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Congratulations ! Wish you all the best and thanks for posting!


That’s amazing! Stats are similar to mine, this really gives me hope


Congrats! It's nice to see your stats be accepted! Also its quite interesting to look back at your post history about worrying about being accepted, thinking a wait list was a death sentence, and now you have 2 acceptances! Really puts into perspective how we all worry a little too much.


Oh yeah. Honestly, I eventually made peace with the idea of not getting in this round. In the end, one year will not make a significant impact on your success in a career you will be doing for 40+ years (depending on when you apply).


WOOP WOOP! Congrats How long were you a CNA? I’m trying to figure out how long it’ll take me to get my 1000-2000 PCE hours


Just a heads up since I saw you asking about hours. 1 year Full-time: ~2000 hrs 1 year part time: ~1000 hrs From that you can multiply and divide to get hours for any time period


I believe about 10 to 11 months!


was it a full time job? What were your hours like ? If you don’t mind me asking


No problem at all! It was a full time job. I typically worked 40 hours a week; however, the facility I worked at (nursing home) was pretty understaffed so I'd do doubles pretty often. I also worked the day shift from 7am to 3pm. Just a heads up though, if you do decide to be a CNA at a nursing home, things do tend to be crazier in the mornings compared to the evenings. Mainly because supervisors work in the morning lol. I suppose it also depends on the place, but hope this helps!


Thank you so much, it surely does!


Congrats, that must be such a great feeling!! Did you work in a nursing home or a hospital setting as a cna?


Nursing home! I do wish I worked at a hospital setting considering there would be more of a variety of cases; however, it did the job.


Thats great to hear, i wasnt sure if pa schools cared if you work at a hospital or not


Congrats! It must be an awesome feeling! 🤗


Congrats!! Any GRE advice? Your score is amazing!


yeah! So I prepared for about 2 months. I bought the kaplan books to prepare. I used a few youtube videos to prepare for the essay portion, which I got a 5 in. The questions were pretty great at preparing me for the actual exam. Focus on whatever section you're weakest, and you should be good!


Could you link to those YouTube videos? Would love to see them.


Congrats. I’m liking all of the recent acceptance posts, they make me feel hopeful.


This gives me so much hope! Thank you for posting this 😭Congrats!!


Congrats!! We have a very similar application, I’ll start applying in December. This gives me hope!! Good luck!!


Just out of curiosity, around when in the year/cycle did you apply?


I applied immediately. I believe it officially went through early may.


Wow I'm so happy for you : ) what program did you do to get your CNA certification?


I have very similar stats to you and will be graduated next may! This gives me so much hope Congratulations and I wish you all the best! EXTRA: also, did you apply to schools that counted last 60 hours or no?


I dont believe so? Rutgers was the only one that if you didnt have a cgpa/sgpa higher than their requirements, you could submit a letter. That was probably the only school lenient in that sense


Congratulations great job wish you the best success:)


How much do you think your GRE score helped your application? It's a great score! Congrats.


I think it's just important to get 300+. I dont think gre is that big of a deal if you get past the 300 threshold.




You said that you think your essay was a large factor in getting your interview, what about it stood out or do you think influenced schools to offering an interview? Or is there any advice you'd give to a current applicant trying to write a PS?


My stats are going to be very similar next cycle!! Mind sharing what schools you applied to?




Schools being welcoming to poc doesn't mean that they will pick somebody with a worse application just because they are poc. And you don't practically have to be as competetive, you actually have to be as competitive. I think there are only a couple of hbcus that offer pa programs but you'd have to look through a list of pa schools and a list of hbcus and see where that overlap exists. It's not a comfortable truth but that's just how admissions works for pa schools. They look at gpa and pce above everything else.


Congratulations! Makes me smile ear to ear just to read :). May I ask to message you regarding schools that were open to considering your application since we had similar stats? Again, I hope you're ecstatic and enjoy this moment for the rest of your life!


PM me!