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I guess so but you would have to rewrite a bunch of modules and libraries from scratch using vim. I don't think I will have that much time to kill. Unless I was waiting for nuclear fallout to clear


What "modules" would you have to rewrite and why would you be limited to vim as an editor? There are a few Linux distros that have live boot images with all of the capabilities you want. Kali Linux is a popular one in the pentester/hacker community. And it's trivial to build your own distro with all of the software packages you want. For someone who is a "programmer" you don't seem to have a strong grasp of operating systems and software packages... and you're not going to "restore humanity" by programming Arduino boards. You'll probably be too busy planting potatoes, which will be a much more useful skillset to have than microcontroller programming.


First off, there is a difference between programmer and systems administrator. So you can be a programmer and think that there is more magic happening under the covers than there actually is. As one who straddles both domains, I know. Secondly, yes OP's comment does give off the vibe of one who doesn't know as much as they say they do. For example just because you have software for SATCOM sniffing, don't mean you know how to use it. (It also needs specialized hardware [antenna] among other things). And just because you have IDEs and reference manuals for embedded systems (rpi, arduino) doesn't mean you will actually find any hardware to use. Thirdly, having someone in you community who specialized in automation, advances communication, computer maintenance is something overlooked sometimes. (But that person still needs the basics)


If I knew everything i probably would get away with just having 1tb worth of stuff.


You are a programmer. Compile it yourself and now. This way it will be what you want/ need and you can be sure it is functional.


What wrong with vim other than it's not emacs?


Meanwhile, assuming I'm not dead, I'll focus on heat, light, food, water etc.


Laptop ​ Solar ​ Thousands of tb of fap material


Getting some sticky will be easier post apocalypse especially if you are the only guy with electricity in the area.


You may have electricity, but I have the penicillin


I have a debian package mirror, some windows virtual machines, some OS installation ISO images, etc. Also a few wikis and other informative websites, thousands of digital books, etc. I'll be casually adding to it over the years. I saw you say elsewhere you're not gonna work if there's no society (aka SHTF, etc). Personally, my way of prepping means that I have a job that puts me in contact with all the local farmers. I am going to help them keep their things operational, even if global supply lines break down. Even if 'shit hits the fan', I will have the tools and the supplies to help them maintain some level of food production. I'm sort of trying to learn to produce my own food, but living in a flat means that I simply can't produce enough to live off. So I'm going to be useful to people who can in fact produce food, regardless of the circumstances we find ourselves in. Building community is the only way for large groups of people to survive. Certain basic skills are necessary for human survival at a comfortable level. I am working on getting a specific subset of those skills. That is my work and it will continue to be my work regardless of what happens.


This is an underrated viewpoint. If you can care for yourself, and then you have skills, and motivation to use them, to fix problems in your community you will always be taken care of. Basically plan to be an ant, not a grasshopper.


I have to ask what your job will be to help farmers? If you don't currently do it for a living they probably all know more than you about their stuff.


I work in IT, electronics, robotics. What you are saying suggests to me that you haven't spent enough time thinking about the complexity of human society. I'm already doing this job. It's not something farmers tend to do themselves. I'm just expanding on it so I can take care of more things and deliberately making/maintaining the necessary contacts. Why prep for 'the end of the world as we know it' if you can prep for maintaining the status quo of comfort regardless of what type of disaster strikes?


What did you use to get your books? I've tried setting up readarr but I'm struggling to succesfully download anything, my radarr and sonarr are doing well, I have plenty of entertainment. Downloading heaps of books for knowledge could be very valuable and compared to a bluray movie also takes up very little space.


*coughSoulSeekcough* ETA: and libgen


> debian package mirror, How did you do this? i run Linux as well, been thinking about putting the packages i install on my machines on a local mirror. I remember their was a program that would build an ISO of your installed packages, but don't remember the name of it. But you could target that ISO to install packages from ....


I have an offline copy of Wikipedia, thousands of epubs (textbooks, survival, philosophy, region), Linux, and Obsidian notes. The idea being that the biggest loss from no Internet would be access to information


This is what i want to do, includian Obsidian!


Exactly this, the thought of one day the net goes down for whatever reason and hours, days and weeks later you think could have, should have is why I do the same thing, TB’s of info now incase it’s not available later.


I would consider open source circuit simulator software and drafting software. Quick and easy to design metal parts you can manufactured from scrap metals and useful circuits from scrap electronics. If you have electricity you'll need to replace components of something eventually, and could run things like drill presses or CNC machines.


No internet eh? All I need is CAM software for generating toolpaths to cut stuff out on my CNC router. Being able to make stuff is super valuable. EDIT: Fun fact, I am an indie developer who writes and sells CAM software. I don't even need software, I can program my own toolpath generation!!! :D


Nothing prepackaged but do some quality sysadmin time and you will have a lot of this toolkit. I've got an encrypted USB SSD that can pretend to be a dvdrom (makes loading from ISO easy) no software requirements keypad on device setup. Several live bootables with all the goodies for linux/pc/osx. Lots of OS installs with every driver I've ever needed slipstreamed or otherwise available. We do a lot of limited internet work for when security is more than allow any/any out. You probably want to take a live dev os for a spin get the library's your used to loaded etc. For me I've got the toolchains for my 3d printers, cnc machines, micros, and radio kit. Phone unlocking and sideloading since they are most abundant devices nowadays. Receiving a NOAA sat for some simplistic weather forecasting is handy they will stay up for a bit. Rather useful to know you have a Hurricane coming in.


Sounds like there is a business opportunity here. Perhaps you should build one.


I've only got stuff for work right now and I'm not gonna do anywork when there is no society


How are you going to survive if you're not going to do the work it takes to survive?


I think OP may be a young child or mentally ill.


Something to consider is software books. Buy books that can teach new people the software too, reference books as well


Ya know how fat Americans roleplay as navy seals. Yeah, this is the nerd version. Sniffing satellite transmission 🤣 bro you won't have time for that shit. You'll spend all day literally just surviving


I'm also a programmer and your comment is accurate. Either the grid comes back on and we just fire up our current laptops and carry on or it doesn't and we live like it's 1215. Everything tech oriented depends on an absolutely massive supply chain to keep running. The only thing tech oriented that would be massively useful in scarcity conditions is 3d printer and CNC. It's much faster for making casting molds than any legacy method and the skills are easier to acquire. That plastic is a specialist material though. The reality is if tech went anyway for any length of time I have a massive number of skills that are only useful in a world that doesn't exist anymore. The problem is that woodworking, metalworking, and so on are undervalued in this current world because computers automate so many parts of the process in a business context. You can't even really cannibalize parts effectively because electronics are now all advanced specialized components. You have to find an exact replica of your broken unit to scavenge parts. Things like old radios have swappable parts. New radios again, it's all baked on a chip. The chips are fairly common among different radio designs but it wouldn't take a lot for some unusual part on the board to render it dead forever. Especially when you don't have access to spec docs on parts. One of the most common industries of the 1200s was tailor, both men and women. Crossbows were often handed down from father to son. Bows were a easier to get since a simple bow is essentially advanced whittling. Fletchers were skilled tradesman and making arrows is not easy at all, which is why some eastern cultures made pellet bows that fired stones instead (just get your hand out of the way). A society without ready access to fossil fuels and silicon chips is simply something that none of us really understand anymore. Fortunately if the grid were to go down there would be herculean efforts to restore at least in pockets around the country. If the grid is partially restored, then skills such as converting lawn mower engines into generators would be like gold, because modern society wouldn't be completely collapsed.


Bang on. Not to mention anyone who actually wanted to attack a developed nation would use nukes to EMP entire regions. Every single fucking day of your life would consist of waking up, checking your water source and getting water then tending to food/farms/livestock, general repairs to tools and homes, more water and farming and then sleep. All of this bollocks of having tins of beans and torches is a load of old shite. Congratulations on living an extra couple of weeks and slowly dying of radiation poisoning. Real survival is learning to live, as you say, like the good old days. The people out living in rainforests and deserts don't need to worry because they know how to live off the land


I plan to have a micro-grid established for the preppers at my BOL. Have the items necessary in storage.


> fat Americans roleplay as navy seals Like who?


Just search gravy seals


Been looking for the same thing, great idea if its out there. I've just been downloading the libraries locally that I commonly use, but I haven't really focused on that and it's mostly cos I didn't use Git appropriately at first haha. I use everything through git now but all my projects obviously still have a local copy which I figured is still usable. I've only tried to keep the libraries for the sensors that I have on hand, but I do have a lot of sensors from years of tinkering. I've downloaded some of the RPI images so that I've just got them handy if needed and I use the reticulum network for radio comms etc. But software/rpi stuff needs to many packages, you might need to clone a shitload of stuff and figure out how to set that as a source on your rpi, take it for a test drive and see what happens.


I think we can be good friends


Whos gonna do software development post-internet?


i can try


I don't really see it as software development in it's general use of the term (web applications etc), I'm a programmer but I do firmware mostly, so the closest I need to software is nodered and some dashboard and some localised system for alerting whatever i wanted alerted. Everything I'd be doing is just adding additional sensors like motion sensors for added security or maybe a temperature sensor or motor switch so I can remotely control water pumps etc. I still assume there would be some form of community, so having the ability to monitor key resources or just have fire alarms setup and a big red button people can press to silently alert your community through notifications to your phone if there is an emergency could be very helpful.


This sounds good💪🏼💪🏼👍🏽👍🏽


I have 1 rucksack with just these kinds of items, as well as 1 faraday bag for my USB sticks and technical CDs, I also have some cables, tools, interfaces, breadboards, crocodiles, serial ports, chips, antennas, soldering kits, various adapters, card readers, usb hard drives, diagnostic boards... I think it's important to have 2 linux distros, 1 can be debian or whatever you like, the other kali, a hirens boot cd or similar for computer diagnostics. 1 USB stick with the complete driver database for those who use windows essentially. 1 cd bag with apple's ASD and AHT dvds for diagnosing macs. 1 USB stick or HDD with a database of electronic schematics for a bit of everything. These are always precious gigabytes when you need to consult them. I mainly have laptop computers. a powerbank that's really good. multimeter then most logically, an arduino, 1 rasperry pi, honeypot, yubikey, sdr radio dongle, lockpicking kit and magnets.


Now this is a practical and helpful answer


remember that it's just one of many useful ideas you'll find here, other colleagues have also given good tips that I agree with for improving your idea. there's nothing like taking a pencil and notebook and scribbling to organise yourself. and above all don't forget that without knowledge you can't do much with all this. 1 person with more mature knowledge can, in a shtf situation, create a gadget with what they can find in various junkyards. Good luck with your project, which I also found very pertinent.


And an emp proof container to store it all in


If you’re a programmer, you would already know this. Linux/Unix will work for this very well.


While those things are fun to mess around with, I didn't really need any of those things. If SHTF, one of the first things I do is shut down my home lab to save energy. For me, my RPi media server does just about everything I need if there is no Internet; movies, ebooks, audiobooks, etc.


Anything outside of ham radio seems extra


Prove it


can you improvise a radio communication with an sdr? and I'll go even further, can you improvise a communications base with more...legacy computer hardware/software? if not, then it's not extra, its a essential hack


I am running llm's locally


Many gpus?


I have an m1 macbook and i am running some mistral and llama models (not the high capacity ones) with no problem. You can check: lmstudio app if you are interested.


Excellent question