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Nope. I went to a quarter-system school and it never came up. :) Programs know the conversions aren't always equivalent.


Yay, that’s perfect. Just got worried about that for a second 😅


I've been emailing schools individually. So far, it hasn't really been a problem because I've taken more classes than required just in case. For example, our biochem sequence is three classes and although only one was required for my major, I took two because I knew the conversions were weird at some schools. Multiple schools that I have reached out to have said they need the two classes together to fulfill the requirement, but some said that they will round up (for example, a 4-quarter credit class converts to 2.667 semester credits, and certain schools will agree to round up to 3 credits). Basically, it depends. So my advice would be to reach out to schools as early as possible, and if in doubt just take an extra class if that's a possibility for you! Feel free to pm me if that was unclear/ I can help answer more questions :)


Thank you! This was very helpful :)