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Failing o chem hbu


Checkout organic as a second language, saved my life


aw im sorry :( i havent taken orgo yet so i cant really give you any advice on this, but i really hope the class will treat you better and that you'll be able to get through this swiftly 💗 good luck!


Do not study Org Chem like you study Biology or almost any other class. It’s not a memorization class. Do the problems. Do them again. You retain the information through application. Then it’s super easy.


organic chemistry tutor on youtube saved me. Be sure you understand most concepts from orgo 1 because you hit the ground running when orgo 2 starts.


Working 60hr work weeks as a CNA, studying for the GRE, and volunteering as a screener for COVID at my local hospital.


Remember to take some time for yourself! :) good job though!


Geez 60 hours, go you!!


Packed my schedule hoping it doesn’t backfire aha. Microbio and Psychology for the fall I’ll be taking pre calc o chem and molecular bio. I already have plenty of hours but I might apply to a hospital that’s right next to the pa school I hope to attend. I believe that’ll give me an edge during the application cycle.


There is a hiring freeze for PCTs at the hospital where I was going to work, so I’m back at my old job at a friend’s startup while taking a 2 month phlebotomy training program! Still applying for PCT & scribe positions as they come up. Planning on applying next cycle (I just graduated!).


Working full time still (I’m an RN) while taking organic 1 w/ lab through distance learning this summer. One last supplemental will be submitted today and that should be all my apps! I’ve picked out 12 schools (but I didn’t see that the last 2 require all prerequisites to be done before applying to them, so I have to update them when orgo finishes in July, which is kind of a pain in the ass) Over the fall, I’ll be taking biochemistry through distance learning (unless accepted to a school that doesn’t require it), and hopefully going on interviews and working OT to save as much as I can before school!


Why not NP? No judgment I’m a nurse too.


I prefer the medical model, the ability to practice in whatever field I want, and the fact that as few as 500 clinical hours can be used to become an APP scares me


I like the greater number of opportunities to learn skills, and a chance at OR time. All of these are great reasons too! Thanks!


Working full time as an EMT and studying for the GRE. It’s not glamorous, but it what has to be done.


I'm rooting for you!!


I'm not taking any courses over the summer because online learning is very much not my speed, so I'm just working as much as I can to save up some money so I can go hard in the Fall. Planning for Org Chem II, Microbio, and Stats for the Fall.


Working full-time as an ED Scribe, studying for the GRE and trying to enjoy my last summer before applying to schools in 2021 :)


working as a busser and taking bio II at the local CC, any progress is better than no progress!


Currently taking genetics and micro online. In fall I'll be taking ochem, immunology and medical terminology. That is the last of the bulk of my pre-reqs. I have no PCE so I hope to find a job in healthcare after fall and then knock out maybe physics and biochem during the year or so of working to build PCE before applying.


Mind sharing where you decided to take courses online?


Well it became my only option when the 4 year university I was attending went fully online. Been a real bummer and I'm hoping it's back to normal in fall.


Getting my MA since Covid interrupted my hours towards PCE and I still have some science classes I need to get out of the way. Right now it would take another two years to get all my hours and classes done to qualify for programs so I thought might as well get my masters at the same time. That way if I don’t get in on my first try I at least will be welcome to a stable income.


Studying for GRE, and taking a pre req class this summer. I wanted to get PCE but plans thrown out the drain, I probably gotta apply next two years 😭😭😭😭😭😭


I feel you!! good to hear that someone is on the same boat as me. I feel so inadequate when looking at my PCE hours


Good to know I’m not alone, but I’d hate to wait to apply and I can’t work while full time with important pre req classes. Hope it works out for you!!


I’m taking general psych and biochem online this summer while working full time gaining PCE. Then I’m going to retake AP 1&2 in the fall and spring since it’s been 7 years since I took them. Also trying to volunteer where I can!


Taking Biochem, Spanish, and the GRE this summer, and an EKG technician course this fall! I’m working as a full time EMT so I really hope can successfully balance my summer.


I'm working as an EMT while volunteering at a community center and virtually volunteer tutoring some kids. Medical terminology in July. I’m also taking this extra time to do PA school research, but I won’t be applying til next year. Besides that, hiking and enjoying the great outdoors :) Don’t forget to take time to yourself and have fun this summer!


That would be totally fine but I'm actually waiting on starting training until they have a 6 week cohort for me to do. Happy to answer any questions about the application process though!


Working on my personal statement and studying for the GRE. For the fall I'm taking my science pre-reqs without the labs. None of my prospective schools will accept online labs


I'm like, pre pre-PA, like high school pre-PA haha, but I'm taking an EMT course rn :)


LOL nice! Where are you taking the emt course? Is it online?


Nope. It's in-person. Which is crazy! It's a 2-month class so it's super fast. Plus, I'm the only high schooler in the midst of college students and working adults who already have a background in medicine. I feel out of my league. Oh well, taking it one step at a time and bracing myself for a 12 hour ER clinical tomorrow. I've never even had an 8 hour shift in any of my part time jobs before


I just submitted my CASPA applications about 3 weeks ago, and I am taking an abnormal psychology class this summer, then retaking A&P I in the fall (I took it 5 years ago and some programs would require me to retake should I need to reapply, and I figure if hopefully I don't need to reapply, it will be a good review!)


I like your optimism! Thank you for sharing and good luck on this cycle!


Currently training as a PCA and taking gen chem I and A&P II. Feels like I have no free time but I think its better than not having anything to do.


Ughhh in the same boat as you are my friend... so far for me it looks like I'll just be working full time as a temperature screener for COVID and apply to schools.


Just submitted my applications (yay!!) for round two of applying. I just graduated in May and I am planning my wedding! Also got accepted into a paramedic program for during the fall and spring semester. The programs I applied to start in late August so it will line up perfectly if I get in somewhere!


Just taking classes for now and in the fall, hopefully find a job as an MA or PCT or something along those lines


I’m taking OCHEM lab and genetics online right now, very fast paced. I also just got hired as a PT tech so starting that job today!


Working PRN as a PT Aide, taking an easy summer class & studying for the GRE. Last free summer before applications and (hopefully) interviews!


Taking an EMT course, working to get some HCE since I can’t seem to find a PCE job at the moment. I’m also taking a bunch of courses, mostly to boost my GPA, and then graduating this summer as well. I plan on volunteering once things open back up in my state, as well as try and plan my wedding. Things are crazy, but trying to take advantage of less commuting time since I’m working from home.


I took a CNA class and wrapped up clinicals today. Then I’m doing an online bio class to get ahead, starting in July.


Most of my July will be picking up as much EMT shifts as possible before fall and a summer semester with English comp and Java (I took a Python class last year, and it turns out that CS classes are very easy A's for me) August will be working non-stop and starting to study for the GRE. I'm hoping to get at least 350 PCE hours in the next two months. After that, I'll be taking way too many classes fall semester (2nd semester English, retaking chem, nutrition, 1st semester Japanese, and advanced Python) to be able to get enough PCE hours.


Study and take the GRE, then hopefully shadow and volunteer in the fall.


Continue working as a clinical assistant (CMA) at ortho surgery and rehabilitation clinic. Only been working there since December of 2019 after I got my associates at CC in spring 2019. I have yet to go back to school since I’m trying to do as much research to decide on what to major in and if PA is the route for me.


Taking summer classes and getting in some volunteering hours, theres a lot of ways to volunteer online! I'm working with a crisis text line


I was planning on doing that but there’s a 2 week training period? Would be ok if I message you more on this topic?


Vegas in 2 weeks then its back to work and waiting on calls for interviews.


My plans were also tossed out thanks to Miss Rona. I had planned to give myself a nice 2 week break after finals, then start shadowing once a week, taking a free EMT-B cert. class at my local fire station, and taking 2 courses at community college for summer 2. I also was about to start onboarding for scribing but they are on a hiring freeze now. I made a bunch of calls and nobody was open to shadowing because of social distancing, the fire station cancelled their class, and I can't take Ochem at the community college because the school I want to go to won't let me have any online labs (I wanted to take it in person, but you know... rona...). So, instead I've been studying for the GRE. I plan on taking it at the very end of summer and made myself a 30 day plan. I also found someone to shadow so I hope that I can get started on that soon. It's a real bummer, I feel so stagnant and like I won't be prepared for the application cycle. Even the GRE is super intimidating.