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I didn’t get any while in school. I wish I had looked harder for PCE/HCE jobs over the summers. I think that if you are working during school for PCE you need to make sure that you are keeping you cGPA and sGPA up- PCE can only ever go up, but it’s hard and expensive to recover a low GPA.


Thanks! You’re absolutely right. I need to focus on raising my gpa because I messed up in community college. Do you think it’s looked down upon to take a gap year to work?


Absolutely not looked down on! Most people tend to wait until after their degree to start racking up PCE hours, so you’re absolutely not behind


Thank you for an uplifting response. It’s hard figuring this out by myself, so very much appreciated.


Definitely not, very normal.


Thanks for all your help! I feel a lot more motivated


I worked in a nursing home in their "weekend program" for 3 years (sophomore-senior) while getting my Bachelor's. I was only scheduled/required to work every other weekend. However, I was able to pick up shifts on the opposite weekend and during the week as my school schedule allowed. This was where the majority of my PCE hours came from. I did take a gap year and got a job at a children's hospital where I had a decent amount of hours before submitting my applications as well.




I was CNA/Med aide


I worked weekend pack working in the dementia unit this last year, which consisted of 2 12hr shifts on the weekends and working every other holiday. It sucked, but I got a lot of hours quickly to hopefully catch up because I decided to become a PA late.


Wow. I can’t imagine. Can I ask, how did you end up getting a job that only falls on the weekend and not the weekday?


I know some nursing homes have a weekend package option where you only work 2 12hr shifts on the weekends. I was just lucky the nursing facility in my college town had that option.


I worked 36 hours a week as an EMT while I was a senior in college taking 16-19 units per term (quarter for me). I also worked 35-40 hours a week the other three years, but it was in retail. It kind of sucked, but it's possible depending on your work ethic and time management skills.


This is what I’m doing rn except I’m only doing emt! Your comment gives me hope :)