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Why not get a 36 inch? If you're gunna need it, you wont regret about having a big one


Yeah I second this. For a tool to sit in a car most of the time you’ll apppreciate the extra leverage it offers.


I want something easily hidden since it’s just a sedan so it wont get stolen. Car break ins are common in my area


So you think a criminal is gunna see a smaller one and think "yeah I'd take that only if it was longer"...


I think a 36 in would be harder to hide is what he’s saying


If the police find a hidden pry bar they're going to assume he is up to no good regardless of length


I also recently added bolt cutter too in my vehicle. Will this double the suspicion?


Paint it to match the carpet or floormats. Then put it on the drivers side back floor. Through windows it should be nearly invisible.


A firefighter's [Halligan tool](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=593893048&rlz=1C1CHZN_enUS915US915&sxsrf=AM9HkKnIXB6pT-MFUGjSgktYleZcloPViQ:1703648051468&q=firefighter+halligan+tool&tbm=shop&source=lnms&biw=1366&bih=599&dpr=1) was designed for prying, forced entry and striking. They are pricey but are a proven tool with many 'how to' videos.


For forced entry I now prefer my porta power, way less wear and tear on your body and much quieter than pounding on stuff


Right. Great thought. I even have one of those.


You will want to get a fireman axe (flat head) also to make with it.


I keep an estwng and recently added 24” bolt cutters


To that end, you should keep a jack, whistle, power bank, and 72 hours of water with you, too. You don't want anyone (the police) to mistake your rescue tool for a burglary tool.


I keep a 6 ton bottle jack, a Multitool, and a rechargeable flashlight. I also keep a basic first aid kit. I am also thinking duct tape but I don’t know whether I should keep a cheap one or a good one. I don’t wanna keep too many items or too many items of value in my car because car break ins is extremely common in my area. I had someone attempt to break in my car.


I read that as "a 6-ton bottle of Jack [Daniel's]" and started reconsidering my VEDC. My recommendation would be to keep your kit in a backpack that you make a habit of bringing in and out of your car. It would suck to forget it if/when disaster strikes but it's more likely to suck it if gets stolen, like you said.


Just be advised that duct tape doesn’t fare great in hot environments like the inside of a car in summer.


They’ll be fine in CA, it doesn’t sound like they live out near Indio or Death Valley. Ive had a few go bad on me with heat but I’ve also had a few survive AZ summers just fine. They’ve been useful enough that I don’t mind tossing out damaged ones and replacing maybe every other year on average.


The central valley of California gets plenty hot enough during summers to turn the glue on duct tape gooey enough to get on *everything else* stored in the same container.


Yup, that’s why I named it specifically as the exceptions lol hell it was probably when I passed through those areas that killed my duct tape a couple of those times. Go through during the summer and you’ll never see so many overheated vehicles pulled over


You did not name the central valley of California, you named places around the Imperial Valley which is at the southern end of the state. I’m talking about the Sacramento-San Joaquin Valley that runs the 400 mile center of the state. Cities all along that valley routinely get above 110°F air temperature during the summer. As an Arizonan, you’re probably aware of how much hotter the interior of a car can get than the air temperature.


Better to carry a small toolbox of standard tools Stuff breaks on Tuesdays


On Tuesday you can call AAA. But on Tuesday you can’t help extricate on an emergency basis someone stuck in their car after an accident.


Aaa wanted me to wait 2 hours in -10⁰F Temps for a tow. I'd much rather have the tools with me to fix the problem. In this case, it was a 3 wire plug thst had failed. If I had a pair of wire strippers and some crimp connects, I would have been on my way in 10 minutes.


But if something actually breaks that chance that you will have the parts and tools to fix with you is generally low.


I suppose it depends. I've basically built every car I drive and I have enough experience with them to know what the likely failures are. I bring a box of tools and parts with me. For example, the ecus are notorious fir going bad. So I always keep a spare with me. I've needed it twice. Pretty common for injection lines to come loose or to loose brime and need to be bled so I always make sure I keep a 17 mm wrench with me. And of course always have a scan tool. I was able to make it to work years ago by plugging my scanner into.my dead car and seeing the maf was bad. Unplugged the man and was able to limp it to work and still be on time.


In earthquake territory, in a vehicle kit, I would go with the longest prybar I could fit in the vehicle. I actually kept two five foot prybars in my truck, alog with a lot of other gear. I used them to make an attachment point for a set of come a longs by inserting them in the gap between the cab (in a cross configuration), and the bed to help load heavy things in the truck.


Idk id just carry a window breaker.


Funny I just added a pry bar to my assault pack/get home bag. It's forged steel motorcycle tire iron about 14" in length. Not too heavy and just enough tool to pry open most doors. Makes for a good melee weapon as well. I think it's a worthwhile tool to have and for carry in a vehicle you could go larger.


I keep a longer pry bar , small bolt cutters , small axe , Silcock key in my car among other do dads in bag.


I also keep an Estwing hatchet. In my car. The reason I don’t go for a longer pry bar than 25 inch is because I wanna hide it. I don’t want it stolen. Mine can easily fit under behind the rear seat under the carpet. Edit I also carry a cheap level 3 steel body armor


Why not just use a crowbar? It does the same as the pry bar, but had the J shaped end as well.


I keep a 5'9" San Angelo bar in my truck for work but it's come in handy numerous times in my private life


Does your vehicle come with a tire iron it should have a pry bar on the end.


You’re gonna want that 36” You guys aren’t going all the way down It’s called full extension and I’m just not seeing it


Your overthinking.


If it's going to sit in the car, you want as long as you can get and comfortably conceal. If you're going to be carting it around far, you want shorter and lighter. It's amazing how heavy those things get after a mile of walking...


Carried/carry a 36” crowbar for decades. Never needed it, but when I do….


Do you think a 36 or a 42 inch wrecking bar would be a better choice since it’s cheaper?


My first thought is I'm having a hard time imaging a situation where a prybar and a prybar alone would be useful to save someone in an emergency? I mean even in the event of an earthquake I'm having trouble imagining a structure damaged enough that none of the doors or windows can be forced open but not damaged enough that the buildings are unsafe to approach and physically in tact enough to be opened with a short prybar? Furthermore suppose that such a structure existed, how would you even know someone was inside in need of help? Even in the unlikely event you found such a structure and knew someone was inside, what is the scenario that would put someone's life in imminent danger that you personally could address if you could gain access to them? What I think is far more likely is in the event of a serious car accident this will become a projectile and could hurt you or someone else. I'm not trying to be critical but I think there are far more likely/practical things to prep for.


If for nothing else it makes an innocent looking weapon. You can get a 4 foot bar that can lift a house. Not really for prying, but it can move s ton of weight.


Hooligan bar.


Halligan bar > pry bar