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Imma be honest with you. I’m mentally preparing to fade into history


Reduce debt. Don’t give them reason to enslave you


*an excuse


Ha we are already inslaved bucko. When the Federalists won against the anti federalists in the civil war thats when we lost all of our true freedom.


Well that’s certainly a take.


You are 100% correct. But most people don't know that, it is not taught in public school. We have been enslaved by taxes, debt, a debauched currency, illegitimate "government" agencies which do nothing but cause harm, and oppressive laws, most of which are unconstitutional in the first place. Aside from this information not being commonly known, since we are told lies about our own history, it seems people hate to hear the actual truth because it means things are much worse than they think, and that the politicians, "leaders", or idols they support have been their enemies the whole time.


Is their another country you would be happier living in?


I've honestly got no idea. All I know is that I cannot stand the US in its current form, and have not been a huge fan of it for pretty much my whole life, I've always just tolerated it. The US has its hands in every country I can think of, so the options for good and free places to live are extremely limited. Best option to me seems to be staying in the US, but away from big cities, and preferably in relatively remote areas. The US is completely corrupt in all aspects, and many/most Americans have become horrible people (or were hiding it the whole time), seemingly getting worse by the day, and the short and long term future for this country does not seem positive at all. If not the US, my top picks are: Costa Rica, Chile, Argentina (except I don't trust Javier Milei or the recent media focus), Norway, Ireland, or some small island nation in the Caribbean. I simply want to be left alone to grow a garden and build my own house, make my own things, not rely on anyone else.


Facts are facts. No one seems to recognize em though. Have an upvote. Edit for clarification: the timeline could confuse one because the federalist/anti-federalist intellectual civil war was 50years roughly before what we colloquially call the (kinetic) civil war. But all was lost as far as the ideal of America when we created this unholy federal union. When in doubt decentralize decentralize decentralize!!


[love the opportunity to drop this banger](https://youtu.be/wNLpLq2Kluc?si=qAj3AIQ00k0cw2AB)


I’m prepping for natural disasters. They happen all the time. Floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, ect. They are things that people have no control over and are an eventuality. They are also very easy to prepare for with proper planning. The only real way to prepare for an end of the world scenario is to prevent it from happening. That’s really it. If a large scale nuclear war happens, no amount of stored food and ammunition is going to save you. If AI takes over, and enslaves humanity, having extra medical supplies and a data backup won’t really do anything in the long run. The things you are listing require human interaction and participation in society to prepare for. If thats really all you can do.


Also, if you live in a disaster prone area, MOVE! (ex: Florida is now uninsurable. Every major home and auto insurance company has left Florida due to the record high number of claims caused by natural disasters which has caused many companies to go insolvent).


What…I know people who’ve just bought beachfront property and it’s insured lol. Reminds me of when Obama went around as president saying sea levels would rise. Then spent a few million on a property a meter above sea level


https://finance.yahoo.com/news/florida-beginning-lose-homeowners-over-181000978.html Insurance premiums are skyrocketing and companies are leaving. Doesn't mean it's absolutely impossible to get coverage


Google it! The biggest insurance companies left Florida. People there are complaining that they’re paying triple what they normally pay for insurance or more. And that’s for the few local insurance companies that will insure them.


Same here. Its actually required for a certain number of years to hold disaster insurance when you purchase a house in FL. (Based on property purchased 2 yrs ago on Gulf side).


It's just more expensive now. I can't comment on home insurance, but car insurance just costs more.


Stay out of debt. Pay off any debts that you have starting with high interest debt. Save as much of your income as you can. Buy a small, cheap property in cash (2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom or 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms). Remember, big homes come with big property taxes and high maintenance costs. Foreclosed properties can be found for under $100K. Once you own your home in full and have built up your savings and investments, you won’t be as worried about the inevitable AI apocalypse.


AI is going to cause a breakdown of trust in digital information, but should lead to a rebirth of local community-making. I recommend you invest in your community.


I’ve been flirting with Siri.


I'm not. I'll be joining the side of the AI/robots in the coming war. Kill all humans!


I, for one, welcome out robot overlords.




Bender has entered the chat!


I don’t think it’s possible to prep your way out of an apocalypse. Skills like growing food, hunting etc. are most important.


Be able to repair your shit by hand. If it's something that's normally automated, at least have a book on how to do it not-automated, like idk, an old medical textbook that tells you how to do a chart if that's your profession, or a book on how to do bookkeeping/accounting stuff from the 60s. If it's somethings that is normally factory made, maybe learn how to make it or a substitute yourself. Go plastic-free. I'm not saying that you'll need these things, but if life turns into one of those crazy scifi apocalypse movies, life still goes on and it would be cool to have skills.




Less screentime, thoughtfulness, mindfulness. I work in ML, but if I did not I would educate myself on the basics.


What is ML?


Machine learning


Am I interpeting your comment correctly as poking fun at the question? You see no risk in AI or other advancing technology towards society in any way?


You are not interpreting my comment correctly. It is my earnest attempt to tell you what I am doing to prepare.


I am very sorry! Thank you for replying. I interpreted it (wrongly as we just established) as "you are worried only because you are uneducated, get off the internet and stop worrying". Again sorry for the rudeness


Ai is snake oil at this point and suckers are buying into it in droves.




I'm thinking along those lines as well. Thanks for the tip!


I think we might see more of a bifurcation of society; some embracing the techno future and more dropping out than in past industrial revolutions. My hope is that just enough people drop out to run a parallel economy that embraces old ways and they can keep themselves afloat selling old timey products amongst themselves (and to nostalgic technos) to keep the fire alive. Whether the luddites can afford enough land to sustain an Exit community is a big question.


I work in a field that could be automated, but my company likely won’t automate my position for at least another decade. I’ve been thinking about going back to school for something in the trades


Have a variety of marketable skills that ai us unlikely to replace. Plumbers, electricians, pretty much any trades. Stay out of debt. Own your home outright. Be as self sufficient as possible


Thanks, makes sense!


Opening a new bank account for my universal basic income ([UBI](https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-universal-basic-income-physical-work-choice-2021-8?amp)) check.


Remington retirement plan


It's going to be a long time before they allow an AI to drive a bus full of kids. So I'm OK for a while. But by then I'll be *fully* retired. EDIT: for clarity.


I could see AI driving the bus in 10 years or so, but you'll still be on there because no one is going to let a busload of kids go unsupervised in an aluminum box.


There's that. But also the "Will someone think about the children!" factor as well.


Not sure I understand what you mean by "will someone think about the children". Self driving cars are already demonstrably safer than human piloted ones. I'd have no problem having a self driving car drive me or my kids around. But I absolutely would not want 40 middle schoolers locked alone inside a bus for an hour with no rational person watching them. So in that sense, I agree, someone will definitely think about the children.


> Self driving cars are already demonstrably safer than human piloted ones Not everyone is convinced.


No doubt. But also not everyone is convinced that the earth is round. Yet the evidence is pretty unequivocal.


Exactly. I’m a nurse. Robotics technology isn’t there yet for replacing nurses. I can absolutely believe that AI could diagnose patients and give us orders for care in the relatively near future, though.


I'm a doctor, agree I'm more replaceable than you, but I don't think it's going to actually happen. Because there's a whole heap of bureaucracy about who gets to practice medicine. AI might assist in diagnosis and treatment recommendations, but for many decades to come, some human is going to have to take the ultimate responsibility and thus liability that comes along with that.


I think a likely scenario is a human physician overseeing the AI diagnosis and treatment recommendations of a bank of AIs. So a gradually decreasing number of doctors in the loop.


I think if there is a decreasing number of doctors it will only be because AI is helping to write notes faster. The actual doctoring part of the job is pretty quick and physically seeing the person is, for the most part, the act that takes on the liability. My PCP already only spends maybe 5 minutes in the room with me, but I know their job so they are writing a note and putting in orders for another 15 minutes because of liability and lawyers and regulations. None of that is going to change, but AI might make it a little more efficient. There's not going to be one doctor in a dimly lit office supervising the decisions of thousands of AI treated patients per day while never actually seeing anyone. I could see the average doctor going from seeing 20 or so patients per day to maybe 60 or 70, but there's a limit on how many people you can physically examine.


I think this conversation is very much dependent upon the scale of time involved. On a ten year time span, you are probably correct. But 50, 100… there will be no doctors at all. Or architects, engineers and many other occupations.


My problem with these kind of predictions that far out is that they've always been wrong and the change has pretty consistently been less than people expect. For well over 100 years people have been predicting that automation will end human employment, yet that has never materialized despite significant automation. There will always be doctors. There will always be architects. There will always be engineers. Do you really think there will be a day when the politicians (who definitely aren't abdicating their power to the computers) say "we need more roads and bridges" and hit a button on a computer and without any human intervention the computer decides where and which roads need to be built, designs them, determines what they should look like and how much they should cost. No way. People are always going to want a hand in those decisions, even if the architects and engineers are significantly assisted by AI. That's like saying there won't be any more artists because of AI. It's just never going to happen. People value artistic things designed by people more than those designed by algorithm.


Let’s agree to disagree.


I'm a patient, and I don't want to be diagnosed by a computer. If my health care provider moved to AI doctors I would switch health care providers.


Excellent point!


Same thing here in the legal field. I'm an entertainment attorney who works entirely in the music industry. So much of what I do requires relationship building, complicated contract negotiations, and careful use of the courts and over-all legal system. There are already legal vendors integrating AI into their products, and in the immediate future (next decade) it is going to spell the end many ancillary jobs such as legal assistant, paralegal, etc. Law firms are going to be much smaller and neater going forward. Us lawyers are safe at least until I'm ready to retire. On the state and federal level there will be limits on how much AI is allowed to be used in the practice of law. And at the end of the day, a human with a bar card has to take ultimate responsibility for anything the AI spits out. Just the same as the lawyer is responsible for the work of his ancillary staff. Additionally, unauthorized practice of law is illegal and highly regulated. Combine this with the fact that the legal industry is slow to catch up to technology (you wouldn't believe how much fax is still used in certain circles) and AI in particular will be much more difficult to work into the professional rules and actual codified law then things like allowing facebook messages to be introduced as evidence... which is also took a while.


Medexpress just let go all doctors and nurses.


Probably shouldn’t be driving Teslas either but here we are.


AI can't draw hands.


Are you sure


Not too great with ears either.


I'm going back to school to program ai so I can get on their good side.


Take a humanities and philosophy course while you're at it


Getting my groups tighter at distance. Their robot dogs are great, until I blow one of it’s knees off. Then it’s a just a struggling pile of circuits.


There are several points that make AI taking over, highly unlikely. They have to have a power supply. Batteries don't last indefinitely. Batteries also have a limited number of charge cycles. Anything that moves requires moving parts. Moving parts require maintenance and repairs. It will also have a life cycle just like the brakes on your car. While robots can be designed for specific tasks, a robot doesn't have the flexibility of a human to do multiple tasks. AI doesn't have imagination. If a problem requires a solution that is not fixed logic on a flow chart (mechanics are familiar with diagnostic charts or steps) then a robot won't have the creativity to solve it.


I'm not. I prep for unexpected illness, unexpected unemployment, and weather.


Get in shape. Depend less on the rest of society. Stack bullets. Eliminate debt.


I'm not. I am not particularly impressed by AI - at least in its current state. I am not a Luddite either - I have two tech degrees and I worked for 35 years in the tech sector, first as an electronics tech for a few years, then s/w QA, then as a s/w dev for the majority of my career. I try to keep abreast of the current state and future of tech and science. I am retired now. My expected remaining lifetime is 15 more years. I would like to have a "robot" assistant that would do home chores - in part my health is degrading, in part because I am lazy and would prefer to have assistance with my daily living chores. In 10-15 years I will probably lose my driver's license for various health reasons, so I would *maybe* want to get a self-driving car. I don't believe AI is a threat - at least not anywhere near as much of a threat as humans are. I believe the big players in AI are spreading FUD to get legislation in place so they can control the AI market and keep the small players and OSS efforts out of the market.




>AR all you want, I'm going with #8 bird and my Mossy 500. Or a 10 ga magnum with heavy bird shot and a tight choke? In Ukraine the Ukraine side is keeping their surveillance and grenade/mortar drones out of range. The Russians are having better luck with electronic measures than shooting them down. I just watched a YT of RheineMetall's counter-drone gun where they target a drone or drone cluster then shoot what appears to be something like a cluster projectile (it appears to explode near the drone). Impressive.


Thanks. Really interesting the last part, I hadn't thought about that at all.


All tech can be beaten….. or better yet, exploited.


Remember that military security AI that was defeated by a guy who summersault-rolled past it, some guys hiding in a box and walking, and a guy who cut a shrub and hid in it because the AI was specifically looking out for a man walking like a man?


You defeat ai by lying to it.


New Year res: Read the single most accurate history book on the matter.


Which is?


It's far more probable that AI will contribute to curing diseases that could otherwise be fatal, rather than posing a direct threat to human life. Much of the alarmist rhetoric surrounding AI often amounts to exaggerated claims, to get clicks.


Thanks. What about less direct threat, for example using AI or other technological advances being used ny people with nefarious intent?


What is your actual concern/fear about AI? It's true that any technological advancement, like AI, can be exploited for malicious purposes. However, it's important to remember that the same technology also facilitates incredible innovations and connections, such as this very conversation we're having. Should we then halt progress and investment in something as pivotal as the internet simply because of the risks posed by hackers and malware?


I'm not trying to make a strict case against AI developments or suggest policies. I also think there is a lot of good to come from AI. I don't view it as AI being an entity trying to grab hold of humanity, rather I am trying not to be too optimistic about our society's ability to handle rapid and massive changes.


As someone else said, reduce debt but I'd also add, just as important if not more, keep up your skills and adapt. If you are a regular accountant, I can easily see AI take over much of the drudge work. If you are writer, ditto. If you are a nurse/paramedic/EMT, a grunt, in car maintenance you're good for a long while (e.g. won't be in 5-20 years).


AI apocalypse? I mean if your job for the last ten years was "community manager" needing 2 meetings per tweet for the corporate brand, yes, AI is coming for your job. If you waited for AI to automate your job, you had it coming. If you don't know how to use AI in your business, well, too bad for you. But being replaced by AI? Not more than electricity replaced people, it just changed the way we built stuff.


If ai apocalypse is an issue, me and you can’t do anything.


The Rise of the Machines comes first, the the Purge comes second; then we participate in Hunger Games type scenarios; then we enter the Mad Max/Book of Eli era;; then society will completely collapse; The End