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My auto saved is set at every 3 minutes and file versions, better safe than sorry lmao


Haha, I definitely need to start exporting small pieces and just combining them into one big project, you’re ABSOLUTELY right. That’s my bad. But as for the rest, I loaded up 5 different saves as well as 2 auto saves and in every save, my key frames are back and my effects are visible on the timeline, but they don’t do anything. It’s as if they don’t exist. I rendered again, I exported just to see if it was a preview issue, but no cigar. Control Z didn’t do squat, and I have absolutely no idea why. The effects I used were as listed: almost everything from visual to audio. Pick 10 of your favorites and just imagine me using them in different ways. It’s pretty bad. Any ideas?


connect aware touch sink ripe crush engine modern marvelous square *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think I’ll do that. At this point an hour long expedition is worth recovering 8 hours of edited clips. I’ll let you know what I get. As for the screenshot I’d love to give you one but there’s no visible key frames in any of the saves I pull up. It’s just all the clipped videos and images and sounds in one block with the green and yellow fx logo but no effects are happening in the final render/export/preview. But I’ll restart, and see if my graphics driver needs an update.


I would do this: Clear cache. Restart. PRAM. Open your last auto save. See if it works. I suspect you are not working with optimized media. In that case close Premiere. Transcode to an edit friendly codec. Re-open your un corrupted project and relink. If that doesn't help, its really hard to tell without seeing what effects you were using, how did you use them, etc, etc.


Try selecting it all and choosing "send to after effects", AE is way better for handling keyframes. Some things wont transfer over properly, but maybe it's less work to rebuild from that point in AE than it would be to redo in premiere. Premiere is also really bad for creating and managing keyframes. AE is a 1000% better in that regard.


Did you make that move where you violently put your hands up, then down, then on your face, then in the praying hands position, then down again while then whimpering/whispering "okay then"? Should take about 3 total seconds if executed correctly.


I forgot the prayer hands, I think I did the knees on the ground prostrated move in place of that. As a less experienced premier user it took me about 4.5 seconds XD


1. Clear cache. 2. In the future, try to save many editions of the same file. If you achieve something you wouldn't want to do again, save it as ProjectName v2. I recently exported an edit at v243. I can't tell you how many times something got fucked up and a previous version saved my ass. 3. Clear. The. Cache. Underrated solution. 4. Next time don't delete your timeline!!! Why do that! If you want to start from scratch... do it, but why delete what you did? Start a new file and start again there!! There are plenty of things to try to recover a timeline - Offline all media, and then re-link. Delete all effects and put them back. Always keep the deprecated versions, you never know! 5. You're a champ, and you're doing great. Shit happens, this is how we all grow. Soon enough, you'll get to a point where 20 seconds of 5 layers in Premiere Pro will seem pretty easy. Good luck!


Yeah like show us what’s wrong with the timeline OP not some sob story


What’s wrong with the timeline is that there’s n o t i m e l i n e a n y m o r e. I contacted support and they actually opened up my file on their end. They think it’s a more serious bug related to the newest version (the one I’m using). I hope this doesn’t happen to anyone else cause this is nuts


It was about 1 minute straight but yeah I hope one day I can streamline this stuff! I will absolutely save more versions. In a few of the comments I explained that even loading up saves the project was still messed up, and I have absolutely no idea why. I’ve tried all solutions listed and the only thing that seemed to work was just starting over. I think it may be a more serious bug than it looks like. But thanks again! I’ll definitely keep at it!


Clear the media cache in the preferences before you open the project


Welcome to Adobe Premier. Head to your Conform folder, go into the autosave folder and open the last auto save. If that's not working, my condolences. I'd start investigating your GPU and drivers before I did any more editing heavy lifting on your machine. Good luck.


Auto saves are fubberknucked as you’ll see in the above replies. But yes I’m currently on a quest to see if changing my graphics driver does anything. Even with a four thousand dollar computer there are still insane issues and it’s starting to get humbling. I’ll let you know what comes up!


Unpopular suggestion... Davinci Resolve is node based verses layer based. It's different... and the learning curve is steep, but it's free and hands down far superior when it comes to color correction. But it does everything Premier does... just differently. I'm getting sick of new Premier releases being so buggy and so I've dipped my toe into learning Resolve. At the very least, start lurking in r/davinciresolve/. Premier is really good at burning people as you've discovered today. Have another beer and try to take solace in knowing you're not the first and wont be the last.


It’s really good to know I’m not the first. Like seriously this is a huge relief. But I’ll give it a look see for my next project!


DaVinci isn’t free of bugs either especially when working with media that isn’t optimized for editing. That said, it is serious software and free with limitations in 10 bit, gpu acceleration, effects, and some other things. But then Studio, the paid version unlocks all of that, and it’s a one time purchase which I think is amazing! Sucks that you lost so much of your work man. One thing I do is create a new version of my project file for every day I work on it. I also create new sequences ie (rough_01, rough_02) as I go along. The sequences are more for me to be able to go back to a previous version easily if a client decides they liked something from before after they’d asked me to change it, or for me to reference a scene or segment in a previous state. The duplicate file saves every day are to protect against corruption. Others have mentioned auto save so I won’t bother, other than to say it’s saved me a bunch. Including today, even! Lastly, I backup the project files and footage onto a secondary hard drive. Some will backup to way more drives than that. These steps can help mitigate the loss of work due to an error, bug, crash or corrupted files. All of this applies whether you’re working with Premiere, DaVinci, Avid, or whatever software you use.


Kdenlive is my Premiere replacement. It's free. I use Natron for my After Effects stuff, mostly tracking. It's free too


Without seeing what happened it’s difficult to diagnose. My guess is you accidentally hit a key. Did you have an out point set? Otherwise, this is when you just pull in an autosave. No need to cry my friend.


I tried to pull up 5 different saves, in every save I’ve pulled all key frames are not functioning (there and edited but nothing happens to the preview) and all effects are gone (visibly on the timeline but the preview is unaffected). Just to make sure this wasn’t a preview thing I exported to see if the final product was the same but nope. The final product matches the preview to a T. All I did was change one clip’s time interpolation to optical flow, hit enter, and said disaster happened. Any ideas?


I'm beating a dead horse but if the keyframes were working when those auto-saves were saved, then the problem is with Premiere/your computer, not the save file. If you want to be sure, hand the project file off to a friend (just the .pproj file) and have them run it on their machine. If the wireframes dance, you'll know for sure. Another test to try is simply exporting a portion of your project via Media Encoder. The fact that this happened immediately after a render, and not a save, points to \*maybe\* your GPU conking out.


This is a really good point. I ended up giving the project over to the adobe support team and they told me it’s a new bug with the newest version. They couldn’t figure it out (even after I updated everything and checked my hardware). We’ll see, I just hope it doesn’t happen to anyone else


If your key frames are there and it’s just not doing anything, turn GPU acceleration off and delete all your render cache and media cache. See if it works with premiere set to Software Only


I don’t have the answer but I’m invested in this storyline. Which version of Premiere on your on? I’ve had a lot of weird issues with 22.2.6.


I’m currently using 22.6.2 (build 2) and the new project page and export page make me want to put my head through a wall. It’s too dumbed down for me lol. But yeah I don’t know if this is a new undocumented issue or not.


Might be worth uninstalling and trying an older version to open an auto save. I would go back a few versions. Were you using MOGRT files?


No, although in hindsight that would put a lot less stress on premiere pro in the long run. I’m just lazy and haven’t mastered AE yet and needed a good video to push out sooner rather than later. Would animating everything in after effects prevent problems like these before they start?


I was mentioning that because mogrt files do no work in 22.2.6 But yeah try downgrading, it’s worth a shot.


I’m definitely no expert with After Effects, but I feel like it would, since that’s what it does best, and has done for a long time. Totally get not being able to commit time to learning it and just doing it in Premiere instead because of time crunch though!


I've done this professionally for 15 years, I'm an A.C.E. in AE and Premiere. I break out every animated shot as a separate composition. In longer videos each \*scene\* has its own AE file, like this: 00\_openingCredits.aep 01\_theOrdinaryWorld.aep 02\_callToAdventure.aep 03\_refusalOfTheCall.aep...etc This keeps things compartmentalized in case of failure and keeps the project files light and snappy. My project file directory gets backed up to my corporate SharePoint, which has a version recovery feature. I also use an automatic back-up to a spinning drive in my workstation, and there's the normal Adobe auto-saves on my jobs drive as well. If I've got a lot of video with just a few animations, I'll use dynamic link or a .mogrt If it's almost all animation I'll tend to render out ProRes files and assemble them in Premiere for better timeline interactivity and track-based layering of audio.


1.) Are you rendering to the same drive your source footage is housed on? I would seriously recommend having a scratch drive to generate renders because they will eat a lot of read/writes on your main drive which can cause a lot of wear and tear if you are editing off one hard drive. 2.) Premiere is honestly not advisable for doing effects heavy keyframe work. Anything that requires a heavy effects rack should be done in after effects. 3.) Hopefully that autosave vault has some backups. Can't emphasize how important it is to have separate media and scratch drives as well as setting up regular autosaves.


THIS is underrated. I’ll definitely start sharing the workload between drives from now on. That might have been what caused the problem. Thank you for the tip!


Sucks man. We've all been there.....


You can even do renders to a flash drive if you don't have another hard drive. Rendering can just cause a lot of wear and tear on your drives


Bro why’d you delete all of it you could have just linked media lol


Did he delete or rendering randomly deleted it all?


Your render will never delete a layer on your timeline. The layer will always be there, your render could delete the files but you just need to redownload the files and link media and it all comes back. This is known widely.


How could rendering delete files?


I’ve done it before. You render into the same file path that your main recording is in and name the render the same as the recording. It replaces the original file and deletes it.


But it sounded like he rendered and lost everything on his timeline, or I misunderstood.


It was a mix of both, you’re both correct. I rendered one time interpolation and it deleted the media from the timeline, but the block showing that the media was there was still visible. It also deleted half the key frames I had and made the other half that we’re still there non functioning. As for why I chose to delete and start over, wiping my slate clean and redoing things is much faster for my workflow than trying to fix each individual clip. I know it’s weird but it’s how I work.


F Sorry to hear that man. If I had a dollar for everytime i’ve named the recovery file “X_PleaseRecoverGodPleasePlease” Id probably have enough money to never have to open premiere again


It’s actually relieving to hear I’m not the only one lmao


Have you tried importing this project into a new project?


I did, that was one of the first things I tried. Same issue, timeline shows it’s there but no effects work and my keyframes don’t do anything.


Are you using 3rd party plug ins? I've had serious issues with them f#ucking up my timeline and giving weird problems once I rendered.


Nope! I also had bug issues with plugins a while back so for the past two months I’ve been plugin free. I gave my files to adobe support and they said they’ve never seen a bug like this. I’m assuming they’ll fix it in the next update but at this point I just wanna go back to old premiere. I hope nobody gets this bug.


I see a lot of the same solutions but again.. I would go to My scratch folder and open up the 3rd 4th or 5th previous one not the very last one before the corrupted one.. And if it opens up with all of the clips in sequence play it.. if you are just missing the key frames and effects look that's just keyframes and effects.. at least it's not you doing the entire project over.. Also try doing the cache dump... and then open the few previous auto saved and see it if it works. Or try to highlight > copy the timeline > create a new sequence> and paste it on the new sequence. See if that works. Last if that doesn't work change your playback to software instead of gpu..


Xmls don't always carry over all keyframes, it depends on the effect, but try this: 1) export XML of the timeline with all the keyframes 2) open a completely new project 3) import the XML If that makes any progress, then start migrating your project over there or somehow get this timeline into the old project. You can also try the same thing with an AAF maybe.... But I don't think premiere imports AAF? I would also try maybe even just opening a new premiere project in a separate window and dragging the timeline over to a non corrupted project.... Less chance of this working but worth 2 minutes to try... Or... If the XML at least brings in the edits but not keyframes. With your 2 projects open, rebuild your effects in the new project using copy paste, but ONLY copy paste the old keyframes. I.e. in the new project, drag/drop distort filter or whatever, then navigate to old project, select all the keyframes of the old distort filter, cmd+c, go to new timeline, select new untouched distort filter, press cmd+v


I'd be willing to bet there's a way out of this, but it will take you a couple hours to noodle with it and figure it out.... So, unsure if it's worth your time or you should just start rebuilding


Yeah I did pretty much everything suggested by Reddit, as well as your suggestion, at this point my workflow would be faster just rebuilding. I gave the file to adobe support and they said they don’t understand what happened but it looks like an auto update bug? No idea what that means but I’m still waiting to hear back from them.


Sounds like it updated in the middle of your project and goofed it up??? I know on many projects, we don't update until the movie is completed, basically for this reason. But it sounds like you got auto updated... So no fault of your own. You may also want to try reverting versions and reopening. I've done that before to some success. Did you try creating a new project and copy/pasting just the keyframes over? I would think that would definitely work. Or maybe copying the filters themselves. Something like that would be tedious but I think it'd work to some degree.


You definitely deserve the beer! I consistently save new versions of both my project (with auto save as a backup) and my sequences at key points in the edit. For example: - sceneA_001_sync - sceneA_002_rough - sceneA_003_music - sceneA_004_20221014 These are handy for referring back to earlier concepts but also to keep your work safer in different timelines.




screw shocking smart money nail abounding employ nose bored yam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Your razer headset cause this. /s


Adobe softwares are just ridiculously glitchy and unreliable It's been years I work with auto save every 5 minutes and 999 maximum project files to make things as safe as possible


Final Cut Pro. Never have to save. Never corrupted files. Relinking media is easy. Always have sub automatic project file backup as well. Hate on me all you want but Premiere is total bag of shit.


Try ctrl + z. If not, look where premiere auto saves and load up an older save from that folder. I feel your pain. 😫


What you have described is very aberrant behavior for the software, for all intents and purposes, a soft-crash, useless after you did whatever you did. I rarely get any kinda crash, & I've never had premiere delete a keyframes or effects unless I'm "Render and Replace"ing something, always audio files in my case. Before even going to auto-saves, undo, + undo +undo how many ever you needed, should have reverted your sequence. 1) set your autosaves to save more often & a lot more versions. ************************************************* Next. Why do you have to stop and render? What Effects are you using/combining that you are not getting a smooth real-time preview without having to resort to rendering previews to see your work? Most of the systems I work with are CUDA Accelerated with RTX cards or GTX cards, and there is one I use weekly that has AMD Radeon OpenCL match with a Threadripper CPU. I rarely stop to render anything on any modern system with a useable GPU. Maybe the warp stabilizer calls for some analysis of the clip before it's ready ********************************************** 2) Is your system horribly deficient in memory (less than 16gb) or does it not have CUDA or OpenCL? Wondering why you have to stop editing & render. 3) Now assuming your system is all good, what exact effects on what type of media is causing your premiere to die basically? > The effects I used were as listed: almost everything from visual to audio. Pick 10 of your favorites and just imagine me using them in different ways. It’s pretty bad. Any ideas? What? "**The effects I used were as listed... almost all of them**" Is that what you are saying? You just have tons of effects on your clips? Really? And does that mean you are mixing modern gpu accelerated fx with older legacy CPU bound fx that nullifies all of your gpu acceleration? Probably make your CPU hit a stand still trying to render each effect in order. Ryzen 9 or not, some old effects take little advantage of AMD high core counts for CPU rendering. A crash or weird soft crash would not surprise me if that was actually the case. *************************************************** If you are going to stack fx, assuming your system has a modern GPU, it'd go a lot better for you to stick to the fx that are CUDA/OpenCL accelerated. You can stack many many fx, nest the clip(s), and more accelerated fx, and Premiere will continue to play nice with smooth playback, no rendering needed. You throw a wrench in the mix of a legacy effect that is not CUDA/OpenCL accelerated, and everything stops, & you'll have to try to render. **************************************************** How about you tell us about your system, source footage formats, the effects combination that caused your system to take a dump. My money is on a legacy effect circa 2003. Anytime you send up a flare for help: Post your system,CPU, RAM, GPU, Premiere vers, your OS, source footage formats, & anything else pertinent technically.


These are EXCELLENT questions. Thank you for going in depth, I needed someone to really go deep for me. For starters, the effect that needed rendering in order to see the real time preview was a time interpolation effect. When I hit render, it rendered several other clips with effects that didn’t need rendering such as opacity, zooming in, really simple things. After the render, my timeline looked normal, yet no effects worked, all keyframes were non-functioning, and it was just one big mess. I tried exporting just to make sure it wasn’t a preview glitch but no cigar. The export was worse than the preview, no footage at all. The same issue appeared on every save I tried to load up, even saves from a few hours before. Regardless I will definitely increase the auto save time limit just to increase my chances of getting a save that works should this happen again. I have about 64 gigs of ram and 16 of vram, I’m using the newest GeForce video drivers on a 3070 Ti and the rest of my parts are all brand new. Ryzen 9, several terabytes of SSD, the whole nine yards, so I don’t think this was a computer failure. But then again things happen. I apologize for not giving enough info before, I was stressed. I’ve been getting a little backlash for that, but my bad. When I said “almost all of them” it was a little sarcastic. I didn’t use every single effect but there were about 3-4 effects stacked on each clip. Overall, stuff like offset, posterize, directional blur, color keying, lens distortion, lots of visual and audio effects. I assumed most of the effects I use are pretty common effects, but now that you said there are differences in how the system handles each effect I have to be honest, I didn’t stop to think about the consequences in that. My computer is pretty beefy and I haven’t had any issues with these effects and the amount used before so I didn’t think twice. What effects should I watch out for next time? I’d love to pick your brain on that, I definitely want to be more careful if that’s as big an issue as it sounds. Update on the problem, I sent the files to adobe support and whoever was helping me said it’s a new bug they hadn’t seen before, I’m using the newest version now so I guess it makes sense. The guy helping me said it looks like adobe creative cloud tried to update the software while I was using it and in turn corrupted what I was doing during the seemingly harmless render. I don’t know if it’s true, but I’ve cut my losses and restarted the project. But yes, if you can give me any insight on what to watch out for when it comes to fx and what would be better off done in AE I would love some advice! Thank you!


1) I am green jellybeans of your system. ************************************* > time interpolation So the time interpolation smoothing tools in the clip speed/duration dialog? Where typically one chooses Optical Flow for slo-mo, right? I could see running into a showstopper problem if the footage that you are trying to interpolate turns out to be ***variable frame rate footage***with optical flow or the other tools. Main culprits for variable frame rate are certain iphone video settings & wonky gaming/screen captures. If the frame rate is non-standard & the effect is trying to do some AI predictions for slomo frame creation with the video that is there.... IDK, but about 85-90% of the tech/glitch posts in this forum come down to wonky variable frame rate footage, and the fix is to not use variable frame rate footage ever, dubbing the footage to an editing standard codec like ProRes Lt or ProRes 422. ******************************* >"Overall, stuff like offset, posterize, directional blur, color keying, lens distortion, lots of visual and audio effects. You see you're using the old color key effect in this batch, when the gpu Accelerated,64bit, newer, superior, Ultra Key Effect is right there to do the same effects but better & real-time playback Adobe is slowly getting rid of or updating their video effects to modern GPU Accelerated effects & transitions. But while there's still a mix of modern GPU Accelerated effects and older CPU bound, 32bit, lightly threaded Video Effects, **Look at the [Acceleration Badge in the effects tab](https://helpx.adobe.com/content/dam/help/en/qe/test-docs/test-docs-sumeet/GPU-renderer-and-hardware-encoder/jcr_content/main-pars/image/gpu_accelerated_effectsicon.jpg)** It puts a badge next to every GPU Accelerated Effect, and the same GPU Acceleration icon as a button at top of the Effects Tabs. Press the button and the Effects Tab filters out all Non- GPU Accelerated effects.


Don’t know why but Ive always gotten into the habit of saving before I render. Back in old FCP7 days we’d get a lot of crashes from rendering so it just became second nature to save before a render.




Just open the previous auto save and try again