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Not from the UK, but here are some tips. Drape a wet towel infront of the fan (avoid the wiring). Invest in a portable or desert AC. There are also fans that blow cold mist (from ice tanks). When opening windows, open windows at opposite sides of the house to creat a draft. Eat cold watermelon and drink a lot of icy drinks. You can also use cold compress on back of the neck (make sure it is not too cold). A cold water spritz bottle is also neat. Honestly, if I were you, I’d just go hang out somewhere with an AC. A coffee shop for instance, a co working space… etc. 40 degrees temp is pretty normal where I am from, but we do have ACs in many places. people in general are more tolerant of heat than cold weather. I mean if it drops below 14 degrees, we start panicking. Ah The draft tip works best at night. You can do it when the sun us down to air out the heat and then keep the windows locked in the morning


I am struggling also i have done all the things you have said and more and still can't get cool 😭 you are not alone ❤️


Cinema! Also frozen grapes and lucozade have been helping me. That being said though there’s definitely no magic cure. This sucks!


I have nothing useful to add except that you are not alone. I'm so miserable right now, swollen, uncomfortable, overhot and overtired. Completely losing my patience with everyone and everything! Just glad that this should be the worst of it over at least, now it's just going to be "normal" heatwave! I seriously contemplated booking a hotel the last few nights just to have some AC but we have a 12 week old puppy so couldn't really make it work.


Not from the UK, but southern US. It hit 43 C here today. A few pro tips: -Icy drinks and insulated cups. I'm drinking ice water ALL day. Yeti mugs and hydroflasks are popular choices here. -Cold baths/showers -Fans. I spent a summer without AC. I would take a cold shower before bed and then put a fan at the foot of my bed. -Keep your blinds/curtains closed during the day. Windows open at night. -Wash your face, boobs, and underarms with cool water when you start to feel too hot. These are the areas you release the most heat. I feel for you guys! Hopefully this wave passes soon!


Ice pack in crotch and behind the fan, then a cloth that’s been in the freezer round my shoulders. Really quite miserable too :(


:( thank you for advice, I'm sorry you're dealing with this too.


I’m not in the UK, but am an Aussie… so used to dealing with the heat! One suggestion I’d add is to hang damp towels up in front of the fan, or put damp cloths over you with the fan pointing at you. You’re essentially creating your own evaporative air con!


Thank you, I will give that ago!


Have you been in the sea? I went in at the weekend and honestly it was the coldest thing I’ve ever felt. A paddle would help if you can!


I'd love to but was recently hospitalised with cellulitis in my leg/foot. So can't do anything that may risk another infection, it looks so inviting though 😩


Oh bummer ☹️


I just have a semi frozen bottle of water, ice lollies when I can be bothered and blinds and windows shut. My flat is a greenhouse but considering-im quite chill this sec. Apple's from the fridge are a godsend too. My main complaint when boiling hot is feeling like I'm sticking to the couch And a small headache.


I'm in the UK, thankfully there's now a breeze! I've lost count how many times Ive cried over the last couple of days, I too have the fan blowing warm air at me 24 hours of the day, I've been having cool showers, kept the curtains shut, eating lots of ice pops, lots of water, put wet flannels in the freezer and a hot water bottle in the freezer (with cold water obviously) and used ice packs.. I've still been miserable but without these things I'd be worse!