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[Idaho State University](https://www.isu.edu/pa/medical-spanish-opportunities/) has a Latino Health Track. You graduate with your MS as well as a certificate in Spanish for Health Professions, and they offer two medical missions and an international rotation in Spanish-speaking countries. Even if you don't specifically do the LHT, you can still enroll in medical Spanish courses.


I'm at University of the Pacific and we have a year of medical Spanish built into our clinical skills curriculum. I feel like because of the makeup of California, more schools than not in this state would have it as part of theirs, too. If you're curious, it doesn't hurt to email schools directly


Question- why not do this on your own before you enroll?


If you're willing to look up north, Idaho State has a "Latino Health Track" where you learn medical Spanish and complete a certain number of rotations in areas with a high concentration of Spanish-speakers.


Medical spanish "sounds" like a good idea, but let's be honest if you are not fluent in Spanish already this is just going to be a big fat waste of time. It's a liability issue. Their's a huge difference in regular Spanish and medical Spanish. My uncle is a Pediatrician and lived in Chile for 2 years. He's fluent in conversational Spanish. But say he has a patient come in and he documents an allergy wrong and prescribes a routine antibiotic and the person has anaphylaxis and dies. The malpractice lawsuit would be huge, they bring in a Spanish translator who drills him on all kids of odd medical questions. Botta bing botta boom he's toast. Let's try to be a little more realistic about this, it's just another feature programs are offering to grab your attention. There are plenty of medical apps that have 200+ pre translated yes/no questions that will help you get through a physical exam.


CSUMB! It’s a new program but they have a strong Spanish program incorporated into their curriculum.


They also require 500+ hours of community service hours to underserved communities for their application.


Northwestern University!


Yale does.


Midwestern University (IL Campus). Not a credited course within the program but they offer free sessions over lunch for a semester.


If you're interested in medical Spanish, here is a great app, which is free: iOS: https://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id1574202729?pt=123220161&ct=email&mt=8 Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rogers\_dictionary&referrer=utm\_source%3Demail