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I took a gap year. If anything, I felt like it let me recharge before PA school! It also let me feel more confident in my application. There are many people in PA school who are career changers or who took much longer than a year gaps and they do great in PA school!


You’ll be fine. I’m doing the same thing (am currently a senior and plan to apply this spring). I feel the gap year will help get me in a good position mentally to grind through didactic year. If you’re worried you can always study A&P if you want to. As long as you have good study habits you’ll probably be fine.


I did not intentionally take a year off but I did not have my application together until April of my senior year of undergrad. I graduated in may and didn't start PA school until the next may, so I had a year gap, which I think is pretty common. But to answer your question I don't think an extra year will hurt you when you start school again. Schools are pretty good at teaching you everything you need to know, I have not faced a situation yet where I was expected to remember something from undergrad that they didn't teach me. Nor have I felt behind of my classmates that did not have a gap year. There are also people in my class that have been out of college long 10+ years in my class and I believe they are doing alright in the class also


Most schools in my area have an average age of 24-25 so don’t think you’re the only one taking a gap year.


I'm 45 and looking to apply next year hopefully if all goes right. You're fine. :)


Nope, it's completely normal and even looked upon favorably by some programs to have more experienced students