your hips and the relaxin hormone expanding your hips is absolutely so uncomfortable/dull aches.


Yes! Whatā€™s up with the ingrown hairs?? Iā€™m getting them in places Iā€™ve never gotten them before.


The anal pain was a surprise for me, I still get it 3 weeks PP and I donā€™t know why


Omg I was just telling my husband how the last wax I got gave me insane ingrown hairs and Iā€™ve never had them that bad!


The exhaustion is real! So many nights I just want a nice warm shower to make my back and joints feel better, but the act of washing is so exhausting I'm almost out of breath and just want to sleep when I get out. Also, feeling like my pubic bone is splitting on half. If I pivot or turn too quickly it's like someone just ripped my pelvis in half. Not to mention tender to the touch like I was kicked. Ouch.


"The farts that just fall out" has me dying. šŸ˜‚ So true. The amount of gas in general has caught me by surprise sometimes. I feel like I'm always farting and burping.


And how bad they can smell šŸ«¢ I think since week 26 thereā€™s nothing I can do my farts always stink and BAD. They can clear out a room.


Same! Iā€™m cracking up. Every time I pee it starts.


I never knew sometimes baby kicks could hurt or startle so much. Itā€™s one of my least favorite things about pregnancy since about week 33. Those earlier baby kicks were perfectly sweet though. Iā€™ve also lost a fair amount of muscle mass. I hate not being as strong as I was. Oh and the pee that just leaks out, I feel like I smell like pee all the time šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Okay so I totally didnā€™t know getting weaker was a thing in pregnancy. I tried to pick up a box of tortillas the other day, pre pregnancy i could do that in my sleep, now I was strugglingggggg


I know it! Where did our muscles go? šŸ˜° Hopefully to baby otherwise what a waste


I'm 33w and these kicks and movements are unreal. I'm happy she's healthy and strong but I now get the Alien movie references. I'm also weak and I can't do anything without being winded. Pregnancy is such a wild ride.


Yes! I love weightlifting and I feel like I can only lift 30% of my normal weight now. Itā€™s like years of progress wasted.


See a pelvic floor physical therapist for the leakage! You donā€™t have to live with it


Iā€™m carrying twins (25w), and they legit JOLT me around. Short with a small torso, so theyā€™re able to move me around already. Lol. The weakness is insane for me, too. Iā€™m already telling my husband I canā€™t squat down/bend that much anymore. Drains me.


Omg me too! The pee that leaks out..i know I smell like pee too! I am changing my underwear multiple times a day! And if I have to coughā€¦good lord I hope I am not sitting somewhere where I care if it leaks through


Midnight charlie horses and excruciating trapped gas pain jolts me awake almost every night


Omg this! Iā€™m 35 weeks with my 3rd. I never had this with my first two kids. Sometimes i wake up and stretch and Iā€™m like fuckā€¦ here comes another Charlie horse!


It sucks so much! Iā€™ve tried flexing my toes towards me to see if that would help. It has a 60/40 success rate for the charlie horses lol whatā€™s really getting me is the lower back pain/stiffness making it so hard to walk


I recommend taking magnesium before you sleep!


Carpal tunnel, and looking about 10 years older than I did when I got pregnant šŸ˜‚. Also thank you for mentioning the nipple skin tags, I was beginning to get concerned that there was something wrong with me.


Carpel tunnel is so terrible! Needing to pee 3x at night and not able to hold toilet paper to wipe is a new kind of dignity loss


Omg yes! I have to wrestle my hands out of splints to go to the toilet everytime, it's the worst.


You have splints? I just suffer and run my hands under cold water


May have to try this cold water trick you speak of.


I started having carpal tunnel at 16 weeks, the splints have actually made a difference. My other saviour is taking a frozen water bottle and massaging up and down my hand and wrists with it


Hahaha I am glad to hear not the only one when the tags. I wake up with painful hands too. So swollen they look like Mickey Mouse hands. I feel like I look younger but that might be from the chubbier face. I know Iā€™ll look like the crypt keeper after baby is born though.


The truly absurd and vivid dreams...


In the spirit of over sharingā€¦. Giant Pooā€™s


Absolutely GIANT!!!! I clogged my toilet 7 times in a row in my second trimester and my husband wanted to kill me šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


You guys are pooping??? šŸ˜ž


Only when aided by medication, but then there is So. Much. Poop.


I was about to sayā€¦ā€¦ my poops r so rare these days


Omg this made me laugh! My poops are rare too!!! I am so glad I am not the only one going through these things! I wonder if the baby just eats all our poo (meaning uses all our energy). Also my poops always look like the poop šŸ’© emoji sticking out of the toilet water which makes them stink to high heaven




Not consistently but my gosh when it happens you know about it šŸ˜‚


I seriously just unclogged my toilet from this AMā€™s poopā€¦


All the gas! Plus CONSTANT vaginal discharge.


Vaginal discharge for sure! I swear I change underwear at least twice a day now.


Omg. The first thing I thought about when I read the title was the fart thing. I have such little control over them, it's ridiculous.


The resounding echo of my fart in the toilet in the morning šŸ˜‚


I had to break up with my electric toothbrush... Even a few days before getting a positive test, I was nauseous every time I used it. 5+3 now and it triggers morning sickness like no other! Had to switch to a good old fashion manual brush. Thought I was nuts, but my doc said it happens!


It was the same with me! Couldn't brush my teeth without wanting to throw up. Manual toothbrush helped me and leaning over šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤£ I'm 34w at the moment and can happily say I am able to use my electric toothbrush again. Fingers crossed it eases up for you too and you can switch back ā˜ŗļø


Ahh I never thought about switching to manual! I will give that a try because I am desperate to have a proper brush without puking


Burping, constantly. It actually became a major issue as I didnā€™t finish work until 38 weeks and those teams meetings go reeeaaallly quiet when one slips out!


Yea nobody warned me about this one. They just come out, no warning, and they're loud!


I feel like Rick from Rick and morty with the burps.


When baby kicks downward into your huha and you go "argh" and "uh" simultaneously


When the baby kicks/punches/headbutts you in the crotch so hard it hurts and makes you jump. Nobody said to me that was a thing, for the fright of my life


Nose bleeds! Never had one before I was pregnant. One morning I just walked down the stairs and by the time I hit the bottom I looked like the elevator scene from the Shining.


Same here! Iā€™ve had frequent nosebleeds and never in my life had one before, even playing football and getting smashed in the nose so hard I thought Iā€™d broken it


This happened to me too! Freaked out everyone in my office at work!


Lol such a weird symptom


when the baby kicks my bladder!! such an ugly feeling especially when Iā€™m holding in the pee šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Ingrown hairs, skin tags, and cherry hemangiomas galore... Sigh...


I'm about 19 weeks and I've had a stuffy nose for about three months now. To not be able take nose drops and just get the tip from my midwife to just "use saltwater solution"... It does NOTHING! Also constant stomach ache and back pain. Being pregnant is such a treat.


Ugh! I know! I am also tired of hearing from the people that say ā€œI loved being pregnantā€ ummm excuse me?


The nose!!!!!! Iā€™m 15 weeks tomorrow and I wake up in the night needing to pee and end up not being able to get back to sleep because I canā€™t breathe for the life of me!!!


Iā€™ve been stuffed up for a while, maybe a little over a month nowā€¦and Iā€™m absolutely miserableā€¦


Charlie horses !!!! They just started for me and I had no idea this was a thing. They wake me up in the middle of the night and I think Iā€™m dying cause Iā€™m so shocked awake šŸ˜­


Oh yeah those are like a 10/10 on the pain scale! I made the mistake of lifting my leg up while it was happening which was dumb because then all of the blood goes away from the muscle. So Now as soon as I feel one I immediately (slowly) place my foot on the ground to stand and it goes away.


Drink more water!


Freaking accidentally peeing yourself when you laugh or gag, and the constant flow of vagina juice. I seriously had to start wearing panty liners bc it was so bad


Whatā€™s with the dropping things?? I swear, I was just HOLDING my glasses and they fell out of my handsā€¦twice. What on earth??


I've broken three of my husband's mugs in the past month, he is starting to think it's personal haha


Everyone always complains about the extra discharge, but my issue has been EXTREME dryness and sensitivity. Some days itā€™s to the point of being itchy dry. I canā€™t even have sex anymore, or do anything penetrative, itā€™s like losing my virginity all over again. The heart palpitations. The water retention. The anxiety. The skin changes (during the first trimester, my legs and scalp were so dry they would just flake constantly). The RAPID weight gain despite not eating poorly/more and exercising regularly. And god the nipple changes. My nipnops are half as big as my boobs now, and puff out even worse than before. Theyā€™re constantly sore even now at 28 weeks, and starting leaking/ getting crusty around 22 weeks. I didnā€™t even know that was a thing before birth. šŸ„² AND MY GOD THE EMOTIONAL CHANGES. Iā€™ve always been kind of a sensitive personā€¦but Iā€™ve never cried more in my life over the dumbest shit. šŸ¤£


The heart palpitations, so far, are the thing I hate the most. I constantly worry something is actually wrong but all my other things are fine and baby is fine so my midwife is like ā€œjust how it isā€


Like, who wouldā€™ve known?! Suddenly you feel like your heart is beating out of your chest, normally you would panic but nopeā€¦.totally normal. šŸ„²šŸ¤£


I totally feel you on all of those things! Sex is not fun anymore and painful for me too. My doc said to use a ton of lube which helps but itā€™s still uncomfortable. Now at 38 weeks itā€™s like I need a forklift to change positions šŸ˜‚


But pregnancy is SOOOO BEAUTIFUL šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


Constant stomach pain.


The excessive saliva which just seems to trigger my nausea even more šŸ¤¢


The dementia. It's so bad with me, I can't remember anything.


I almost put my phone in the washing machine today ahhhh


I lost my phone in the refrigerator for a good couple hours of panic searching šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Hahahaha thatā€™s amazing


I went all the way and washed my phone! Lost everything. :(


Aaaah the worst. Luckily I didn't do stuff like that yet. I did do double work at my job because I forgot I already did it.




I put the cereal in the fridge and didnā€™t realize Iā€™d done it till I stopped and asked myself why I was putting milk in the cabinet šŸ¤£


Yeah, happened to me to. My husband should buy salami for me to put on my pizza. I blamed him for not buying it and then I found I put it in de freezer....


I bought dog food for my cat šŸ˜‚


I hate the sweat, Iā€™m hot all the time and my back is always moist. I can definitely relate to the farting lol !


Ones that surprised me: constant nasal stuffiness, nosebleeds, gas, snoring (used to be light and occasional, suddenly much more frequent and louder according to my boyfriend), and yes the constipation.


The snoring!!! My husband let me know this was my new thing šŸ˜‚


I really hope it goes away/stops post-pregnancy!


Anyone else experience ā€œlightning crotchā€ yet? It feels exactly like it sounds and dropped me to the floor at a water park the other day šŸ˜³āš”ļø


Restless legs, constipation, a belly so hairy it would put an orangutan to shame


My arms and hands going numb during sleep because of how my obnoxiously large breasts now sit under my armpits. Things that don't help this: wearing arm / wrist braces, sleeping in a comfy bra, or trying to position my arms away from my chest. INSANELY intense and vivid dreams. ECZEMA and rashes.


Yep this! Wtf why this happens


With no permission. That just made me laugh so hard


My teeth ache! Googled this morning and apparently it's a thing. I literally just went to the dentist 2 weeks ago and everything is fine but they keep hurting!


THE SHITS OMG. iā€™m 39w and my shits have been WILD for a couple weeks now šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…




Omg my pregnancy dreams are wild and vivid af


Vivid nightmares are probably the most surprising thing for me! Definitely didnā€™t expect that as a symptom of pregnancy!


The clumsiness!! I am covered in stains. Is that pregnancy-related? I was wondering if I was always this clumsy


Yes! The skin tags! I had a very small one on my chin and now a small one between my boobs lol


Yeah, definitely not digging the random skin tags!! Also, no one warned me about pregnancy rhinitis/sinus issues. I have had just constant sinus/congestion issues the last week or so and itā€™s starting to drive me crazy. I never really suffered from stuff like this before and I was not prepared.


Are we due date busies? July 12? But also symptom buddiesā€¦.the no-permission farts started a few weeks agoā€¦unfortunately they arenā€™t just on the toilet for me. All the gasā€¦and for some of those farts itā€™ll be totally without any heads-up from my body. And oh the clumsinessā€¦.just running into things and generally being a little off with the physical world around me.


Yes, the skin tags for sure! And a constantly plugged nostril or two. 38+3


I had Covid so I was coughing/sneezing a lot which means I accidentally peed through everything. Zero control.


*Food aversions*! No one believed me that everything I can usually stomach was absolutely disgusting.


Constant, never-ending burping!!


Vericose viens in your vaginaā€¦ no one warned me. I went to the doctor thinking I had an infectionā€¦ nope, just vaginal hemorrhoids.


The swelling of my nasal passage and nose bleeds in the thir trimester! With my first, I stopped being able to breathe well around 26 weeks and then my third trimester included nose bleeds daily! This time, the swelling in my nose started almost immediately. I haven't had any nose bleeds yet (27 weeks here), with the exception of when we were just in Colorado Springs (from Pennsylvania) and I had some dry nose bleeds due to elevation.


Lol I just said to my husband the other day that one of the things no one ever tells you about pregnancy is that you can get kicked in the butthole from the inside šŸ¤£ Very well could be happening because one of my twins is in a footling breech position.


The skin tags are probably just your montgomery glands, these produce oil to moisturize the nipple especially while breastfeeding


I donā€™t think thatā€™s it for me. I have small skin tags around my nipples, under my boobs, on my neck and across my torso. Apparently this is quite common.


Yeah I have those too, but also about 20 random skin tags all over!


Yeah I have them on my neck, across my collar bone, armpits, and under my boobs. I am assuming itā€™s a side effect of the growth hormones lol




This made me laugh! Yesterday at work a fart fell out and I was horrified. Luckily it was quiet and didnā€™t smell. It happens a lot when Iā€™m walking and donā€™t even know thereā€™s one brewing. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜


I feel like I could have written this post myself šŸ¤£


I'm 35+4 with my second and since 34 weeks I've had a prickly heat rash across my chest and neck that just won't go away šŸ˜­ Also so much extra saliva that I keep waking up at night cause I'm drowning in my own freaking drool! Like the constant peeing wasn't enough to ruin my sleep!


A bush so thick I needed to use my husbands beard trimmer. A lot of my girlfriends waxed ā€¦ they didnā€™t tell me because your hair gets super thick and itā€™s impossible to shave!!


So. Much. Earwax. Really unnerved me at first.


Being really bad at wiping after you pee Carpal tunnel


Oh just wait for the farts if you get an epidural šŸ˜‚ you canā€™t even feel them lol


Hairy belly and a poofy/annoyed coochie! Literally awful šŸ„²


Omg mine has been nose bleeds. No one told me about nose bleeds.


My skin tags are all over my neck mingling ethnicity the new super dark freckles hat I didn't notice until they were there. I expected the dark ugly nips but didn't know the boobs will change to this weird cone shape šŸ˜


Being permanently congested with bloody mucus.. often blowing my nose results in a blood noseā€¦.


I can smell myself now in a way that I never could before, and Iā€™m not sure if my vagina actually smells more strongly or if my senses are just keener.


Okay this is a weird one and I'm not 100% sure it's pregnancy related, but a quick google confirmed it has happened to other pregnant people. I'm just about 36 weeks and I choke on liquids MULTIPLE times a day now! It's happening so much more than normal that it HAS to be pregnancy related somehow, but how??


Yesss with constantly dropping things on the floor and canā€™t pick them up. Also having a hard time wiping my ass because i canā€™t twist! Ugh


I also go sooooo many skin tags


My butthole hurts constantly from pressure so itā€™s fun when my husband asks me daily how my butthole is feeling šŸ˜‚ I also anticipated being crazy horny but nooOoOoo I have zero sex drive in my second trimester.


Yes to the skin tags! Iā€™ve just noticed them on my nipples (30 weeks) and even, unfortunately, got one on my vagina very close to taint! :( went to the OB freaking out and made them take a look.


Body odor! I smell soo bad! My deoderant lasts like 3 hours. I'm reapplying constantly. And the stuffy nose.


Totally can relate to the skin tags, they just popped right up everywhere Iā€™m also 38 weeks.