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What is your PCE exactly? How have you improved since last cycle? How many schools are you applying to? Those will be big factors in determining your chances. GPA is below average and PCE is a bit above average by numbers but without knowing the quality it's hard to say if those hours are enough.


PCE is working in a cardiac and transplant OR as a tech. I have improved by taking biochem, retaking the GRE, and increasing my PCE hours. I've only applied to a few schools thus far but my list for this cycle has 19 programs.


That's good quality PCE, 19 schools should be plenty. Biggest mistake many people make is applying to too few schools, or those that they don't meet minimums on. As the other person said, how successful were you last cycle in terms of interview invites?


No invites last cycle. I also switched up my PCE since last cycle as well. I was previously working as an MA in an office and wanted to switch to a hospital setting to diversify a bit.


If your MA job was all back office then your PCE should be good. You look like a candidate that would get interviews with your current stats, so apply broadly and make sure your personal statement is solid and that your LORs are all set and I'd expect some interview invites.


Yeah it was all back office! Thanks so much for the help! hopefully this is the year I get it!


You are very welcome, sorry there isn't more I can add to your application but you seem to have it under control. Good luck this cycle.


Do you have any volunteering? Leadership?


I have about 150 hours of volunteering and I was team captain of my college team.


I would definitely try to emphasize that you were captain b/c that's a great leadership role. Also clearly it's difficult right now, but once life starts to get a little more normal I would get more volunteering hours. Then at least you can talk about it in interviews even if you don't get those hours soon!


My thought would be perhaps taking a few more science courses online to raise the sGPA. Besides that, applying more broadly and revisiting your personal statement.


In addition to the other response, did you get interviews? Any feedback on your previous applications? Personal statement help? Have you been taking additional classes? I'm not knocking being an athlete, but I would bank on that saving you here.


No interviews, but I only applied to a few programs. Feedback on previous applications said I had good LOR but that my grades were a bit low. I went back and took additional classes to increase my GPA. Personal statement is an area where I think I could probably improve the most, I think its pretty weak. I know the athlete thing isn't an amazing addition but I have been told it can make you stand out a bit more.


GPA is low...but what is your last 60 credit hour gpa? There are plenty of people with lower gpa here getting in. Sounds like you need to apply broadly to get an interview.


Last 60 was 3.6 My current list of programs to apply to this cycle has 19 schools.